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bare foot wader

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Everything posted by bare foot wader

  1. lol that is a good one...they also put out bulletins requesting you not to shoot radio collared animals generally they will tell you to not consume the meat if it was tranq'ed within the past 12 months...but unless they are tagging trophy animals (wouldn't suspect that to be the case) I don't think most people would shoot a tagged animal, I've seen a few radio collared does, friends have seen tagged moose, no tags cut
  2. I'm going to assume you're surf or pier fishing? I'd go with 40 lb PP and a long top shot of 30 or 40 lb mono/fluoro (leader material, not casting line), finish with your wire leader...you want a good topshot to handle the shock of the big hits and runs look into knot 2 kinky wire, learn how to tie proper knots and it's good stuff the guys that were landing fish around you, what were they using?
  3. wicked first post! beauty fish
  4. buddy went to a local hdpe plastic dealer/shop, seemed like they had at least a dozen or so tanks ready for pickup, all custom fit..must be somebody in GTA who could do that, wasn't the cheapest option but was perfect for his boat and got extra capacity
  5. the orvis are pricey, especially after shipping and duty, holding out so far my old gloves were seriously thick knitted wool, were fairly water resistant and blocked the wind the magnet on the orvis is an interesting feature, don't use whip out a compass too often fishing, but definitely something to keep in mind I have seal skinz and kast gloves that I wear with liners, fleece flip overs (not the simms model though), crappy wool fingerless gloves...my old wool flip overs were the best for cold weather, gonna be hard to replace, no clue where I bought them though the fox river double wool mitts look pretty good and cheaper http://www.foxsox.com/catalog/product.aspx?type=subcategory&sortorder=stylenumber&code=GLOMT&selectedstyle=9366
  6. my old gloves finally fell apart a couple years ago, seems like I had them at least 10 years, no clue who made them and everything I've found in stores is no where near the same quality...I do have some other good gloves, but I want another good pair of ragg wool flip overs, looking at ordering the orvis gloves http://www.orvis.com/p/ultra-ragg-fingerless-mittens/8t92 any other options?
  7. don't agree with building laws that restrict honest guys...if somebody is going to poach they will do so regardless of what the regs are I think 2 lines increases hook up opportunity for kids, if it's fun then they'll continue fishing later in life yes, most kids don't have the focus to maintain two rods...so they get tipups instead last winter somebody seemed to be having a family outing on the ice....there were 2 tip ups set for every person by the looks of it...and the kids had a blast running when a flag popped...they released plenty of fish and kept a few pike, perch and walleye and fried them up on the ice that ticket seems like a cash grab to me..increase fines for more serious stuff, over limits, out of season, fishing in sanctuaries, etc
  8. sask just lost some revenue tickets....sensible judge, good on the guy for fighting it
  9. it's no joke about the crime, stay off the beaches at night time...you have one of the poorest zip codes in the country five blocks away from one of the richest apparently, thats what the cop told me when I got mugged lol
  10. great report, looks like a good day in the woods
  11. the built in fan is also a nice feature on the big buddy, but wish it was about 10 times stronger to help with ventilation/condensation, obviously more propane you burn the more condensation you'll get i learned the hard way to get the cover too (well made a cheap cover) to keep snow from icing up the feed tube while travelling spot to spot..once it ices up in that little tube it's hard to clear on the lake, had to go back to truck and let it thaw out
  12. nice fish I think you best post the lake/river mouth, along with detailed directions, so we can all confirm the regs, just looking out for board members eh
  13. was not a fan of my buddy's black cat or the little buddy, but probably be plenty good enough in a small one man have a buddy and big buddy I use depending on which hut I'm fishing out of...not many issues, if you don't keep ventilation you might have issues with the pilot light...I've had the pilot light act up for no apparent reason, jsut randomly blow out and wouldn't re-light...I did a fix where I bolted a little shield to wind guard the pilot, seems to improve that issue I know there is another fix where some guys move the the thermo closer to the pilot, I saw it on iceshanty i think overall happy with mine
  14. you're a better man than me....I would not have corrected the issue with walmart myself, or any big box store (former employee, crappy tire too) I did purhcase a rifle/scope combo several years ago, I was in there the day before and was advised a sale would start the next day, everything was set aside...so the next day I already knew what I was planning on spending and didn't pay much attention at the till, just punched in my debit pin and talking to a friend.,..in my truck I fold the receipt to put away safe and saw the price...she applied 30% off to the scope, which was not on sale and I got a FREE rifle, paid for few boxes of ammo I went back inside and did the right thing, they were pretty much shocked....I got to keep discount on scope, sale price paid on rifle, and offered to let me take a few items at cost, so I got a rifle case for over 50% off
  15. the slocan manhunt in BC for peter de groot was a sad affair, history of mental illness and the situation escaladed quickly and ended sadly but I don't believe religious extremism is indicative of mental illness
  16. I kinda prefer the bed/pin method anyways, litlte more room on the shank to tie not sure about local, but cabelas has micro jigs that I use for perch and trout jigs tiemco makes great hooks too, i have some 45 degree jig hooks in size 14 but I would guess they make 90 degree too
  17. demarco is on my wishlist, is he making more or strictly used market now? I've used islanders and kingpins, but sold them and have 2 john milner reels currently, he can custom porting on the spool if you want http://www.johnmilnerreels.com/
  18. congrats! camp life is either love it or hate it, but if you can make it work it's hard to imagine doing anything else....2 weeks off is great what's the camp like? just in case a posting comes up in the future lol
  19. disgusting, hope they all get mags emptied, and tax payers don't pay for their standard of life in jail....but pretty big coincidence this happens the day after we send 6 jets to the middle east I heard there was a third shooting at the rideau centre?
  20. everybody's been through times before, I'm sure everybody has a story how they ended up there...hats off to the guys that still feel some compassion and sympathy for those in need...sad fact is good intentions are too easily abused, very hard to trust a stranger on the street...smarter bet to donate to a legit charity at work somebody is always doing food/donation drives to help the local community, especially around the holidays...I will donate to the gifts for kids people that are always setup in malls around the holidays (they always get the $20 fishing rod combo from walmart)....I believe that actually helps, more than funding street drug habits last people I helped on the street were setup with a cardboard sign at an intersection, skinniest dog you've ever seen but somehow they could afford hair dye, smokes and a cell phone...stopped at the first store and circled back with a bag of dog food...the girl said thank you about 10 times, dog got to eat dinner for a few nights
  21. looks a great time...rain or shine my lab will lean lurched over the gunnels, intently focused on my casting, doesn't matter 4 hours or 12 hours, doesn't take too many breaks...I feel so bad not catching anything and he gives me that "look"...definitely why do you suck so much type of look
  22. for what it's worth, no issues with my ios8 update....not a fan of the changes to the camera roll format, but not a biggie maybe I need to try blackberry again, last i had one about 5 year ago i hated it, so people actually saying they're user friendly surprises me....big fan of my iphone 5s
  23. a few measurements of the picture with some quick math and you'd get an accurate guess on length beauty fish, the 6-7lb guess looks about right to me
  24. awesome trip and fishin pics, you did well picking the north route I'd say, one of my favourite drives through those canyons around lillooet and lytton and amazing how a big fish can be such a light biter sometimes
  25. you can soak the spruce breasts in baking soda and water to help with the gamey taste...ruffled are definitely better awesome description of smelling the guts, I tried describing to a new hunter, I said dirty socks and cheetos lol
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