The fish in question wasnt a monster. But when it happens that fast and tgen a considerable time goes by, doubt definately starts to creep in and the "jinx" gets harder to shake. You get away from what it was that got the first one and spend too much effort on shaking the voodoo and not the presentation or area. Didnt help that everyone that we talked to had negative things to say about the fish activity that day.
Youre sure doing well if you can get out on Rainy R. 4-5 times a week! Looks like a great year for you, a 47" pike is a trophy by anyones standards. Congrats!
Nice fish msp! Bang on about fishing new lakes and paying attention to the moment rather than fishing the past. Looks like a great year!! Too bad about the injury, hopefully it heals before the ice.
Gonna give the net dip a try as well. Every time I take my net out, no teeth . One hard and fast rule is, like others, no bananas. Highdrifter can attest to the power of the smuggled yellowpeel .
Atta boy Geoff! Nothing wrong with the only pic of that fish being in your head! You did good and the fishing gods will reward your goodwill toward that ski.