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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Is that anything like an ID 10 T ? Was told that was the problem I was experiencing...
  2. Glad i took my time getting to the cottage today! Gonna load the boat shortly and go chase down some teeth! Stopped raining now and should be good to go within the half-hour! Let the games begin!
  3. Nice going Mercman! Thats a fine gesture for sure.
  4. That is one beautiful fish! Congrats on the PB Aaron, youll be hard pressed to top that one!
  5. Thanks for the replies, guys. I did find a small split in one of the small lines going through the fuel filter, but its below the zip tie i put on there after the same line split last year and leaked gas all over the place. I cut it back and put the tie on to keep it from shifting on the fitting. Maybe its time to replace it... The problem seems to go away if im running it at half throttle, so ive just been riding it until I can get a new line. Ill report back if that solves the problem. Also, the seafoam idea is sounds lime a good one. Ill pick some up before the next trip up. Thanks again!
  6. Got the boat in the water at about 730 or so this morning. I´ve already had it in this year and it ran as always. Great. Got to my sweet spot about 8 and was quite surprised to see some big musky in the spawning area along with some VERY nice pike. So sight fishing was on! Water was steady at 68.5 in this area. Problem was, to properly ID the fish before making a presentation. ¨Are those spots or stripes?¨ The water is very tannic in this section, so you almost have to get on top of the fish, ID it, and then make a slow retreat. One clang of the oar across the bow, or the shadow of the rod as the lure pitched toward the spot and all that remains is a cloud of sediment. Caught sight of one such pike, a fat female that id like to call 40in, but since I didn´t have a tape or a good pic, I´ll just call high 30s. I tied on a very bright waveworm that I have in just such a case and dropped it approx. 3ft in front of it. And shook and paused. Shook and paused. I was close enough to see her eyes turn and focus on the bait. Forward motion. Cloud of sediment. Hookset! Got her in the boat a minute or two later and set her free to do her business. DIV.15 opener success! Tried for a few more but came up empty handed so started to make my way back to the cottage and thats where the motor issue popped up. This is a 30hp Mariner thats run like a charm since I got it. The problem first started at full speed stuttering before getting back to speed. Got back to the cottage and checked the fuel filter, checked that there was no debris in the carb, made sure all my fuel lines were intact... All the basic stuff that my limited knowledge could come up with. My buddies tranny was slipping the other day on the way home and thats about the closest I can come to describing the stutter, although it is more of an RPM thing than a gear slipping. Any and all thoughts on this would be truly welcome. Thanks. I´ll try and upload the pic from my phone alittle later. Hope everyones enjoying the BEAUTY day!
  7. Nice fish LF! Congrats on the PB!
  8. Wow Hominick is a STUD! Can't believe the damage he took. I think if he got his game off earlier, it would've been a different fight. Very entertaining either way!!! My hats off to him. I'm not predicting the next fight... WAR GSP!!!
  9. I said the same thing! "If done properly, no-one can defend..." Great win for Machida! Calling Hominick for the upset.
  10. While I write a cheque... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Maz9ddxEQnM
  11. Thanks for the replies. Guess that settles it. I'll be posting in the what song are you listening to thread shortly
  12. I'm really amazed the tax cops aren't out in full force at every garage sale from here to wawa. Or tracking Craigslist/kijii etc. Private sale should mean just that. I'm just fed up with this nonsense. Just filed my return the other day and had to pay back 30% of the EI I had to claim for going to trade school. Now this. Brutal...Guess I have to pay, but like I said :wallbash: :wallbash:
  13. I had a trailer. They didn't give me the option when I registered the boat and, like Gbay mentioned, why should we(me in this case) be paying a tax on something thats already been taxed?
  14. Maybe 4 yrs ago, I bought a boat from a friend of mine. I registered the boat and have the ownership papers. Everything is tickety-boo. Until today when I received a letter from the good ole Government of Ontario asking if I've paid sales tax on it and to please remit a cheque, thank-you very much. Is this normal? Anyone else ever have to pay tax on a second-hand boat? And why wouldn't they advise me of this when I registered it at the Gov. office, 4YEARS ago? Any replies would be great! Edit: They aren't asking about a trailer. The tax "owing" is for the boat.
  15. I´d be really surprised if the ice here on 12mile lasts another 24hrs.
  16. I can't even respond to this thread in a sensible manner...
  17. Went with the Pirellis after all. Rated very high in its class and after a small rebate comes in just under $800 installed, balanced and full alignment. Very smooth and quiet compared to what I was riding on. Thanks for all the input! See you on the road...
  18. Just forlaughs, I'd just like to point out that the Presidents trophy was awarded this year to a team that Burke and Nonis built.
  19. Thanks Dunner, thats the site I've been doing most of the technical comparisons. Theres nothing like a consumer review from people who've actually put some Kms on to get a better sense of what it is you're buying. Ended up with today off, so looks like I'll be out for some new treads shortly.
  20. As it stands now, Richards may be a good centre. But for an guy that has only ever broken the 90pt barrier twice to be called "elite" is laughable, and it would be hard to swallow the kind of contract he's going to demand. IMO Richards can say what he wants, I'd rather Burke not even go close to him with an offer sheet.
  21. Thanks for the responses guys. After a little more research, I'm not sure the Pirellis are my choice. Either going with the hydro-edge or the Harmony. Looked into the X, but seems like its only available through Costco, which isn't even that great of a deal to begin with. Going to pit a couple of quotes against one another before making the purchase this week. Thanks again!
  22. Although Kijii and craigslist have some good prices, there is no warranty or other benefits that buying new can offer. Also, if they aren't already mounted on rims you're looking at that to add onto the total bill + balancing+ possible alignment and on and on. Not saying its a bad idea. I'd be lying if I told you that I haven't looked into it, been checking CL daily, in fact.
  23. Looking to buy some new tires for my 2007 Rendezvous as the belt has shifted in one of the front tires. Rear tires are pretty well done as well. So a new set of 4 is in order. I've done a little research on tires and am stuck now between the Pirelli P4 and Michelin Harmony/Destiny models. Anyone have an opinion on either of these tires? I've read similar questions on a few motoring forums, but the QandA usually reflects use on small cars and southern driving. Obviously, the users here share more similar driving conditions ie: towing, variable conditions, long distances, etc. Any help would be great guys. Thanks.
  24. You've been giving the same ambiguous statement for years, gb. Like other guys, I didn't catch it and don't give a rats about the record. But your responses to these threads suck. "I know the truth and one day it shall be revealed..." OOOHHH so mysterious. We only have until Dec.21st of next year apparently, so why not do everyone the favour of solving this mind trap once and for all?
  25. I pet my Lund daily and whisper "soon darlin', soon".

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