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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. This guy has spiders for fingers. He's rediculous. And yes he does have a knack for fashion. Believe me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPY8JYqkLms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8PP8bzuY9A&feature=related
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lazyDlfaptM Can't get it out of my head.
  3. First time the boat gets up on plane in the spring.
  4. I'm with Miller. Nothing wrong with some nachos and wings to go along with the brown pops! Has more of an event feel to it too.
  5. What, exactly, is he going to spend? Sabres salaries
  6. So true. My wife asks still and I've gone fishing with quite a few guys off the intrawebs. It actually is a tad more weird when you're trying to explain it to non-fisher friends...
  7. I was really set on buying an Escape until I drove one. Go and test both and see which is best for you. I agree with Raf, though. Go out and get an 8 if the vehicle comes with that option. I ended up with a v6 and although it does the trick towing, I wish I had upped the power of the motor. I drive to and from T.O. everyday and it absolutely Guzzles fuel. Mind you, I went from a chevy Cavalier so...
  8. Was up at 12 mile last weekend, never got a chance to go out. I did drill a few holes out front of the cottage and was pleased to find an average of 8"thick ice. The warm spell that melted all the snow froze what was on top of the ice. I took a drive around and saw the guys setting up huts at the Red umbrella. Mountain had alot of open water at the inlet from 12Mile. Alot of open water, in fact, wherever there was any current on most of the lakes from Beech on down to Mountain. Give a call anyways, theres a smattering of huts on pretty much every lake. Hope this helps.
  9. Good times meng! Lots of variety there for sure. Hope this year keeps 'em on yer hook!
  10. Yeah, not holding out too much hope for the bigger lakes. A short drive any which way has access to smaller bodies that might have some more stable ice. I'll bring a long rod in any event... Edit: We share the same waters Fishboy. I'll let you know how things go!
  11. Heading up New Years day and itching to hit the ice this weekend. Anyone going up the 1st or 2nd and want to hook up? I'll be just north of Minden.
  12. Congrats man! Was caught on a minnow and balloon? Florida FTW!
  13. We have something called the 12 tears of Christmas. My wife loves beautiful stories and especially stories of giving in the true spirit of the season. I sat her down to read your post and your story gave her tear #10. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas Lew!!!
  14. Love the Elvis BB! Can't get through the season without this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGBUd80mghY&feature=related
  15. Heres to feeling fun this festive season! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiOwX5G7OpY
  16. Tough luck Dara. If the inspector signed off on it, hes on the hook. Don't know exactly who you'd get ahold of at this time, some of the more knowledgeable contractors around here may have an answer for you.
  17. If you haven't already turned off and drained your outside hosebibs, its a good time to do so. This is the kind of weather that'll pop your pipes in no time! Happy holidays!
  18. The pics almost do the conditions justice...I'd do it again tomorrow if I could! Thanks for the season ending ride Cudz, hopefully get out one more time for some toothy critters before the boating season is over and then its hardwater time!
  19. Wow.Welcome aboard! That is a niiiiice fish man! Congrats.
  20. Yeah that was a big fish man. Even bigger in person! Hopefully a few more like that before the water hardens up!
  21. Sounds like you have a real trooper, irish. Thoughts and prayers for your daughter and family.
  22. ^^^The stache should answer that question. Nice one man. Wish I could've joined. Looked like a great day to be on the water.
  23. My neighbours tell me I can't go near their kids with the dirt-stick I've got started. But then December comes along and we're friends again. This'll be the second year for me. It doesn't seem to be getting any more dignified...
  24. Nice fish man. Just goes to show you, you never know whats going to happen out there. At least one of you got lucky! :clapping:LOL
  25. I've been waiting to see that tank. WOW! Anyone put any stock in the moon phase in relation to the catches these guys put together? Those bags are S...I...C...K...
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