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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. The guy pulling the wire is so lucky to be alive despite his stupidity. The pilot as well. Wow...
  2. I tried topwaters with braid last year and got used to it pretty quickly. I tie on a rods length of 12lb fluoro and found all the problems relative to the lure fouling solved. Just have to remember that, with braid, all thats needed is a flick of the wrist to set the hook. Long gone are the days that you have to wait and feel the fish as its taking the bait. As soon as the fish makes a commotion, set the hook.
  3. Saw a few 'skis on the weekend. A few were in the spawning area, some on a flat directly adjacent, and a few were cruising a slackwater off an inflow. Thinking those locations are par for the course at this time of year. That being said, there werent as many fish as I had expected. So theres a good possibility that the majority had come and gone already. Like lew, i find shallow fish to be the hottest. But the biggest post-spawn fish i encounter come from short (10-15ft) shallow ledges that drop into the main basin. Thick trees that extend into open water hold some beeeauty specimens. Spinnerbait or spinnerbait are good options. Dont leave home without one. Husky Jerks work good as well and are one of the best "small" lures you can pitch! Wow, im getting pumped now!!
  4. What do people expect, exactly??? Used to be No Flora, No Fauna. If youre going to sit back and allow non-native species to be sold, there are going to be consequences. So here is a prime example. As if they didnt have enough problems.
  5. Not even with a boga.
  6. The preferred bait is mice...
  7. Maybe theyre trying to get info on who has guns up in these parts. You know being down 1-0 in the series still smarts deep down... Im joking, of course.
  8. The cedar plank version i jeard involved a chipmunk. Rodents are vile creatures. I wouldnt use such a technique. Probably because i wouldnt want to catch one of the various diseases it could potentially be carrying. If my partner pulled one out and sank a hook in it, im not sure how id feel. Just dont get any blood on my stuff and wed probably be ok...
  9. Theyre trying to determine if any carp were near the barriers at the time. How much do you think this will cost?
  10. Awesome shots Brandon, i always enjoy your photos. While these might not have the same backdrop as some of your other work, that bear is absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing!
  11. When in doubt, call highdrifter...
  12. Im guessing something more nefarious... http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/05/12/swimmers-urine-to-blame-for-500-fish-deaths-german-fishermen-say/?test=latestnews#ixzz1ufcrhhbX
  13. Thats a very generous offer. If i wasnt in Haliburton, youd have one more Team member aboard! Good luck tomorrow.
  14. 1/2oz most of the time, smallies gobble em up like candy. I broke too many expensive ones, so i fish Booyah. Cheap enough to replace, plus, i like the vibration it gives off. 14lb mono all day and night.
  15. Nice pike! Hard to beat a couple of fish like that!
  16. Without knowing the full scoop, im going to guess that the lakes that hold tigers are stocked with them and dont hold muskie?
  17. Always have a chuckle at that...
  18. Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands! Good for you to create some opportunities for yourself rather than sitting around wishing otherwise. And then, to go out on a tourney day with no real knowledge of that waterbody and get a couple of beauties like that? Well done sir, hats off to you!
  19. That was kind of you to let Fidel hold your fish. Great shots!
  20. You are so spoiled. You have no idea! Beauty fish as always.
  21. The lakewater in Haliburton is only as high as it is until the May long weekend. Then the tides will turn and we'll be seeing lots of docks ending in beaches. The Kawarthas will be happy that they can use their locks so screw everyone else... And for what, exactly? How much commercial traffic absolutely NEEDS to get from top to bottom there? I for one have been pretty worried about this situation for awhile now.
  22. Strange. The way some guys are talking, bass have essentially spawned already. That must mean walleye were done a month ago! Not to worry guys, the fish populations are in good hands... My phone doesnt have a sarcasm font BTW...
  23. In response to the OP, Ive seen our traditionally oligatrophic lake undertake the change toward mesotrophic. The perch have exploded and warmwater predators are on the rise. The downfall is that the lake trout and whitefish catch numbers, from what i gather talking to other anglers, are down. Being more of a bass guy than a laker guy, this doesnt bother me. On the surface anyways. The true litmus test should really come from waters that have limited urban exposure. Cottage lakes seem to be getting more and more "urbanized" all the time. Fertilizers for the manicured lawn, pesticides for the ornamental gardens... Im sure you know where this all goes. So to judge how the overall reaction to changing weather patterns go, heavily travelled areas arent really the bees knees when looking for pure results. There are just too many things that are also picking away at the ecosystem. As far as climate change and Global warming go, im just going to listen and observe before i can say for certain where i lay my hat... http://www.financialpost.com/m/wp/business-insider/blog.html?b=business.financialpost.com/2012/04/11/49-former-nasa-scientists-go-ballistic-over-agencys-bias-over-climate-change
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