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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Hope to see some smiling faces this morning
  2. Welcome to the Old Pharts club. Better start buying stock in Geritol and Depends
  3. A lot of lakes in the area heavily populated with bass, bass, and more bass.
  4. They are invasives. Destroy and inform the MNR of the sighting.
  5. Anybody here going to the Niagara Outdoor Show this weekend? If you get a chance, stop by and say hello
  6. A nuisance line down niagara.... "Catch any dead bodies lately????" I must hear it at least once a week Perhaps I should ask if they are volunteering
  7. You didn't really think that people in the news media actually posessed any real intelligence
  8. Sown here in Niagara we are 3 weeks ahead. Last year we were 3 weeks behind. It averages out in the end. All I know is my garlic has already shot a good 4" out of ground and I'm laying weed mats.
  9. They hit the little players in hopes of eventually forcing them out of the game. Less competition all round.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/embed/D2_c81Nnsc0
  11. Already started 55-65' depth out Pt Colborne way.
  12. By jove I think he's got it!!
  13. Such a sad event. I am sorry you had the experience. Such a terrible thing to cause such suffering, and the loss you endure. A few years back, we had a fellow in Beamsville who left dishes of antifreeze out at night, and a number of cats and dogs were cruelly killed. I sincerely hope that is not the case this time.
  14. I haven't been to a LeBaron's since the old Willowdale store. Got treated like dirt the last time there. I walked in after work, and after asking for some help selecting a new reel, I was led to the discount reels and told I might have better luck at Zellers. I will never step foot into any business posessing such an arrogant attitude.
  15. BPS gets 2 visits a year. Once, before Christmas to give the Mrs some gift ideas. Once if I'm running home early from a fishing trip and the traffic is too heavy. I hate sitting 3 hours just to get through Toronto.
  16. If Brian stopped to say hi to all of us, he'd have no time left fer his better half.
  17. I think you got way more bang for the buck following plan "B". You also got a day you'll not likely forget.
  18. Such a beauty weekend out there. Pity the pannies were not as co-operative. Found a school of "monster" crappie The odd sunfish and the first kitty of the season. Far too many LMB mixed in with the panfish and very agressive. Casey got to go on his first fishing expedition. His first introduction to the prey. Casey meet dinner. After a long day outdoors it was time to kick back and relax, while watching the Sens take a fall.
  19. Wish there was a dealer down my way
  20. You are operating a motorized vessel on a public waterway. I'm still amazed that it is not a requirement considering just about every other motorized recreational vehicle, ie; skidoo, atv, require insurance Even though boater insurance is not mandatory at this time, good sense would dictate you have some manner of coverage
  21. Let me introduce you all to Casey. Took him a couple of days to settle in, but he's ruling the roost now. Quite the little rascal at 14 weeks. Loves chewing on my feet.
  22. Figured as much, and rightly so. Just don't seem right. Tie up the courts with senseless tickets while reported drug dealers run free in the streets to continue doing business.
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