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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Time for some serious chill, 70's style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8l5fthffiE
  2. Makes it easier to identify the corpses bobbing face first in the water
  3. I hope all goes well for your Dad. Sadly, it eventually happens to us all. We watch the decline in out loved one's health, and are powerless to stop it. In time our loved ones will look on as we suffer that same fate.
  4. It only works if enforcement is available to answer a callout. There are 3 CO's available to cover 15 of 21 shifts, minus vacation time, sickness, court days. Assignments to surveillance and special task forces, etc.... The same shortage occurs throughout the province, and most local police are utterly unqualified to fill the gap. and when they try, at least in Niagara, they screw up royally.
  5. You never heard of the "Blue" Mountains?
  6. There is an extensive and lucrative market for both Painted and Map turtles. I've seen some of these people at work at some of the ponds, armed with dipnets and coolers, combing the shoreline for small turtles. Have called the MNR a few times. Sadly, no one available, as the Niagara region cannot have 24/7 coverage with a 3 man team.
  7. Just wait until the pup discovers the taste of fish. The moment I start warming the pan, the dogs are in the kitchen wrapped around my feet. So far, Casey has not made an attempt at stealing from the table.
  8. Nothing a glass or 2 of the finest won't cure.
  9. No better combination than beans, meat and beer. Bush are no substitute for homemade, but they are pretty good. Just remember, no more than 2 bean eaters should be in the room at any given time.
  10. Probably cuz a lot of us grew up watching Blazing Saddles. Remember Mongo?
  11. I see you two got bit by the puppy bug after visiting with Casey last week Sure looks like a cute little fella. He'll grow on you real quick, too
  12. I'm sorry, but taking the cappuchino machine camping is so urban limp wristed. Whatever happened to the good old tin pot over the fire, a dash of salt and some eggshells fer good measure. A man should be able to chew his coffee
  13. Tough to book cabins just for a weekend in mid-summer. Nice places on Nip like Memquisit, Lakair and my favourite, Shuswap. All on the West Arm.
  14. It's all about the lawyers. What happens when Lola Granola sues the network because her child was "traumatized" by the site of blood? The disclaimer helps get them off the hook. This is just one of the consequences of a limp wristed modern society. Don't want to know about the realities of fending for oneself and can't cope if they tried.
  15. I love reading all the adventures of Happy Jack. Puts a great big smile on my face and makes my day. Put him in a "Tiddly suit" and we can call him "Jolly Jack"
  16. IF you want the carpet to last any length of time, do not go with the cheapest line. Whether carpet or underpad, they will not last. Amount of traffic is also a factor in choosing underpad for different parts of the house. Is insulating "R" ratings a factor? How about the flooring's ability to muffle sound?
  17. Great work with the school tanks as well. A great learning opp, and introduction to fishing , for the kids.
  18. What a great day. The swap meet was very busy. So many familiar and new faces. Glad to have been able to have at least a few words with every one. Casey sure enjoyed all the attention and was plum tuckered out at the end of it all. Hope you guys enjoy the salsa Thanks for making it a good day.
  19. Can't get much sympathy for any one of them. Maybe the company came down too hard for the violations, but it was within the employer's right to do.
  20. Sounds like a geat outing.
  21. Like they say, a Newf can find his way through the dirtiest gale and thickest fog, but on a sunny day.....
  22. They were crossing the Niagara last week.
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