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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. At the rate things are going I'll be back to driving a horse and buggy in 10 years time, Lew.
  2. Hopefully, someone will give the cabbie a "gelding" as payment for the anguish caused. Hard thing to live through, then be told it was a misunderstanding.
  3. Depends on location. East or west of Toronto, Niagara?
  4. Judging by the deafening silence, I gather Ontario anglers prefer to cower.
  5. The OFAH is very careful about the fights they pick. They specialize more as a lobby group and stay out of open fights with government. In the 2 fights over resource management I have been a part of, the OFAH was advised and kept informed, but all the OFAH did was sit quietly and observe. All the same, I asked the same question of the OFAH. Do we stand up or cower?
  6. The point I am making is simple. The MNR is supposed to manage our resources, and also represent our resource interests with the DFO. The MNR has been continually gutted over the past 3 decades, thus they are less and less capable of fulfilling the mandate. Why else do you think CO's have almost become an endangered species. Put simply it comes to this. We argue in circles, then meekly and quietly accept the losses, over and over again. Personally I think it's time to stand up and act or be quiet. We cannot always wait for a brave single individual to do all our fighting for us.
  7. So we have all this discussion about safeguards to fisheries being removed, and the MNR being gutted, yet again. As a few have mentioned it has to be made an issue. For that to happen, Queen's Park and the media needs to see a crowd of unhappy people at the doorstep before they take notice. Do we have what it takes here at OFC to make such a thing happen? Letters to editors get buried. Letters to MPs and MPPs get ignored. Besides burying our heads in the sand, what other alternatives do we have? We have members from numerous different clubs, organizations and angler communities here to reach out to their groups to put more pressure to bear.
  8. Because most victims/the public don't like to admit they've been raped.
  9. Today's corporate business plan looks for quick profits. They do not see long term strategies. The same reason that most family businesses have sold out by the 3rd generation. They want the reward without the blood, sweat and tears, and really don't give a hoot about tomorrow, so they simply sell out. Politically, as long as the party coffers are kept full, neither the Grits or Tories are going to care about the long term consequence.
  10. Streamlining, downsizing, simplifying.... Sounds like more excuses for watering down environment and resource protection for the benefit of corporate interests/ More clearcut logging, pit mines, tailing ponds and quarries.
  11. Area of jurisdiction extends from the eastern beaches to the Humber island area . All are part of the greater "Port" waters and require the harbour license.
  12. Also back from them good ole days... And my favourite.....
  13. Here's the video. I still remember, as part of the football team, streaking through the school dance with this playing.
  14. Maybe some oil execs need to take a swim in their own ooze.
  15. One time is an incident. No you should not trust the dog as if nothing had happened, but it is not enough to put the dog down. You need to reassert the rules and change the way you and the family behave with the dog so to modify the dog's behaviour. If there is a second biting, well, you know what needs doing. It is no easy thing to put a friend down, and I have been called a murderer by my children for putting down one of our dogs after repeat attacks. There are no clear answers. Just do, what in your heart, is right.
  16. Hybridization of sunfish stocks are a big business in the U.S., so it could also be an hybrid. Even here in Ontario, hybrids of bluegill/pumpkinseed can get quite large.
  17. We used to catch carp from the Haida, back in the early 70's, and some were monsters.
  18. Lots of nice places to choose from. Derhurst, Windermere, Domain of Killean, etc.... A number in the Haliburton Highlands that my neice has worked for.
  19. Classic oldphart pose if you ask me. Casey and I are already hard at work perfecting the position.
  20. Petsmart has Xsmall jackets for toys up to 10 lbs. Small dogs may swim, but won't last for long if they fall out of the boat. No different than having a small child in a boat.
  21. Congratulations . May you and your family share a life of endless joy and love.
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