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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Another shining example of our tax dollars protecting the resource against corporate greed. Thank you MNR.
  2. Happens here all the time. Locals too cheap to take stuff to the dump or hazardous waste depot. We just lost 2 more local spots because of the dumping in Thorold.
  3. I just have to plan my outings more carefully.
  4. Maybe you should ask some people who actually know something about the subject. Someone with a coastguard or navy background. Maybe someone from TC. The rules are simple, A salvager takes it under control before it hits territorial waters or you sink it as an hazard to navigation before it can interfere with the coastal shipping lanes. Can't teach a lubber nuthin!
  5. Every Easter weekend, my kids and I have gone to small tribs for suckers or trout with varying success. This afternoon the son joined me to continue our Easter hunt. Armed with some canned corn, we went off to hunt for suckers so we could have some fresh catfish bait. Try as we would we could not find any. All we found were these little freight trains. A great little afternoon excursion.
  6. Isn't it great Simon? Having your little man fishin side by side with you, watchin him grow.
  7. But not at their mark up. Every Esso, Sunoco and Petrocan is pegged 2-3 cents more than the small chains here.
  8. Why? Under international maritime law a derelict ship is free to whoever wants to take it under right of salvage. Further, under maritime law any derelict considered a potential hazard to navigation may be sunk or destroyed as deemed necessary. These are long accepted conventions.
  9. I don't buy from those 3 anyways. Lots of small stations always selling gas for cheaper.
  10. Using a few shells in target practice will sink it, but slowly. Certainly cheaper than guided missiles at a cost $250000 or more a piece. Of course, the USCG does not have access to that type of armament, just a bow mounted light gun
  11. Amazing how nature can just up and reveal itself up close like that.
  12. An occassional spritz of B-9 on the lawn should keep it from growing for weeks (lol)
  13. It was necessary to return the beagle to the shelter. Her previous owner must have beaten the dog a lot because it was terrified of my cane, and would yelp and howl with every bump and noise. Not the best circumstances in an apertment. The fellow running the shelter did not realize she was that badly spooked either, but Molly was happy as all get out to be back at the shelter.
  14. A Newfie won a fishing boat in a raffle and tows it home. His wife looks at him and says, "What in the name o' Lard Jasus are you gonna do with dat, bye? We lives on a farm. There's nary a bit o' water within 75 miles o' 'ere." He says, "Don't care. I won 'er and I'm gonna keep 'er."... Several days later the Newfie's brother comes over to visit. He looks out in the field behind the house and sees his brother sitting in a fishing boat in the middle of the field with a fishing rod in his hand. He stands at the edge of the field and yells out to him, "What the frig are you doin'?" His brother calls back, "I'm fishin'. What the frig does it look like I'm a doin'?" His brother yells back, "Lard tunderin' my son, it's people like you that gives us Newfies a bad name, making everyone think we're stupid. If'n I could swim, I'd come out there and kick you in the friggin arse."
  15. Sorry for the lopsided pics. I pre edited and rotated the pics but Photobucket seems screwed up at the moment.
  16. Casey seems to like smelts more than perch. Gonna have to find some real soon. That's almost the end of last year's haul.
  17. When I first started working, Minimum wage was 2.25. Back then a pack of smokes was 0.80. A mickey was 1.85, or 2.15 for good stuff. A loaf of bread was a dime. Today, the pack of smokes is avg of 7.50. A regular mickey is 14.00, and a plain loaf of white bread from 1.99 to 3.00!!! a loaf. Against today's minimum wage, the working man's buying power has certainly shrunk. At McD's I still remember their boast of buying a meal and getting change back from a buck.
  18. YOu know the old saying...."Fences make the best neighbours"
  19. I'll bet you were one of them guys that used to love extra trips running the assault course.
  20. Shimano does not have immunity from producing lemons. I've seen a lot of stradics fall apart in under a year as well. I guess the problem is simply one of cutting costs as popularity and demand rise. As Pfleugers are now very popular, increased production usually results in less QC monitoring. Same thing happened to Mitchell. Great reel until they moved production to the Pacific. They've produced nothing but disposable crap ever since.
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