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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Nothing but rain and fog here in Niagara
  2. Had my first glass of nog this evening as a wee reward. Hopefully we get to share a nip or 2 from the recipe out on the ice this winter
  3. It just would not be Christmas without a good mixture of traditional brandies. To go with the elderberry I have a bottle of Napoleon and a bottle of Lingonberry. Just right for keeping the chill off.
  4. Finally got to bottling the annual batch of elderberry brandy. Now to find somewhere to hide it when the offspring visit. They inhale the stuff.
  5. Another "much ado about nothing" weather report. I'll still be turning soil next week.
  6. I used to watch cancer inpatients huddling outside the hospital doors to have another smoke. Addiction is a powerful thing. It took a mass coronary for me to quit.
  7. If I had known about this last night.....
  8. Growing up in the Muskokas certainly had its advantages before development swallowed up all the shoreline. We did a backwater canoe trip that took us from Pt Severn to the French River one summer. Some real long hikes with the canoes on our shoulders. It was just beautiful. For most of the trip, nary a soul around except when we hit the big lakes. Crossed through a couple of reserves, but we had friends there. One of which, George, was part of our foursome, and that was before folks had started to draw lines in the sand. No schedule or deadline to meet, and plentiful fishing the whole time we were out. Oh to be a teenager once more (without some of the other baggage LOL)
  9. In my house, the bacon would be stripped off by the vultures long before the bird hit the table
  10. My 2 man sits in the minivan once ice season starts. At that moment the vehicle becomes a 2 seater til I put the hut back on storage, I'm nowhere near ready for ice fishing.
  11. Happens in a number of stores. I'll give a shop 2 chances. After that, I won't waste my time there.
  12. Max looks like he would fit in perfectly with my relatives.
  13. There is always some despicable pig, waiting in the wings, willing to take advantage of the good will and charity of others.
  14. Glad you had a great outing. The bassin can be fantasmic at the House of Mouse. I am disappointed to hear they changed the rules about fishing at the park. You used to be able to shore fish in various parts of the park, as long as it was not in the main attraction and traffic areas. Used to be able to fish from shore in the campground, Pop Century, Dixie Landings.
  15. The problem with almost all mattresses is the groove they develop. The only way to slow the process is to be turning your mattress every 1-2 weeks. Have lived with congenital spinal problems most of my life, I have yet to find the right mattress. I've had several recommended to me by MD's and Chiro's over the decades. None of these 10 and 20 year warranties are worth the paper they are written on, regardless of brand. The mattress I have now is starting to wear after 3 years with rotating the mattress on a regular basis. Bought it through a contact in the hotel industry, and paid $400. Certainly was cheaper, and lasted longer, than the last bed, a Sealy.
  16. True Canajun stoners ate Joe Louis' and half moons
  17. Looks like you and the Mrs is having a ball
  18. He got a slap on the wrist. Nothing more than a couple of day's profit.
  19. If you use Photobucket, the images you put up become part of the "community" domain. Outside of advertising, there has to be some way the site pays for itself.
  20. Give him some time. He'll have you trained soon enough
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