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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Used to run a small evaporator years back. Gave it to a friend some years back when the woodlot was bulldozed for a subdivision. 40 gallons sap boils down to 1 gallon syrup. We ran the evaporator over a wood fired brick pit. Took roughly 14 hours to get it thick enough, but it was a great all day activity. Start up the boil and drip, then go draw fresh sap, outdoor cookouts, taffy pulls. I like my syrup as a light amber grade. The later in the season you draw sap, the darker the syrup gets.
  2. Got hit with the same Trojan last month. Seems the Mrs opened a blank email called iedive. It managed to bypass my AV software.
  3. I would think any time from now, depending on location and the kind of winter we've had this year.
  4. Now these boys know how to grow a beard. Long live Rednecks
  5. The Sargasso sea in the middle of the Atlantic is now a floating garbage dump that we have known about for decades. There are beaches, throughout the world, covered in plastics to a depth of over a foot. Despite knowing all this there has been no real effort to deal with the complex trash problem. Midway is only another symptom. Truth is the problem will not go away because no one wants to foot the bill.
  6. Sad, but it's always been an accepted hardship for that way of life. I am thankful it does not happen often any more. My prayers go out to the families and community.
  7. It comes under Transport Canada. Applications available at most Service Canada offices. In the past it was free, don't know if it still is.
  8. I had kinda hoped to do a little fishing , or check out the fishing show, this weekend. As always, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all. Son and daughter were moving into a new place this weekend. All was planned, arranged, etc.... Daughter winds up back in hospital for treatment.. Being a stubborn child ( don't know where she gets it ), she never let on she was in difficulties again. Got a message on moving day that she had been admitted the day before. Needless to say, all was chaos, much of the daughter's stuff had not been packed yet. 10 pm Friday night, and 100+ round trips on 4 flights of steps we vacate the old apartment. At the other end , the young fellas just piled everything into the middle of her bedroom and the kitchen. Yesterday was used to recover from overdoing things and the 2 spills. Apparently I'm not supposed to be climbing all them stairs. Today was the start of sorting out my daughters furniture and things, a mercy run to the hospital with some necessities, and 5 loads of the daughter's laundry. Tommorrow I'll tackle some more of the mountain and some repairs. The Mrs tries to help, but the right arm is tied to a sling for the next 6 weeks to recover from surgery. What else could go wrong? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgx3TCnIH80
  9. Computer's clean, just had it in and upgraded my AV, the glich only happens here @ OFC. We'll see what clearing the cookies does.
  10. Over the past 2 weeks, with increasing frequency, have been getting "404 webpage not found" messages when opening some of the topics in general discussion. Newest is Lew's mini rant.
  11. Many of us can remember back 25-40 years back when the Sportsman Show was really different. It was a different time and a different animal. It was packed full with small tackle shops, independents. manufacturers. They are all long gone. Just like most of your small town, mom and pop, bait and tackle shops. Gone. Todays shows are for the big players and for those with deep pockets. Yes the promoters try to bring in small vendors, but as Craig pointed out it takes a lot of money with small hope of return. At least in a trade show you are paying to place your product before a known audience of buyers and sellers where the goal is not the single sale at the show, but the addition of long term customers you have managed to attract, and the retention of existing contacts.
  12. They tried for 2 years to convince me to hop onboard. Just could not see a way I would come out ahead.
  13. Fees can range to $3000 per season for the lot. Many parks have additional service fees over and above that. Some have stipulations on age and size of seasonal units. Many RV parks and conservation areas can also have long waiting lists for seasonal sites.
  14. Haven't got my fiil of icefishing yet. Then again, I never got my fill of softwater last year either.
  15. Down in Niagara, a few prime locales were ruined after fishing show episodes were filmed there, complete with location details.
  16. Don't think the Mrs would much appreciate me leaving her alone at home.
  17. Clinic visits Friday. Hoping to get there during the weekend.
  18. I'm used to gas in Niagara being 5 cents more than Orillia
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