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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. Welcome to the NFL the Toronto Bills hahahahahahahaha
  2. 20 bucks and alittle muck, small price to pay for a good day on the water
  3. New owners, welcome to the NHL the Winnipeg Sabers hahahahahahahahaha
  4. hahahahahahah......and there building a Bass Pro shop in Buffalo aswell
  5. wow...this is like a once a week rant now.......give it a rest, at least till 2011
  6. Cats & Dogs don't normally watch TV because there brain processes site information at a different speed then humans, we may process information at 30 frames per second where animals process at 60 frames per second.What we see appears normal but for the animals the screen would resemble a TV where the verticle hold isn't working just flipping images, if DVD's are available for animals they would have to be filmed at the frame per second that the animal would process.
  7. If it wasn't for the Monster it would have been 10-3 .....like I said the Leafs are brutal,the goalie at least kept them in this one
  8. The whole team is brutal, they were horrible friday night and worse last night....absolutly no chemistry or confidence.They play alittle better at home but on the road there pathetic....anyway GO LEAFS GO hahahahahaha.
  9. Forced retirment......I think maybe his opinions, right or wrong, are not going over well with sponsors or networks.
  10. good luck, the Niagara will be a mud hole for a week with these west winds
  11. Maybe it's time to hire a charter and learn the tricks
  12. Rainbow skien works best in the winter,tie it up the same as other roe.....it's alittle messy but it works great.
  13. Not so true, Brian Burke has money and cap room, teams not doing so well will be looking to move contracts soon while the going is good. You get closer to the deadline your options become slimmer
  14. Versteeg wow what a performance.......wait a minute it was 5 against 3, I'm telling you the Leafs are lucky enough to play the rest of the season 5 on 3 they may make the playoffs hahahahaha.Versteeg looks like Crosby when the other team only has 3 players. Come on Leaf fans they were horrible 5 on 5, bad 5 on 4 but no to bad 5 on 3.I'm not even a Leaf hater but man there an awfull team.
  15. Versteeg wow what a performance.......wait a minute it was 5 against 3, I'm telling you the Leafs are lucky enough to play the rest of the season 5 on 3 they may make the playoffs hahahahaha.Versteeg looks like Crosby when the other team only has 3 players. Come on Leaf fans they were horrible 5 on 5, bad 5 on 4 but no to bad 5 on 3.I'm not even a Leaf hater but man there an awfull team.
  16. SWEET.....now thats hockey....not like the Leafs game, that was comedy no penalties in the first period then they put the whole Nashville team in the box for the second hahahahaha. Unbeleivable!!!!!! now I know why Americans consider the NHL bush league, because it is.
  17. The Leafs are a Steller team 5 on 3 hahahahahaha.....what a joke that second period was, you call that hockey that was pathetic. Turned it off after the 2nd period, it was the worse hockey game I've seen in awhile a complete comedy, 7 penalties in a row....give me a break.
  18. Brian Burke has money and he's out shopping right now.........maybe he can pull a rabbit outa the hat yet
  19. Beautifull, I would love to just drift those runs, the fish are a bonus.....lots of steel down south here but it's getting real hard to avoid the zoo
  20. I agree, I always painted some white on the bottom and the tops orange, when I'm swimming and look up I always just see white pretty much. I never understood the black finish.
  21. Do you use these the same way as the old Hot-Shots, I use to love bumping them down the pools for steelies, man you could trigger some explosive hits.
  22. my only problem is water bottles get easily crunched, there not the most durable plastic and when I'm out on the ice I need some durability in my gear.I like the swimming noodles or pipe insulator methods best, there pretty much crunch proof.The plastic water bottle idea looks great in the house but I can see it coming out of my sleigh flat with holes in it, plus it would take up alot of room in an 8" or 6" hole.
  23. I've only seen these work good once,the guy had a high end Dewalt industrial drill that costs $350+....even then it was good for about 10 holes before a battery change was needed.That was in a about 12" of ice, my old model 30 was poping holes twice as fast.
  24. That covers you for 2 band-aids and a tongue depressor
  25. Cudos to you for flushing it out,Here in St Catharines most boats are flushed out before entering the water in the spring.The MOE was already down there for an antifreeze spill, they were not happy and fortunatly no fines were handed out for the first offence.It's not only alcohol,it's more like glycol and is highly toxic to the enviroment.It may seem like it's really nothing but we should all do our part to keep toxins from being introduced to the enviroment.
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