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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. Maybe the dude has stopped making them,he used to venture out on the piers selling them they were a good glow spoon. My buddy won the St Catharines Fall Salmon derby in 2006 on a Fortune Spoon.Another good spoon is Moonshines, they make a heavy casting model that works pretty good, I beleive Short Wave in Port Credit has a good selection Glow Green is my favorite.
  2. They work
  3. I have a Food Saver and it works excellent for fish, as mentioned it is important to use the bags made for the unit. Best way I've found to freeze fish better then water blocks
  4. If anyone is interested in having a custom Loomis rod built check out North Fork Customs blanks this is Gary and his son's new company and they sell blanks that are very comparible to loomis actions.There not cheap but the quality expected from a Gary Loomis blank I'm sure will be there.
  5. I used it,for persons keeping over the limit of Bass,it worked as 3 persons were caught and it has also lead to a pretty steady patrol of the area.I know some people think it's a waste of time but it really does help, in fact since the tips line has been established here in Niagara it has lead to more enforcement in the area.
  6. Yep pretty much the same thing except a Stradic,and power pro really like the fast action rod.I use this mostly on erie and the upper Niagara.
  7. The police were called immediatly and they cmae out on the pier and retrieved the gun,the clip was missing and there were no bullets. That was the first thing I thought of,it could have been used in a crime
  8. Pistol,Glock or barreta it was pretty well toast.I got if off the peir at Port Dalhousie
  9. Rainshadow, Lamiglass and others at best may compare to a Loomis GL2 blank.I tried a couple Rainshadow customs last fall/winter bottom bouncing Steelhead and was not impressed, they were nowhere near as nice as my Loomis.The Blank IMO is the most important component of any rod, you can build a rod with high end guides, custom reel seat, fancy wraps ect, but if it's built on sloppy blank it will be a sloppy rod.I've built 10 rods over the years and it really isn't that difficult unless you get really fancy with the wind which is just cosmetic.Splining the blank, figuring out guide spacing, building the reel seat and winding is not very hard to do although it takes time.Anyway my next project I think will be a North Fork 9'8" steelhead blank for bottom bouncing the Niagara, just gotta come up with some serious $$$$$$$ and find a distributer to get it to Canada
  10. If your looking for a high end custom be prepared to pay $350-$400 just for the blank.
  11. Of course not, thats like saying when Mercedes Benz bought Chrysler, that Chryslers were now Mercedes Benz or worse Mercedes were now Chrylers.Loomis may be owned by Shimano, but it's still a seperate company,and I'm sure after Gary left there was a competent replacment the quality of the product hasn't suffered. If you or anyone else wants a Gary Loomis blank check out Northfork Composites, thats his new company,hold on to your jaw when you look at the prices of his high end blanks
  12. Here's an idea buy some commercial walleye and support the locals and practice catch and release supporting the fishery, a win/win solution hahahaha
  13. Loomis has been owned by Shimano for 15yrs and Gary was still running the company for 11 of those, it's only recently he left. I have a few old IM6 loomis rods which are nice but the newer Loomis rods I've purchased are every bit as good,Loomis rods are still built in the same factory with the same attention to detail as they always have been. To say Loomis rods were better pre Shimano days is just a wives tale,in fact there probably the industry leader in advancment in Blank design and product design. To say a Loomis rod is just a Shimano with a Loomis sticker is very far from the truth,it is today as it always has been, the finest factory rod on the market.
  14. I agree that shrink wrap is expensive for 1 season and you can't reuse it, it is also a pain to get rid of in the spring, not very enviromentaly freindly to say the least. I like that shelter you got, just keep the snow load off the roof. The portable garages don't take a lot of weight on the roof so just don't let to much ice and snow build up, other then that it's a sweet place to store the boat.
  15. Anyone that knows how to shrink wrap always vents it so humidity and moisture don't build up.Shrink wraping is one of the best ways to store boats outside aswell as if you leave it in a barn, it keeps the critters,dust and filth off your boat.It is abit on the pricey side,but when you pull it off in the spring and your boat is nice and clean and ready to go it is nice.
  16. I'll be interested in the price, some of these new super lines are running $50-$55 a spool, thats just ridiculous IMO
  17. If you have your limit on your stringer you should stop fishing or at least stop targeting that species and if you do catch another one of that species it should be released
  18. If you catch a fish and give it away it does not count on your possession limit,but it does count on your daily catch and keep limit.The person who got the fish,it will count on there possession limit but not on there daily catch limit, however if that person goes out and catches and keeps his daily limit he will exceed his possession limit by one. See it's easy to figure it out
  19. In fact if you catch your limit and eat the fish for shore lunch,it is illegle to go out and catch and keep more that same day.The consumed fish count as your daily limit
  20. Wild Bill Wichrowski captain of the craber Kodiac
  21. Pretty pathetic excuse to me, not only did he exceed his posession limit but also his daily catch and keep limit twice. For someone who fishes the area yearly he should know the limits, since the 2 laker limit has been there for years,I don't think it has ever been 3 fish. Anyway it all sounds pretty lame to me, admit your guilt pay the penalty and don't try to make feeble excuses.
  22. Bring some leeches this time of year, Lindy rigged with a floating jig head. Slow death hook with a chunk of crawler is another good option this time of year.
  23. In the large elite series and other proffesional tournaments, there are designated boats in charge of releasing the days fish.In many tournaments designated release sites are out of bounds to the tournament fishermen. As for local tournaments the releasing of fish can be a problem,here in Niagara there have been a few incidents where Lake Erie bass were released at the ramp and the next day 15-20 4lb+ smallmouth were dead in the ramp.These were very unfortunate incidents but it did wake up the local clubs to the importance of releasing the days catch, now a few boats and quallified anglers fizz and release the fish back out in the lake on similiar structure and water were they were caught. A few unfortunate fish kills can put an ugly mark on tournament fishing, so it's very important when organising events that a release plan is followed. To me just dumping the fish back in at the ramp or weigh site is not very proffesional and tournament anglers should take more care in releasing the fish close to the structure or enviroment they were harvested from.
  24. I use 2 blades,if your using colorado style make sure the front blade is a size or 2 smaller then the rear blade. I use 2 hooks with rear hook being a treble. Spin n Glows also work instead of using blades
  25. This is a great way to enjoy a good trip, even if you camp on the North end of Openogo for 4 days there is great Smallmouth fishing around there. We usually jig up a couple of Lakers aswell, it's a very relaxing way to go utilizing the water taxi.
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