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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. so that antifreeze just gets pumped into what ever body of water your fishing????? yuk!!!!!....The MOE would love that
  2. I beleive that would be Lake Simcoe
  3. This is par for the course during the controlled hunt, it's a freaking zoo out there.I remember times I was afraid to get outa of my tree stand when the pushers come charging through the bush.The thing is you scout out a nice area, get permision to hunt and then all of sudden the trucks show up a bunch of dudes jumps out with guns charge through the bush holering, then they jump back in the trucks and head out to ruin sombody elses hunt.I know how your feeling it's very frustrating, your all excited and happy to be out and all of sudden it's like someone unleased the army on you.
  4. Transporting a live Goby is a big NO-NO perhaps the reason for the charge, but if what you say is true then perhaps if the charge is was taken to court it may have been dismissed. An officer cares very much about the interpertation of laws,when they go into court to prove a charge there reputation aswell as who they represent is on the line. The officer better make sure he has a good case, the crown does not want to waste time on useless infractions.
  5. you would be fine, Laws are made and most always have a grey area this is why your intent is ussually the deciding factor in a trial to prove your guilt.The real intent of this law is to stop fish from being transported alive and released into another body of water, which could be a disaster to the ecosystem of the body of water the fish is releasd into.The MNR is not going to bust people for fish flopping around on a stringer when it's clear the intent of the person is to go home clean them and consume them.If they started doing this they could fill up a court room for months after one good day of perching on Simcoe.
  6. It's not an assumption,to prove your intending to transport fish alive the CO is going to need evidence that this was the intent, a few fish floping in a cooler will not provide adequate evidence to prove your intent is to break the law.However if you have adequate things to keep these fish alive while transporting then those would be seized and provide evidence that your intent was to transport live fish. Any judge in Ontario would throw the CO out of his court room if he said I saw a fish flop in a cooler so I busted the guy for transporting live fish, and any lawyer worth a grain of salt would have a field day with this CO
  7. The law all comes down to intent, if you have a stringer of walleye floping in your trunk or cooler a CO is not going to bust you for transporting live fish. However if you have the same walleye in a cooler filled with water and perhaps an airator your intent is to transport these fish alive and this would be grounds for an infraction.
  8. Nice.....Lake O perching has been on fire this fall, best in years
  9. ugli why travel to scugog, you can catch twice that 15min from your home, the bite on Lake O has been the best in years I havn't even got the trout rod out once this year, to good a perch bite to mess with Brownies and Rainbows yet hahahahaha
  10. The docks in Bellville can be a hot spot aswell, same thing there it's a nite bite casting stick baits, rapalas, bombers ect
  11. My buddy just came down from Sudbury this week, he tells me it's booming up there right now,as with alot of minning towns in the North
  12. The rut is triggered mostly by Photo-Period, the amount of daylight received during the day.As the days get shorter this will trigger the does to cycle and go into esterus, temperature really has nothing to do with it. This is why the rut is so predictable year after year, local weather conditions can however influence the movement of deer from day to day. The peak time of esterus is usually around Nov 15 this date was found from dating fetuses from road killed does.If a doe is not mated at this time they will come into esterus 28 days later, hence the second rut in Dec.
  13. Word of advice, Doe & buck scents are illeagle now in Ontario.....don't get caught using these products or it may be an expensive hunt
  14. If she dosn't have much money your Local Community services can help her with this
  15. a few get swept over the falls every year around this time. I have a friend that witnessed it once, she said it was one of the most horrible things she's seen.According to the parks police every year they get reports of deer getting swept over, I guess it's part of nature.
  16. I've seen them swimming across the upper from Navy Island, but not on the lower, thats amazing the deer population is exploding around this area
  17. Sorry the federal government is Conservative now,we are talking about the provincial government but I'll agree it's time to get the Liberals out of the Province.
  18. The guy that installed it is retired from one of the big heating/air companies, he lives around the corner from me,I know he made some $$$$ he dosn't work for free,but it was not even near the chunk of $$$ other companies gouge you for.Like he said every one wants a chunk thats how a $1000 air conditioner gets to $4000. He even fixed the air in my cheerokee, dealer quote $800 his fix a new switch $60 and he charged it for free. Your right you get what you pay for, I paid for cold air and I was nice and comfortable all summer.
  19. Here's a solution sell your gear and buy golf clubs hahahahaha
  20. Seeing the does is real good sign, the bucks will be following them soon
  21. It pays to shop around for AC, I put a new one this summer first quote $4000, I ended up getting an idependant guy recomended to me.The final cost was $1800 cash installed.
  22. Bass Pro shop XLT is my pick and I use it for Leaders, it's the best I've found,I havn't bought into the expensive segaur leader material,$10+ for 30m is alittle rich when I'm using 8'+ leaders for Steelhead. The BPS Fluro is the best for abrasion resitance and thats what I'm after.
  23. I'd be doing some body work ASAP, the truck is starting to rot away that rust needs attention or the won't be much left for a motor to push
  24. I think this low presure was stronger....25'+ waves recorded on Superior yesturday
  25. The abrasion resistance is the most important factor for me especially fishing in zebra muscle waters
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