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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. Still the same old blame game, been like this for the last 20yrs
  2. Congrats Aron on the week 7 win......the week 6 win was aslo caught on the south shore off Dalhousie sure would be nice to get weigh-in closer to St Catharines
  3. Thankyou well said and I learned alot more
  4. The idea of hiring a Bias or unobjective Biologist serves absolutly no purpose,they could just fish without it,the fact they have somebody sampling and studying the health of the lake shows that they are commited to a sustainable fishery. The imformation the biologist gathers helps everyone on the lake, it studies the quality of the lake fishery and does not distinguish between native or non-native its all about the fishery. I am not a band member and I have no idea how they deal with poaching.It is illegal however for anyone including band members to sell fish from the back of there truck,it always has been and I'm not sure of the law concerning restaraunts selling poached fish.If this is happening it's breaking of provincial laws and perhaps the provincial police should be the ones dealing with it.I really don't know if the band or the province or perhaps a combination of the 2 should be enforcing the laws. It's in the best interest of the tourist operators to educate there visitors of the regulations it's bad business if your clients get busted for not knowing the rules.As for enforcment of the regulations I'm not so sure many outfitters are on board with that. I did here some rumblings of stocking and such, but that was just talk and when push came to shove nobody got on board, somthing about stocking fish so the natives would catch them to sell pulled the plug. I mean the thing is the non-natives want the native commercial fishery to stop and the natives want the non-native comercial enterprises to stop.Both sides have reasonable arguments and good points, I think for the health of the fishery both sides should get together and work out compromises and instead of always playing a blame game get out and work on the fishery
  5. By opening up the fishery to commercial sales the native fishery is now regulated and has brought employment and much needed monies to band. Now that the NFN treat there fishery as a business it has brought regulations and quotas.With a business comes $$$$$$ and the band has a vested interest in not poaching and ruining the fishery, if other band members are poaching,selling fish under the table I'm sure the band in some way will deal with it.The poaching not only hurts the fishery but also the profits the band makes legally and if it hurts there business they will deal with it. By putting a Biologist on the payroll they are in fact studying there resource and making smart decsions in order to keep a sustainable harvest.I don't see tourist operators looking into allowable harvest, the number of ice fisherman on the lake, tha amount of fish harvested by there clients all I here from them is alot of mudslinging and blame.
  6. get a Laptop or a notebook
  7. The problems on the lake go far beyond native netting, which has gone on for 100's of years, the whole lake is under great pressure.There are way to many tourist operators tapping the resource, the winter fishery exploded in the last decade with 1000's of huts, bungalos you name it.Everyone seems to want a piece of the dwindling fishery so to blame one single type of use is vastly unfair.To sustain the fishery everyone with a vested interest needs to come together and work towards a common goal.I commend the Natives for at least hiring a biologist and attempting to manage the fishery.Like I said before they seem to be the only vested group doing anything to study and improve the fishery.Now if the tourist operators and sportfishermen climbed on board instead of waiting for the government to do something perhaps the fishery would improve.
  8. Well said JimC the NFN seem to be the only organised group actually studying and coming up with a plan to protect and improve the Nippissing Walleye populations.Instead of all the mud slinging coming from Tourist operators and sport fishers, they should maybe get on board and help.Everyone has a vested interest in the fishery,maybe it's time everyone got together and developed a decent plan to sustain the populations. IMO the natives are the only ones doing this.
  9. hahahahahahhahahahaha.......good one
  10. I don't see a swivel
  11. No,it's posted on his youtube site,I went to the facts of fishing site and linked to his youtube site from there
  12. Dario Petrie from Richmond Hill Ontario CONGRATULATIONS
  13. All fish have Otoliths there used for balance and orientation for the fish, Drum have exceptionally large Otoliths.There made of a calcium substance and will do not degrade as fast as bone so yes you can find them on the beaches after the skull degrades.There also not digestable so they are found in other fisheaters scat.
  14. Unfortunatly OHIP dosn't cover alot of things,it cost me $10 for a note for my employer from my doctor.I had a heart attack $45 for the ambulance ride I was billed.My doctor has a list posted in his office on the costs not covered by OHIP.
  15. They are not YOUR files the files are the property of the doctor,they are about you but they are not your property
  16. The costs are factored in $37.50 + $1.45 per page to transfer the file.Why should the cost of transfering files be factored in to there budgets so other patients who stay with there doctor have to absorb these costs.
  17. I really don't have a clue of what your talking about
  18. I beleive this law was struck down last year or the year before.
  19. The new Tatsu from Seguar is supposed to be really good, tough like leader material but good for casting.The major dowside is $50 for a 200yd spool ouch
  20. 8'-12' leaders are common for steelhead fishing,also for drop shotting on erie
  21. It will, but not very good the black lights are different then the LED lights
  22. The water cools down faster on the eastern tribs, the north eastern end of the lake had surface temps in the 50's low 60's last week hence the earlier runs of fish
  23. I would use the Leader material for Muskie or pike leaders,I want the stiffness and extra abrasion resitance. I like regular Bass Pro XPS and Pline flourocarbon for anything else, especially when I use 8'-10' leaders. As for Vanish I won't touch that crap again and I get it free lol
  24. Leader material is stiffer and more abrasion resistant,that being said I use regular fluoro line for leader material, it's a heck of alot cheaper
  25. not between 10pm and 5am
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