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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. " no scientific data" of course not you can't expect to get any data on reducing the limit if the limit remains the same. Thats a Lame excuse,our neighbours to the south have reduced their limits and I'm sure the biologists down there are collecting data. OFAH has turned into joke.
  2. Lots of good points made and I am happy to see reduced Limits. One of the biggest problems in the reduction of numbers is the degradation of the spawning rivers themselves. No matter how many fish return if the spawning sites and juvenile habitat keeps degrading the numbers will continue to drop. If we don't allow Steelhead into the headwaters to spawn and keep them out for other speceies it is unlikely the population will grow.Reducing the catch limits and perhaps putting in Catch & Release seasons all sounds good but the fish must have adequate habitat as well as access to spawning grounds if populations are to increase or sustain.
  3. Dude alot of guys on here love the J-11, J-13, don't be afraid to run the J-9.or J-7 . Get out right now and fish the 10'-20' level and if your into brownies and bows use the J-9 or J-7 they like the smaller size.Even the straight 7-9 size raps will bust brownies in close, I fished close for years and flatlined and boarded lots of fish early and late in the season and J-9 raps worked best.11's will work but my pick for 10'-20' are 9's the other thing to running the shoreline is get out early, just when the sun comes up, try it out there is noth'in better then a double on as the sun comes up.
  4. after the tsunami Japan's coastline rose by 8'5 feet, due to the earthquake, the pacific shelf increased the coastline by 8'5. This is significant to anyone using GPS all previous data is irrelevent at this time. The one Pacific plate lifted the other to an average of 8.5' which to most of us we relise is a large change. Just think in the Kawarthawas if all of a sudden your 8.5' higher, although it is relative to Ocean depth the contours and such are way out of wack right now
  5. your GPSmay be out 0.00000000000000000000000000001 .....better call somebody to calibrate.....the sky is falling
  6. It will be non negotiable, 6.5 inches is nothing in the entire earth, the earth is billions of inches. Your GPS locations may be off by 0.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO6 can all of you adjust.
  7. Not sure if the eastern end but down here between Jordon Station and Grimsby can be crazy, I'll put it to you this way last march 2guys, me and my buddy, trolled 4 different coloured J-9 0range, Blue, Black/Silver, Black/Gold and had 4 fish on at once.Your allowed to troll 2 lines per angler on lake O but it's somthing when you got 4 fish on 4 lines and 2 guys. We landed 3 and ended up with 16 landed in an afternoon.I have to be honest planer boards and early season trolling is the greatest Lake Ontatio trolling there is, I put against big ole July & August pig fish'in any day
  8. go with J-9 rapalas with in- line boards or planing boards, J-9's or J-7's will get you alot more hits, colour is a day to day thing. Downsizing to J-9 will pick you up alot more fish as well as using boards.get out early morning if your going to hit 10'-20' water the fish are in there,the fishing can be crazy this time in the morning with multiple hook-ups.Doubles and triples are not uncommon early morning shallow running, you hit a school of hungry fish and watch out, it can be some of the best fishing the lakes have to offer \
  9. No wonder I'm tired this week I missed 1.6 micro seconds of sleep,amazing if we have 1 million 9+ earthquakes I'm going to be done for a 1 second of sleep, GOD FORBID the sky is falling
  10. Anyway Dude was out today at Port D, not the lower and it was a good bite between 9am and 11am , I think the lower may be dirty given the winds. Anyway I went 2 for4 from 10am- 11am then noth'in, I was fishing roe pink or green didn't matter, in the afternoon I fished the drifts with roe, streamers and rubber minnows nothing. The fish were still there they were poping over my baits all afternoon, but were just playing.The bite right now seems to be for about an hour in the morning, this not unussual for this time of year, you'll also get a bite at 6pm-7pm but not as strong
  11. This is somthing I always thought about, using smelt for bait is always a pain in the bum every time I used it, except dead sticking pike, for trout use a streamer in the Niagara. Lot less problems and they work, I tried smelt a few times with varied sucsess but streamers work when the trouties get on a smelt bite.
  12. It's Illeagle to use live smelt in the Niagara River as bait, if the MNR catches you with live smelt in your bait bucket your busted, simple !!!!!.The rule is the same for goby, just because the invasive specie's is present in the waters fished it does not exclude you from the law!!I'm not 100% sure on dead smelt , but I think they are leagal bait in Ontario in most WMU, so I would expect dead smelt would be OK.There a freaking killer in Port D in the winter hahaha
  13. Who would spend 1.3 billion for MLSE, are they outa there minds, you could buy the New York Yankees and the LA dodgers for that kinda cash.Even in a great market both franchise are at best worth 500 mill.
  14. your confusing the Sportsmen Show Corp with OFAH, the Sportsman Show corp only provides grants. They have supported Ringwood with grant money also Orillia Perch Festivals, Kids fishing Days and Credit River Angler Association just to name a few. If you have an event and wish to apply for a grant you can do it on there web site, who knows they may help you out. The OFAH is the group your refering to in your post not the Sportsman Show corp, they are two completly different identities
  15. The Sportman shows have donated over 31 million dollars in grants over the years,lots of your local clubs and events have benefited from this organisation. It's a shame when people have to bad mouth an organisation that has done so much good,I guess it's hard to please everyone. There's always going to be haters and skeptics
  16. It is what it is, entertainment is not cheap in Toronto, add a couple of brown ones to that and you may get into a Leaf game
  17. I know admission seems expensive but the Sportsman Show is a non profit corporation and hands out grants to many needy organisations.The money raised by the shows helps fund lots of enviromental projects aswell as other outdoor events.Over the years the monies raised have helped many of our young outdoorsman particpate and get introduced to the outdoor sports many of us cherish. So maybe if you know your admission fee is going towards helping outdoor sports, it may not be as difficult to part with $19.00.
  18. Regaurdless the NHL is taking alot of heat on this one, Air Canada may be pulling out, ouch. It hurts when there trying to build professional hockey and a large corprate sponsor bails out. The violence in the game is out of control, Crosby gone, Savard done and now this.The NHL can say good-bye to any huge TV deals the way this league is going.
  19. The biggest problem in Port D is anglers short casting lower in the drift, they cast over the upper anglers line constantly forcing frustrating tangles.Short casters essentially cut the drift off for all the anglers fishing above them, there is a reason why everyone fires long casts along that drift, to avoid tangling up and cutting off the drift.It can get alittle heated at times when 1 angler cuts the drift off for 10-15 others drifting the wall.Tangle ups still occure but if everyone cooperates lots of anglers can drift the area with little or no problems
  20. The restaurants and fish markets in NorthBay and area who purchase the NFN catch are not benefiting economically, I don't think they give the fish away for free.Tourists who don't fish can now enjoy a meal of Nipissing Walleye and I'm sure the restaurants and fish markets also enjoy a econmic benefit from being able to provide others with fresh local fish
  21. Perhaps the other stakeholders on the lake hire a Biologist, do some assement,promote catch and release, follow the slot rules. There only argument is completly stop the Native Fishery or screw the slot the fish are all going to be netted anyway. I don't see this atitude in anyway helping, at least the NFN is on the right track by managing it's take from the lake and doing everything possible to keep the fishery sustainable.If the tourist operators rely so much on the fishery perhaps it's time they also took a stand on managing the resource.
  22. nice my favorite area come March,there doing well considering the Southern Ontario weekend warriors have declared Walleye extinct on Nipissing hahahahaha. The fact is the Lake may have gone through a period of decline but this is normal,it's happened many times before on Nipissing. The lake has also gone through periods of way above average stocks,some people think the bonanza years are normal.Maybe there is some area of concern but I think Nipissing will bounce back.
  23. Whats considered dirty? when his actual head is severed and rolls around the rink.....give me a break
  24. He got a game misconduct, so it wasn't to clean according to the ref
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