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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. sorry I may have sounded a little crazy, but still i wonder why the MNR is building a fish ladder and not allowing the fish to be transfered.I thought I may have missed somthing but the MNR is spending 100,000 dollars or more on a fish ladder, that may improve our fishery. This is what our lisence money goes to, so quit complaining your money is safe, a fish ladder that can't lift fish, nohting wrong there......only in Ontario here's a better idea take your liscence renewel and flush it down the toilet same results
  2. simple question ....why build a fish ladder, you don't wan't speceis invadiding your stream I got that, why for god sakes are you and the MNR building this fish lader for american eel, I personally don't care about the credit. Edited for content here is your warning.
  3. Again why are you building a fish ladder, why are you putting the effort in, whats the point in building a fish ladder? Trust me there are many fisheries in Ontario that would love $120,OOO why invest in the credit. This is the most bogus deal in our fishery, we invest $120,000 dollars in the credit river for a fish ladder that can't be used. If you don't want the fishery the ladder will provide then why build it, are you all idiots or is your ego so big you can't absorb defeat. This is a complete waste of money brought on by the many Toronto and southern ontario voters, to be honest it is actually a complete waste. Maybe not we save 40km to move fish hahahahaha are you kidding me , BIG DEAL
  4. Thats sweet but I'm looking towards Superior north shore, there steelhead fishery is growing naturally, the fish arn't as big but there sweet to catch and unlike the idiots in southern ontario they embrace steelhead run and a pacific salmon run. I do agree the rebirth of the Saugeen run is great and not only the access but the local club(name notknown) stocked a bunch of yearlings and has been doing a incredible job on follow ups. This club could be a model for all Ontario stocking,...but unfortunatly we need 2 million Atlantics for 100 returns, I'd love to get the percentage on Atlantic returns, it's gotta be 0.000000007 returns hahahah it's sad but funny. I think the ole fat man Cronzy should be taking alittle credit right now hahahahaha, Say what you want the ole boy makes alot of sense, I'd love to here his opinion on the fish ladder to no where. Darryl would be all over this 10yrs ago,you never miss the good untill it's gone
  5. I think we're on the same page here, it's unfotunate the MNR and the CRAA don't see the economic value of a steelhead fishery, aswell as a SALMON fishery, I know you have fished Steelhead ally on the NY/ PEN side of erie. A fishery created by the fisheries and is the best in the world, the potential for such a fishery is here if not better, lake ontario and the rivers we have from Toronto east could potentially be the best steelhead fishery in the world, unfortunately the MNR and others beleive our fishery should be natural like it was 2000 yrs ago, just a wake up dudes it's 2011 not 2000bc
  6. I've followed the thread and I still wonder why a fish lader is built to not lift fish. I understand the arguement between the groups but why build a fish lader here, for the 100 Atlantics that may return, 2 million stocked 100 or less return are you freaking insane and now you spend thousands on a fish ladder. Is the MNR insane,the crra is ok but are you insane, 2 million stocked 100-200 returned it's a freaking bust dudes, atlantics ain't going to happen. In fact I'm tired of the arguments over the credit watershead, it's a waste of time. You don't want what could be an incredible fishery, the econmic potential is great, yet a few are there to stop it, the next is the lobby for lower creel limits, which is fine but does absoulutly nothing if you deprive stocks from reproducing.If we want more fish in the fishery we must alow our resource to reproduce if not the fishery will die it's simple.
  7. What a joke,a fish ladder that dosn't move fish, only in Ontario hahahaha.I'm simply amazed,but not surprised this is typical of the OMNR.
  8. Thats right, We adjusted it 1/4 turn and it made all the difference no more bogging. Still needs to warm up especially on the really cold days
  9. May be a difference in winter diet, in the winter fish will feed heavily on scuds, crustations and such.In the winter there metabolism slows and they don't readily chase schools of bait, thats not to say they won't grab a minnow when the oportunity presents itself.
  10. it may need to warm up abit, also there are 2 idle screws on the carb that may need adjusting. My brother adjusted mine(he's a marine mechanic), it took him about 5min to have it running like a top.
  11. I fished Simcoe at night aswell, I would do a similiar outing as you're talking about get there Friday at around 4pm and stay in the hut till 4pm on Saturday.I would catch perch at night, like Speil mentioned they would come in waves, back then though I would target smelt mostly at night Simcoe had a great smelt fishery. The nice thing about staying in the hut overnight is you grab a great bite late in the day and again early morning.
  12. I've got a St Croix which is a nice rod but nothing compares to the Thorne Bros ice rods there simply the finest ice sticks available.They are pricey but are worth every penny, these boys have perfected the modern day ice rod.
  13. On lake Nipissing we were never bothered for liquor in or around the hut, however the OPP set up a R.I.D.E check point right off the landing every Saturday afternoon till around 8:00pm. They also never failed to nail at least 2 or 3 ice fishers, like previously said if your polite out on the ice the MNR or OPP ask a few questions and wish you a good day.
  14. I'm not sure this is true, I timber cruised in the 80's with a silva, map, arieal photo's and a chain rope. It was pretty accurate, but leaves lots of room for human error, a gps will give you your exact location, the route you've traveled, your destination and where your start pt was.I'll tell you if I was still working the bush I wouldn't leave the truck without a GPS.Your right relying completly on your GPS could be a mistake, and one should always have a compass with them when traveliing through the bush, but as far a accuracy it's pretty tough to beat todays technology
  15. I got 5 300's and 2 301's and 2 408's and also a couple of older mitchel caps.There not worth to much, but the older mitchell 300 from france are the good ones, the garcia mitchells are a cheaper made model from the original, they cheapened the gearing from the originals. I still got about 20 bail springs laying around aswell.
  16. They advertise using Gary as the designer, but are very carefull about using his name on the product. The actual name is Temple Fork signature series and the Loomis name does not appear on the product. This advertisment may even be a copyright infrigment
  17. The Loomis name is a registered trade mark owned by Shimanno Corp, Gary sold the name along with company. It dosn't matter, him or any of his relatives or sons are not allowed to use the Loomis name wether it is there birth name or not.
  18. my last coment, " we're all hunters & gather's by nature "so pleases send the OFAH $25 so they can buy 2011 boats and 4x4 trucks & quads and live in $500,000 houses. please give now they are the voice of ontario, and like I said we're all" hunters& gatherer's by nature"
  19. Ringwood will survive without the OFAH, it is a members run hatchery and they run it without publicity they do it for the province somthing the OFAH dosn't understand, it's not to make money ringwood is for the people,. Unfortunatly if they can't make money the OFAH is gone, but don't worry there the voice for Ontario. We,re hunters & fishers by heart so send us more money because I need a 2012 4x4 idiots can't scam money with my 2011 hahahahahah
  20. Most people are out fish'in or doing whatever , no big opinion on the OFAH anyway really would like to here somthing from"voice of ontario" I guess they only respond for $40.00 a year or what ever there crap membership is anyway like normal no response.
  21. sounds like a OFAH oath....did they give ya a sawastika hahahaha , no just a hat hahahahaha and a promise to make your first born an OFAH member hahahahah
  22. I'll light my backside to whom ever I see fit, and yes I will call down the OFAH as I see fit, I'll aim my guns at them because IMO there herting the chance for ontario fisheries. IMO again there not out to help or be a voice for the ontario/ hunter but in fact are out to make a profit and not lobby the govenment. They are in fact in bed with the government and using us as ploy to furhter the proftiability of OFAH. ( this cannot be used in a court of law it's only my opinnion)
  23. like I say SCAM.....the whole OFAH is a SCAM you tink they'll reply on my thread hahahahahaah......lets see
  24. yikes
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