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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. That makes more sense,interesting question...I guess you got the answer, it would be a good idea since often you get the deer coming in while turkey hunting and vice/versa never thought have having both angles covered at once.
  2. I've caught them on spoons,they may not be feeding just hitting because of aggression
  3. Best Steelhead hole on the entire river IMO.
  4. That makes sense,in Niagara the bow season closes during the shotgun hunt so it would be illeagle to carry a bow/crossbow. I think this rule was made for safety purposes or to keep conflicts between the two styles of hunting from arising
  5. The officials kill the CFL, it would be a much better game with some compitent offcials.The calls and the flags being thrown is just ridiculous at times and the new overtime game is a joke.I still watch both leagues but I find I turn off the CFL off once the officials get flag happy,I hate seeing the refs deciding the out come of an other wise great game.
  6. my guess salmon, great fish'in hole there if you don't get tossed out.A few locals have access but it's not like years ago when it was no problem fishing there
  7. If your not hitting them trolling, grab the jigging sticks a few of my buddies have been getting fish jigging the shoals. The walleye arn't the big sows but nice fish 3 lbs - 5 lbs and lots of 2's, not nasty enough yet for the cows.
  8. for grouse my pick is a 20g side X side, or better an over/under my favorite was a gun my buddy had, a 410g/22cal over and under.I saw mentioned a 20g/410cal over and under another sweet grouse gun.I've hunted with guys who take grouse with sling shots while deer or moose hunting, a 12g is alittle over powering but is good provided your using light loads.
  9. outboard motors are self-draining,it's not a closed cooling system,no anti-freeze is needed and they can be used in the winter.We fish the Niagara in January with no problems,except some engines run alittle rougher in the cold the never really get warmed up when the water is around 40F
  10. Just because a sail boat is under sail it does not have the right of way over a power boat.The on coming vessel must give way to the slower or moored vessel.I know from trolling Lake Ontario many sail boats think because they are under sail they have right of way over a power boat trolling.However after this being said it's always in your best interest to give way to avoid a collision right or wrong it's better to untangle a few lines then be run over.
  11. It's kinda funny that the Natives are the only ones putting up $$$$$$$ to study the populations,set Quotas and higher fishery biologists to manage the fishery.In fact the natives seem to be the only ones who are actually doing anything for the fishery and not sitting on there bums playing a blame game.The tourist operators have rapped the lake for 50+ yrs with out putting anything back accept alot of tears and name calling,if there so concerned for the fishery perhaps instead of crying it's time they step up.
  12. I still remember the days before floats,pins, float rods and such,Steelheading was alot tougher back then.3-way rigs and bottom bouncing was the accepted method and it was difficult technique to master,however when I first saw guys fishing the old black-bird floats and getting very impressive results it was time to change.When I saw a guy using a pin on the Bighead River and he got 22 fish that day, I knew it was time to change again.Float fishing has revolutionized Steelheading and if someone would of told me 30yrs ago he got a rainbow off a float set-up I would of laughed in his face.Today on the rivers if your not using a center-pin and 13'+ rod you get all knds of strange looks times sure have changed.
  13. Rainbows and maybe skein a few mud shark there chewing big hunks of pink skien right now
  14. I have a 13' sport it sits on a bunk style trailer
  15. I agree with the government legislating mandatory insurance, I would like to see them madate it affordable and not cost a pound of flesh everytime I get a bill.
  16. I fished out of both the cube and a few flip overs last season, the flip overs are hard to beat but are much more expensive.I was impressed with the cube styles, fished the eskimo, and the ice cube models both 4-man(really there 2-man) in very high winds.The most important tip with ice cube models is to make sure they are anchored well before you erect them,or like already said you'll be chasing them down the ice.The cubes are also harder to move around once out on the ice, if you like to run&gun around the lake then a flip over is the way to go.
  17. Hey guys you ever watch the MNR tag a fish,they first electroshock it , then measure it, then weigh it, then take a scale sample, then tag it after all this the fish is revived then released.Trust me if you could hold your breath through all that you'd be passed out.Also reviving fish in a live well before release is a great way to get the fish going again,it's actually being practiced on Lake St Clair Muskie with great success, as for the MNR giving you a hard time a CO would be sympathatic to you if you released the fish and I doubt any charges would laid.
  18. Picked a couple of bags this morning, lots around this year, walked about 50yds into the bush and the stumps are just covered could fill the back of a pick-up if I went through the whole bush.
  19. WOW...I know it's just pre-season but the Leafs were embarising,how a professional hockey team can look so bad.It's just pathetic how these guys played, no spark,no effort,nothing at all. Good thing is it can't get any worse then that so called performance.
  20. just lots of practice is also a good teacher.Years ago I filleted a limit of Simcoe Perch by the end of that I had the process down pretty good
  21. hahahahahahaha aw man good one
  22. No more bows in the 40, what the heck are those silver trouty looking fish I get winter and spring
  23. The # of bearings is not always a good indication of the quality of the reel, the quality of the bearings is the important factor. Expensive, higher end reels use a higher end bearings which are smoother and usually more durable.Cheap reels more then likly use cheap quality bearings
  24. Looks like a double bottom to me,almost every unit I've used will get this from time to time.Turn you sensitivity down.
  25. I usually use just a small snap no swivel on Rapalas or a small split ring and tie direct to that.
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