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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. Thats alot better then Loomis, it cost me $75.00 to get one replaced plus shipping and 6 wks without my rod.Loomis warranty sucks,but it is what it is and I do enjoy there rods,I find St.Croix's alittle heavy,but I know lots of fishers that love them.
  2. Those Compre rods are pretty sweet for money, the only one I would go for over it is the Loomis, but that would set you back another brown one. I'm not a big fan of St Croix, but thats just me. If it feels right for you then grab it, being happy and confident in your gear is halph the battle in this angling sport.
  3. Another sweet report from the Soo,great job on the fish.....why o why did I ever move from the Soo
  4. I really like this networked system,I just have a question if I have one of the units on the bow, the other at the console if I mark a spot on the console unit will the spot be picked up on the bow unit. I guess it would and you can switch the bow mount unit to run on trolling motor transducer aswell. That is a sweet way to go!!!
  5. One for GPS, one for finding fish (charting bottom)......who needs split/screen when you can afford 2 units hahahaha
  6. Thats a sweet box for your gulps, worth every cent if you ask me,not only does it protect your baits but you have a nice seletion all in one convient box.It sure beats having to tote around multiple jars and tubs
  7. Power pro red or green......I get it for $5.00 a 150 yd spool off a guy (I don't ask questions) so at that price I don't try other brands. Besides I really like the performance of Power pro it dosn't wind knot very often.
  8. We had a wild turkey living in the neighbourhood, The big Tom would go over to the school every morning and the kiddies would feed him. He left this spring either went after a mate or found a home in someones stove.
  9. Sweet fish, I envy you guys up there you got a real sweet fishery on your door step. I lived in the soo in the early 80's before the atlantics and it was sweet fishing then adding that species has just made it much better.I really enjoy your reports, would like to get up there again and give the Atlantics a try, not to mention the awsome Steelheading there and the superior tribs.
  10. hahahahaha.....Ducklings or kittens hehehehehe
  11. Thanks, I'll try that....normally the smaller jars I use ice fishing were leaking. I like the baits the mess was upsetting
  12. I use 28g-40g slip float,I weight the float down 3/8-3/4oz egg sinker,then I use a quick strike rig of 20lb-30lb flurocarbon leader material.The heavy weight keeps the 7"-9" sucker from swiming up to the surface and weighs the large float down so just the top is visible.Most of the pike grab the large sucker in the middle so the treble of the quick strike rig hooks most of the fish.
  13. I agree with leaky buckets and jars,I know the stuff works but it drives me nuts with the stinky leaky containers.......still live bait works better for me aswell
  14. This maybe alittle off topic but the MNR and dept of fisheries in new york state have teamed up on there patrols of the boarder. When they do a patrol now there is a CO aswell as an American counter part on the vessel so no more running back across the boarder they have both sides covered.Not sure if they have been doing this on Lake Erie but I know this is how they patrol the Niagara River and Lake Ontario and it's been succesfull in catching people who don't carry licences for both Ontario and NYS.
  15. All I go by is the record perch #'s caught during the winter season,perch were everywhere and it somewhat saved the winter fishery due to poor catches of walleye.I never have seen so many perch caught in Nipissing then this last winter fishery,if fishing sucks so bad for you and your not happy perhaps you should spend your vacation dollars somewhere else.What you did 5yrs ago may not work this year the key to success on any body of water is to be versatile and change,people tend to use the same tecniques year in year out and fisheries change to be successfull you have to change aswell.We always jump to the conclusion that the fishery is dead because we didn't catch as many as last year when it may be perhaps the fish have changed there habits.If you spend 6-8 hrs a day doing the same thing with poor results it's time to try something else or you'll continue with poor results.
  16. Funny thing is perch & smelt populations have never been higher on Lake Nipissing, Cormorants generally seek out baitfish populations when in a flock,they will take individual fish but that is not the normal behavior I don't beleive the cormorants will affect the gamefish populations unless they drasticlly reduce available baitfish supplies
  17. I don't think Darryl is on his same old diet,he had his big scare last fall,hopfully he's eating alittle healthier,it would be a huge loss the fishing world ever lost the cronz
  18. Great info hear,thats how you do it,it's not a finess aproach at all.....noth'in like doing your next rip and a 3+lber is on the end,thats hard on wrist hahahahaha If your not getting them ripping,what I call plopping is the next best technique,this where I use a round head and a twister tail or double twister.For plopping you just drop your jig into pockets in the weed along the weedline works best for non-agressive eye's.One of the most important tools needed for both these types of fishing is a good pair of polarized sun glasses.IMO these are the most important thing for fishing weeds
  19. If you don't want to move the rigger,then I don't know what tell you.If the riggers are in the proper position then mounting and running dipsey rod holders is easy.Take a look at fishmasters set-up, 3 riggers across the transom and 2 sets of tripples on each side, this dude can run 12+ rod spreads.Try them up more forward if you want.......good luck
  20. Oh boy!!! that takes some of the sting out of it for Leaf fans hahahahahaha
  21. I prefer the nickle ones...I drop about a 6"-8" lead off the back with a couple of ruby beads then a yellow sally or just a long shank streamer hook baited up with dewey.If I'm using the fly I just tip it a small piece of worm.If trolling isn't working,try drifting,lots of times I've trolled for few hours with nothing then drifted the same area an bingo lots of walleye,the samething works in reverse none drifting start trolling
  22. The way I would do it is mount your riggers off the transom and mount your dippsey rod holders right where your rigger is now.With the riggers mounted off the transome your rigger rods and the bow in the line follows straight back leaving the sides open for deploying your Dippsies.No interference from rigger rods,I know 2 ft riggers won't cause much interferance but it's the 8'-9' rigger sticks that get in the way when trolling.
  23. An old nippising favorite is a yellow sally fly trolled or drifted behind a small spinner or june bug tipped with a piece of worm,use to be goto bait during the shadfly hatch.
  24. if you fish outa lodge 88 they have access to a great little speckie lake,just a short portage through the bush.I beleive it's catch and release or maybe 1 trout each for a shore lunch. They are first class operations, I think every Canadian fishing show has done a show outa 88. I know Chronzy,Fish'n Canada and fish tv have all done episodes there.
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