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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. Sunfish and Rock Bass make great cut bait for cats every bit as good as sucker, but there not listed as baitfish. The problem is if your using these fish for cut bait you are spoiling the meat which can be used for consumption and therefore you are violating the law.
  2. You could always get the operators together and file a Class Action Suit against the goverment, this will get there attention real quick. You may even recoup some $$$$$ for your operations.
  3. I cracked ribs before. Tylanol 3's was my only relief, eat a couple every few hours and I was told not to wrap my chest with any kind of tensor bandage. Not sure why but it may have been the ribs I cracked or somthing, there may be different treatments depending on which rib you injured. The pain deminished alot in just a couple of days, the first few days was tough, it did hurt abit for a few weeks.
  4. I'd like to give you a break, but protected species are given that designation for a reason, it's not the same as a bucket of frogs. I'm not trying to be a hall monitor, just trying to educate the public to leave protected species in there habitat. Teach your kids to look but don't touch this ensures the survival of protected animals, sorry but an atitude like yours is very detrimental to the enviroment and to protected species
  5. I tried goose jerky last year and it was fantastic, I know what your saying, yummy
  6. I beleive they are a protected speceies now, so keeping it in a fish bowl may not be the greatest idea, you should leave these creatures alone if you come across one.
  7. I usually start with plain roe, if it ain't working or when the water is dirty cod liver oil works. The best way to use it is as mentioned by Bernie66, adding just a few drops will do the trick.Same as anise oil, the way I use this is a few drops on a paper towel then lay the roe bags on top of the paper towel and they will pick up the scent. Anise has a very strong scent so you only need alittle to get a strong scent on your roe bags. Same thing works good in off coloured water, in clear water try to go as natural as possible at least thats what works for me.
  8. I've used cod liver oil for steelhead with good success, just dip a roe bag in and drift. Somedays it works great other days nothing, it's like anise oil on roe bags somedays deadly other days not.
  9. Those suckers are the best cut bait on the planet for grand river channel cats
  10. If I was an operator, I'd jump all over the new ice fishing oportunities. This is a great way to earn back loss revenue from smaller summer bookings. To be successfull in todays economy these operators need to adapt there business plans, what worked 10yrs ago is not going to work today.Smarten up or go broke, opening the lake for ice fishing has given you the oportunity to change your stratagy and opened up a whole new market. Stop being stupid and sieze the moment and start making some $$$$$$ if you don't adapt then whine and cry and go broke.
  11. The dune was destroyed 50yrs ago when the original camp ground was built not to mention the QEW and 2 service roads.This hardly an example of an original dune ecosystem, are we talking about the same area here?There has been developement on this piece of land longer then I've been on this planet,it is now a municipal park setting hardly a protected natural area.I think the chain saws, lawn mowers and weed whips are doing more damage to the scrub brush then a few bonfires.For years this area was a private campground which was given to the town of Lincoln who have kept it as a day use park and beach area.
  12. I had the same problem but I kept calling and bugging them,it took me 6 wks to get a new rod and cost me $75.00 expiditer warranty.
  13. Channel cats survive and in fact thrive in this pond, aswell as crappie, sunfish,largies it is abit of a mud hole at times. As for Lake Ontario fish using it for spawning I'm not so sure, it's tough for the fish to get into at the mouth, however Salmon use to run it during high water levels.I forgot to mention carp, there's some monster's in there aswell The sad part is this dude ruined a big part of the natural shoreline,the stupid thing is by removing the trees,vines and ground cover his backyard will soon slump into the pond. Unless this guy spends a few thousand dollars in retaining walls and such he's going to have one big mess on his hands.
  14. There's a launch in behind the Beacon Restaraunt, not great for a big boat it's alittle shallow, but the best early season fishing is just west of the harbour. This area warms up first in the spring is good for browns and coho, use boards, in-lines work well if you don't have a mast/ board set-up. Fish shallow and sloooooow and smaller jointed rapala's are tough to beat this time of year, they still retain good action at slow speed.
  15. If your interested in getting out now, the best spot is off Jordon Harbour, this area warms up first, there will not be many chinnok around yet but lots of browns and coho. I fish with boards in 8'-12' of water early morning and out to 20' later in the day, I don't go deeper this time of year. As for baits, I run J-9 or J-11 Rapalas with the 9's being the best producers for Brownies in this cold water, colour is not a big thing I've had 4 fish on at once on 4 different colours. The brownies will be in schools so if you hit 1 chances are another rod will pop right away. Another tip is to slow down 2mph max this time of year, there is a launch in behind the beacon restaurant drive out of the harbour and start trolling head west for about 2miles along the shore if you hit fish turn around and run through them again.
  16. Definetly an interesting thread but now I'm confused was that silver bullet I caught in Port D yesturday a Rainbow, a Steelhead or a Salmon. Anyway it was alot of fun so I don't care much what you call them, just keep on bringing the fish to me hahahaha And on the Atlantic note I saw 4 mature fish caught at Port Dalhousie this fall and they are an extremly sweet sport fish, and to all that say it's a waste of government money the program has been funded largly on private investors. This program is the first time Private monies have been given back to the fishery
  17. Thats the YO Canada Version
  18. hahahahahah........I said that alot in my younger years
  19. Like I said in another thread it's time for me to eat crow, I was very unsure about this team from the begining but I'm more then happy I was sooooo wrong. The team really gelled together nicely and played great, except for the little brain farts in the last 60 seconds of semi and final games, perhaps they figured we needed a touch more drama lol. As for Crosby. he's a Canadian hockey hero know matter what anyone says, he scored one of the biggest goals in Canadian Hockey history and it couldn't of happened to a better person.At such a young age he has been a great ambasador of the sport and is a fine role model for so many young Canadian hockey fans. Things couldn't have worked out any better it truely was one of the most memorable hockey games in Canadian History.
  20. Flurocarbon leader material 50lb min, is what I like, performs every bit as good as wire and is invisible for the most part. The important thing is to buy true leader material and not Fluro main line the leader material is stiffer and more abrasion resistant.
  21. I guess my super tonight is a big ole CROW hehehe,I was more then skeptical about this team but in the end they played well together and achieved the goal, congratulations Team Canada. You only turned into pylons for 2min in the 3rd, just to test my weak heart.Hats off to a Canadian Hockey Hero, Sidney Crosby at 21 yrs of age he has cemented himself as great Canadian Hockey Legend, it's going to be hard for him to top that goal. Great game by 2 great teams, a fitting end to 2 weeks of incredible international sport, by far the best winter Olympics I've seen. Great job by all the Atheletes, Volunteers, the City of Vancover and the Country of Canada it truely was a memorable Olympic Games
  22. All the Atlantics I've got in Lake Ontario have come in the spring off the boards, mostly while fishing for browns in the shallows. The Atlantics seem to be alittle more weary then coho or chinnies so I think Brown tactics are the best way to get into these fish in the spring anyway. By the way there's some nice fish starting to show up, I saw 4 over 10lbs caught this fall in Port Dalhousie while fishing Browns. The Ignorant thing about this was the dudes who got them started milking the roe out of them and squeezing the crap out of these beauties telling me they were just a dirty ole salmon. I did step in twice and nearly got in a fist fight when I made the dude release the fish unharmed. I'll tell you those fish were powerfull fighters, lots of jumps and runs I welcome Atlantics in the lake they truely are a sweet sport fish
  23. We 're watching the same game, in the 11th her draw chances were gone on the botched peel from the vice who's shot rock guarded the draw to the button. She peeled the guard and knew she needed to be left the double for the win, which she was. The bigger miss was in the 10th, jamming the Sweed rock. I mean Cheryl played the strategy part of the game perfectly it was just the exicution on 2 easy take outs that cost her the gold. Both these misses were not difficult or circus shots these were easy take outs, the one in the 10th I figured was the game, it's the type of shot you want you play the whole the end for.Perhaps drawing to an open house would be easier, but thats not going to happen at this level, the open take out and not having to stick around is the next best thing.
  24. Actually Dan they played the 10th perfectly, just missed the easy take out and jamed it
  25. We all miss easy takeouts, the difference here is this one was for the gold medal, if you don't make that shot you don't deserve the gold, simple. I know it and Cheryl Bernard know's it as well, I'm just saying you couldn't have been given a better shot to win gold CHOKE!!!!! Sorry guys I call it like I see it, it may sound harsh but it is what it is. I don't think Cheryl will be happy with silver either on the bright side it may motivate her to get back to the olympics, much like Kevin Martens draw in the 2006 olympics motivated him to get back.
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