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Everything posted by canadadude

  1. The best way to mount your riggers is straight off the transom, the further back the better, side mounts work but can cause lots of problems if fishing deep 100'+ and also if trolling at high speeds 3.5mph+. The problem with the side mounting tends to be the belly of line will run under the boat on turns or contour fishing,with the riggers running straight out the back the line and cannonballs track better with boat. Your lures and lines follow the path of your boats turns alot more accuratly if run straight back off the transom The line also clears the boat alot easier if a big King hits and goes for a run if your running off the stern.
  2. I've had them grab and shake the front mount trolling motor while walleye fish'in in the Kawarthas
  3. The water levels can concentrate the baitfish and food in different parts of the lake which will change the feeding patterns of the walleye.If the walleye can suspend around a school of smelt comfortably there more then likely to concentrate there feeding there instead of traditional shoal type areas.Your right the walleye are going to feed no matter what the lake levels are,but if the shoals are not giving them there comfort they will change there habits.Anyway it's just a thought, the fish gotta be somewhere
  4. Just going to throw this out there, perhaps this isn't the right thread. If the walleye fishing is slow in the more traditional areas, perhaps you may want to try for suspended fish over the deepest parts of the lake. I heard a bunch of theories this past winter that the walleye are changing there feeding habits with an abundance of smelt in the system.It maybe time especialy with low water levels to get out the in-line boards, line counter reels and such and start fishing for suspended fish.I would be interested to see any results and perhaps the theory of the fish changing there feeding habits can be proven.Who knows someone may just discover an incredible fishery thats been there all the time
  5. This same law is brought up every spring especially after the may long weekend, give me a break Fantino retire or come up with somthing new. This dude sounds like a broken freaking record every time he opens his mouth
  6. This is funny,is the Sault council really that stupid, Kids and teenagers need to have regulations or accidents like this are inevidable.Kids beleive there indestructable and common sense is a trait that most us learn as we approach adulthood to expect kids and teenagers to use the same common sense as most adults shows absolutly no common sense at all
  7. No there 2 different species, silver bass are actually white bass
  8. I like the 700 Diawa whiskers, small reel with a long cast spool, great drag and balances nice on most ultra lites. I have an old fenwick 5 1/2' world class ultrlight with the wiskers it's a sweet rig. I know there are smaller reels on the market and I've tried them, but like already posted I've run into similiar problems as metioned.The 700 seems to work best for me
  9. can you spell choke B-R-U-I-N-S hahahahahahahahaha
  10. That propane unit looks sweet, I'd be looking into that in fact I'm looking into that thankyou
  11. I used one of these had trouble with the element, the cord would melt off during a long smoke then I would solder it back together. Eventualy we just used a hot plate and turffed the heating unit it was a pain in the ass
  12. Are you kidding me dude, bears are omnivores at best the chances of a bear getting a fawn are slim unless it dies or gets injured. There scavangers so they will eat meat but don't hunt it, they survive mostly on plants, berries and dead stuff. In Ontario we have Black Bears not grizzlys for the most part there pretty lame, docille, shy creatures unless provoked and get use to garbage and man, then they can become a problem.
  13. could be coyote poop
  14. Keep hating the habs all the way to the cup hahahahahhaah......I freaking love it, ya sorry for jacking the thread and your right the leaf tickets are sold out to corporations and scalpers.I've been a habs fan all my life and it's been 17yrs since we were this far in the playoffs so it's been awhile.That is truely a long time for a habs fan, we use to win the cup at least once every 10 years, still gotta a ways to go for that. Weather it's Philly or Boston for the east final it's going to be a tough series one step at a time.I am however enjoying the hockey, if the ref's let them play, the 5 on 5 hockey in both the pens and caps series was great playoff hockey, very fast end to end or tons of pressure with outstanding goaltending.I sort of feel bad for fleury he played an outstanding game 5 and made some key saves in game 7, I mean he kept it 2-0 were it could have been 5-0 after period 1.The Penguins defence was pathetic in the first period and even worse to start the second, Gonchar was in another world and Malkin was handing the Habs the puck the whole game!Crosby was even confused after he took a penalty in the first minute. Pittsburg showed how they could play during the last halph of the second period and got 2 goals but couldn't carry that intensity into the 3rd.
  15. I agree not going to happen in Toronto, there's no pride left in the team, the fans just accept there loosers and still they keep buying leafs crap and supporting a looser. The only time they put together a decent team is when a bunch of young kids trying to break in the NHL get a chance to play.Unfortunatly the leafs like to burn out there tallent in the minors then trade them, the worst thing for a minor hockey star is to get drafted by the leafs, you'll be playing for the marlies for 5yrs while they pay ole hasbeen players millions to skate around Saturday night.The leaf franchise is a joke
  16. hahahahahah I agree with that we don't take loosing well and yes we can be obnoxious when we're winning but at least we're not leaf fans who can't remember winning and accept years of loosing and still cheer for there incompitent teams.I mean the Toronto Maple Leafs are the most successfull loosers in sports, the team sticks it to the fans year in year out and still there stands are full with highest ticket prices in hockey. I just don't get it, how can leaf fans keep getting blatantly screwed and still be fans of the team.
  17. Just talked to a charter in St Catharines and he's been on a good school of coho off the niagara river this week, not big fish but tasty eaters and lots of action.Anything floresent red is good small dodgers red, pixie spoons red and such are working. When you get on them doubles and triples are the normal these are coho so when you hit them you get lots, there hitting the spoons in the prop wash aswell.
  18. That prooves my point exactly.....the public thinks the fans initiate it!! It's a perfect cover for the gangsters.You dudes don't get it!!!.....even the media don't get it,they blame the fans and the gangs get a free ride to cause havock and loot what they can. It isn't that hard to understand but hey it happens in cities all over that win championships. The fans are saying "GO HABS GO" and the gangs are saying if they win "free ride tonight" the fans will take the blame.
  19. The dude in the second picture has punk ganster crap in his eyes,he just put a habs jersey on that don't make him a fan.He's got gangster written all over him, this is Montreal there ain't no crips or bloods dude get outa the 80's and outa L.A. It's a different animal in Montreal but the same colour spots
  20. looks pretty sweet and it got a great review
  21. This disease is found in Walleye throughout the Greatlakes not just Quinte.I've caught wormy perch through the ice.Lake Nosbonsing is also bad for wormy perchies not sure why,but the parasite seems to get into the population and can spread quickly
  22. To be honest with you not many people if any have been out in the past week. The hurricane winds on the weekend and a steady East/ Northeast wind has been keeping most dudes on shore. To answer your questions east and northeast winds over 20km/h are pretty much a no-go down here expect 4'+ chop,it usually takes the lake a day or so to settle aswell.Those winds are coming right down the lake and build up waves quick,however they can pile up some warmer water and fishing can be good once the wind starts coming in from the south/southwest. A strong Northwest can also make for difficult conditions aswell as north and fishing is tough in these winds aswell. As for baits spoons,spoons,spoons and spin doctor/fly combos and did I mention spoons hehehehe.Use them off the riggers or wire/dippsey or braid/dippsey combos, 5 colour leadcore is a good ticket aswell right now.
  23. It's not the Fans doing the looting and rioting,it's the street gangs using the fans as cover.The looting and crap started after most of the fan celebrations ended and fans left.Thats when the drunk'in street gangs decide to take over and use the celebrations as there chance to provoke the police and start all the crap.
  24. Awsome game right from the start,throwing the cry baby Crosby in the box was epic,I guess the refs let him know game 7 is a mans game and not for babies.Bring on Philly or Boston it don't matter the Habs are a determined "Team" right now working together as a team.Halak is awsome which gives the whole team confidence and they continue to play as a team.It's great to be excited about hockey again, us hab fans have waited along time for this.
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