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Everything posted by jwl

  1. that's classic man...someone with just over 60 posts commenting on something like that about someone with over 7000 so how's the weather shaping up again
  2. nice report, good to hear that both of you got into a fish, as for the weather..well we can't do nothing about that, maybe that was just to climatize yourself for the Dec G2G out my way. 1000km trip for fishin, I hear ya, I drive all over Ontario for work over the years sometimes into Gatineau and Hull when I work East, driving doesn't bother me all that much,just gets borign running a few hours solo there and back for the day. heck we drive 350 kms each way to our trailer pretty much weekly all summer, and I think that's a short drive sometimes Glad the weather wasn't too bad , and it was a safe trip all around
  3. nice fish Dobee..it only gets better from here, bring on the cold
  4. that's funny, i have a book with sayings like that about fishing, pretty funny
  5. cool report man, it may not have been exactly the type of fishing trip you where after, but goes to show you that you can adapt to the situation at the time and make a great trip of it. Nothing wrong with a haul of perch like that, and catching a PB pike along the way. You guys should have put that Mariner to bed standing up Quinte is a bit behind right now for the walleye fishin, water a bit too warm still, don't dispair you guys definately aren't the only people to not see any walleye on your trip, the weather didn't help you much either
  6. well if someone added riggers,boards,..certainly all the little gizmos that go along with that such as dipsies,jets and so on have certainly helped revolutionize open water trolling
  7. I live 2 blocks from the Niagara River, and fish the steelies all winter long, and late winter lakers as well..there's always soft water fishing 12 months a year...my boat sees the water more in the winter than the summer
  8. great report, I have met alot of people over the years that pass down thier hunting heritage from generation to generation, I also think this is a great way to spend time in the outdoors and truely learn how to appreciate some of the simpler things in life....even a good ole story telling sesion by the fire on account of this time of year in the bush it's cold and dark so early anyhow thanks for sharing...when's dinner?
  9. to get into canuckfan's last question, I am not sure that would work so well, they did impose new regs for culling fish..but I think that the intent was for bass,pike,walleye fishing in regards to tourny fishing, and certain regs have to be met pertaining to your livewell to legally be allowed to cull fish for this purpose. Your livewell has to be at least a certain size, and you have to have a mechanical aerator of sorts as a back up to your livewell pump/aerator is the impression I get
  10. I would tend to think it's an "iffy one" alot of people probably think that. from a CO's perspective..depending on the officer, they may think that you should not be targetting fish you are not allowed to keep...but then again someone raised the point of the possibility of a fish under the keeper size regs may also die..I guess you would have to justify that with the CO's if questions where raised...I would agree with Gerrit and the others about removing any doubt. Everyone catches incidental OOS fish here and there..targetting them is a different story..and you just never know if and when you might hook into a big musky if they are in the water you are fishin...I catch more muskies "not fishing for them" then trying to actually target them...same sort of question could arrise about sturgeon for example..I have caught a couple over the years...no open season at all for them where I fish..we don't target them though..we could, I know a couple spots you could do this, but no open season..means I don't "try" and catch them.
  11. mask the scent???..clean your hands???....don't you guys like the extra tasty sensations of worm guts and minnow scales with your sandwiches..mmmmmm, or..pike snot
  12. well,some of my friends,family, and neighbours might seem to think I am a little nuts for some of the times I go fishing...just last winter my neighbour got a good kick out of me....my boat pretty much sat in the driveway all summer of 07, simply because most of my summer fishing was done at my trailer where I already have the 14 footer, so I didn't bring the other boat up...after "trailer season" was over and the snow started to fly, my boat was out pretty much twice a week from Nov-May, lets just say the people next door thought I played it a little bassackwards
  13. wow Bruce, that must have ben quite the scene at your place..glad it worked out in the long haul, lucky for you about having a vet for a friend...now ya need to kick the boy's and be one of those "told ya so" kind of Dad's
  14. at my trailer,the kids often get to use a couple different neighbours paddle boats if they want..and yeeper they have to grab one of the safety kits I have for out boats..fortunately I have a couple...the kids also use my old 12 footer for a row boat...same deal goes..lifejackets on at all times too
  15. crappy enough right now, that as of about 12:30 when I got in from work..we cancelled the fishin trip we where go go out on in my boat this morning. Windy as crap...storm clouds rolling in as I type ..suppost to be strong SW winds..just enough to kick up Erie enough that it will dirty up the lower river for a couple days
  16. happens once in a while when fishing part of Lake Erie for these guys too..this is from January 2008..3 of us caught about 30-40 of these puppies a day between us for like a week..I myself caught at least 40 in 3 trips out...then gone as fast as they came in, lots of double headers in the mix too,don't be alarmed by the "meat shot" that was between 3 of us so technically speaking we could have kept 10 more and we let a good 40 or so fish go that day..average was about 32-36 inches,lots of 10lbs plus fish in the mix...it was an awesome week or so of fishing to say the least. This also happens about once a season on the Upper Niagara, there is a very small window of time when all in about the same 2 weeks the mixed bag is pike,lakers,bows,browns, and big walleye, also some OOS muskies in the mix..all in the same spot...then after about 2 weeks...gone A good place to see a big baitfish push like mentioned as well is the Lower Niagara..the big trout will shove the baitfish right up against a drop-off backing them agaisnt a wall so to speak...then plow through them on a feeding frenzy..then there are times when a couple guys can boat 20-30 steelies in a couple hours..then nothing
  17. awesome fishin guys...thanks for the giant tease..hoping for a great day Sunday out in the boat..gotta get some GL fish for my team ya can't beat a day of high flying chrome action
  18. where you fishin..not location..type of water, deep river,shallow small river,trib mouth??? deeper water with current..roe,yarnflies,glo-bugs,single egg imitations right now while there is still salmon eggs in the water..later in the season go with minnow imitations like streamers,kwikfish,finesse minnows, even throw jigs with 6 inch white mr twisiters,pinkies....on the float or bottom bouncing a 3-way set up...as for spoons can't beat Gibbs spoons for trout fishing..silver/silver reflective tape or tigermelon are my favs,1/2gold and 1/2 silver Williams...these are just some of my favs for this time of year and into all winter long..I fish trout from about now..actually a little later than now generally..it's too nice out still..lol, right through intro Apr/May when water temps go up too much
  19. umm..poached don't be shy about trying to dye some in different colours
  20. excellent stuff..you are absolutely right..fall fishin is great!!!! Nice fish you got into for sure. You gotta love it, I have been waiting for this time of eyar since last fall/winter...some of the best fishing ever happens this time of year..great pike action,musky action, feedbag bass and walleye, and other species become more prevolent as it gets cold out there, like big steelies.lakers,and browns. I am really looking forward to this cold weather fishing season, as a matter of fact I just sorted through all my fishin stuff and tidied up the boat today to sort through everything and put away the stuff I don't need for the fall/winter, and gear up with the stuff I will use. Thanks for sharing the report, I think I can smell the pike snot from here
  21. Winnie The Pooh scared you out of your fishin hole
  22. if you like the idea of a bit of sweet with your fish, you can make a simular sauce/topping for you favorites using a bit of onion,peppers, mandarine oranges, and banana....saute the onions and peppers together for a couple minutes, add the oranges, heat then at the last minute add the banana, best to use very green banana,most "island" type countries they cook banana and eat it like we would a vegetable...when the fruit is started to turn yellow, they consider it spoiled. Anyways, as the banana starts to soften and the starches come out, it will help naturally thicken your sauce. As for the tuna steaks, if you marinade them in some soy sauce for a while..try this......coat it with shredded unsweetened coconut..then panfry quickly in hot olive oil..cook to about med-rare to medium....that is the best suggested way to generally serve tuna steaks. I am not big on this particular recipe because I am pretty picky about fish..lol, but I have served/prepared dishes like this hundreds of times in my younger years of working as a chef....we used to call that one.. "Aruba Tuna"
  23. nice going on the fish,nothing like the first couple "cold adventures" for the year..it was just snowing a couple flakes here at my house this morning..I say bring it on, I hope it stays cold for the next couple days..Sunday I am getting the boat out for some steelies. Kwikfish are always a good choice as well a couple times during the season, when the bite is predominantly on minnows as opposed to roe, if you are hammering them in an area on Kwikies, don't be shy about throwing around some streamers in the mix.
  24. St Stephen..... one of the good oldies
  25. it's against regs to bring them above the 401 from the VHS possitive zone to the negative zone for example. Against regs to dump your bucket of bait in a body of water the bait didn't come from my fav pike bait this time of year..I trap my own in a minnow trap baited with bread soaked in vanilla extract
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