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Everything posted by jwl

  1. jwl

    My 2008

    thanks Dave, I been trying to figure out who all the people where since Ugli put that up You are right..The Uglies are a great gang, lots of good family times amd values...and great friends to spend time on and around the water with, or have a great socail gathering, fishfry,whatever excuse to get together about, and a great help on the cheffing skills at my camp too
  2. there is Ling in Erie...it's not bowfin I gather the guy is talking about....I know for a fact they are in the lake...Bigugli got a nice one in the river end of last winter down the road from my house..a huge one probbaly 12-13lbs
  3. at my trailer,me and a good buddy up there, when we get together for some ice fishin we take a couple approaches to it...we either just go drill a few holes, set up rods and sit out on the ice until we get too cold if it's brutal out, then we head up on my patio and put as big toasty fire in the pit..warm up, watch the lines and see who gets one. Out on the ice we use a small metal garbage can type deal, my buddy put casters on the bottom, we wheel it out and start the fire with one of those "firelogs" you can buy then keep it going with small pieces of wood all day...on a really cold day we will put up some poles and tarps for a windbreak....sit by the garbage can fire, and sip some "special coffee" So there you go..someone else who uses wood to keep warm
  4. heads up and not to fill this whole thread up...check my relpy in "Hook-ups"
  5. right on, that's a nice setup... here is a handmade one from me, you probably cannot see from the pic, but it is spring loaded with 2 setting for soft and hard hits...you get a good tug...the spring snaps back and hopefully.....fish on!!! The eye hooks near the head are the guides for the line..the ones in the middle are the ones that you put the spring on and set the line around the end of the spring...it easily pops off the stand to wind the line up and haul the fish in
  6. I can check that out closer to the day, I know the marina has been letting the local BASS guys use the launch for the end of thier tourny series for the year....I live like 5-10 minutes form all the ramps this way so I can check them out no probs and clean them up if we have to for the 13th
  7. as per electrical interference....silly question but do you have spark plugs in your motor that have resistors in them????..usually what ever number sparkplug, then somewhere in the end of the numbers will be an "R" they are a bit pricey..for example the ones in my Merc are 14 bucks a piece around X 3..so just over 40 bucks for a new set. The resistors help stop electrical interference and also help protect your electronics if they are on and you start the boat
  8. pike...never know when you are going to get a huge one
  9. more hardwater teaser pics for us eh....pike and perch on ice
  10. great to see some hungry first ice fish
  11. pretty cool vid, and yepper fish like that get pretty agressive..for comparison, in the spring, I help to raise walleye fry in a rearing pond that we later net out and stock in a designated area. We keep the fish for like 6-8 weeks or so in the pond until theyare about the size of an average minnow, at this point they stop eating plankton in the pond and look for other food sources, thus they will just start eating eachother. I have seen pics before of muskies in a hatchery seeting that showed fish eating fish pretty much thier own size
  12. so...why is everyone arguing or whatever about a fish nobody from the board may or may not have caught if someone caught a record musky..good on them, that's what most musky anglers try to do..catch the BIG ONE, and if they didn't catch one...so what it's not like anyone on here's life is gonna instantly change the second we find out
  13. it's a hand made suspending jerk bait, the guy who made it for me has a great assortment of baits that he makes- Mad Maddy Musky is the name of his business does great work and any custom order you could want
  14. So???? Just wondering who is coming out for a kick@$$ day on the river on the 13th? For those who are,I hope you started packing a few thing away to try out there I think I have a few patterns covered,a decent assortment of different running baits and patterns. I have a couple areas in mind a bit out of the box, where there is a small area of water with a huge amount of structure and I am going to give that a huge go over and if I fishing for all day and still not catching a sniff,I am gonna head up river and catch a steelhead and keep the skunk out of the boat Regardless of who lands what,this will be a fun hardcore late fall day on the water and I love it !!! Here are a few things I rounded up for the day so far with multiple presentations in mind Its not always all about catching the fish...........everyone who tries to go after the big ones knows you gotta put the time in, get your butt kicked out there once in a while and give it the best go you can out there. Keep in mind also folks....that the same evening as the musky G2G a bunch of great folks from the NFN board are throwing together a swill to help out with the cause for Rick O, as he is well known and well liked by many of the fellow outdoorsmen..errr eople in the Greater Niagara area and it's a great cause and great way to meet some excellent,like minded people along the way. If anyone esle is also interested, this Saturday coming up,the 6th, NRS- Niagara River Steelheaders is having a small fun derby for the day to raise some funds for the cause. We are getting a few boats together and filling them up for the day with "non-boaters" alike and extend the welcome to any fellow OFNers to come and join us, learn a whole bunch from anglers who have fished the river for many years,get out there and have a blast. What we are doing is,getting a few boaters together, and then we are seeing if there areany open seats on the boats, trying to place people together if there are open seats, getting out there and having a blast on the water. Entry fee for the "NRS" derby on the 6th is $10 per person. Winner for the longest steelhead takes the day!!!!!!!, all proceeds go directly to Rick O, and the winner gets a prize and bragging rights. It's all in fun and a great excuse to go fishing. Looking forward to seeing a few diehards at the G2G
  15. I wonder how that would fall into to play for tournament angling? Selective harvest does sound better than culling fish from the livewell...even as of the 2008 regs now makes it if you have an adequet/appropriate livewell,so that not only bass can be culled,but walleye and pike as well. Culling torut or something who knows..generally speaking if I am going to brign a trout home it's going to be a small one not a big one, so selective harvest for sure comes into play..but, if a fish I catch happens to look like it's not going to make it, I will of course bring that fish home, and it WILL be eaten..not by me though, I will cook it no probs, just don't like trout but i know plenty of people who would eat it
  16. any fellow OFNers going to be in the area next Saturday????, that's the day I think a few of us are going to get together and go fishing out on the river..a fun day fishing, and a bit of help for a good cause. As for the tool set, thanks alot for the offer, I was going to try and figure something out so that the winner of the day could get a bit of recognition and perhaps go home with a little something. It's nice of the offer, I am not doing this to try and take away from the cause..perhaps the tool set could be auctioned off, but if it was offered as a prize for a fun derby like I mentioned it would be put to a good cause, I have a couple boats and about a dozen people committed to the day..waiting to hear back from a couple more
  17. just a fancier version of that little wheel type thing they used to have out like 15-20 years ago...was just like a pie chart that had variable conditions on there and colour choices..I think most people that put alot of time into fishing various waters at various times of year already have a pretty good idea of what to run
  18. nice
  19. good going on the fish, sometimes the river is just like that..get to a spot, catch or hook something first cast, then get a couple right away, and for the rest of the ay cast your arm off. There is a good mix of fish like in your pic that have been in the river for a bit and fresh chromers since the temps finallt dropped over the last week or so
  20. well that's a pretty cool way to catch pike bait
  21. well that's an adveture, and fish at evry place..nice stuff ..I may have fished that trip #3 a couple times if I recall
  22. I do it all the time too, heck sometimes I just use 1/2 of one of my spinning rods and I built a board with a dowel off the side that the rod can balance on and act as a tip-up sort of deal..as for icefishing line...have never bought it, never will, I just use regular mono line never had a problem yet....I even use my ultralite combo as a winter set up, and I have smaller, not quite ultra light reels I use for my ice fishing rods....all spinning gear, all regular mono line
  23. my thoughts exactly, if you look at that one in my pic...then add 20 lbs to it to make a 50lber , I have only ever caught 2 bigger than the one in my pic ..my guess on the biggest is about 56 inches, in comparison to the one I measured and weighed..the 2 bigger ones never left the water..my guess, lucky if the biggest one was maybe 40lbs, and it was freekin huge, I didn't want to take it out of the water, it was a scary sized fish enough, I would never want to think about putting that one in my boat It was caught off my dock, and I counted it as landed when I bent down and popped the hook out I kept my one and only trophy..good enough for me...wife would have my neck anyways besides the point, there is only so much room on the wall for a 5 ft driftwood log with a torpedo fastened to it
  24. this one is 52 inches...weighed 30.5 at the taxidermist about an hour after I caught it, if it gives anyone something to go by.
  25. cool..pending conditions, I may just need a bit of help cleaning the ramp in the morning...at worst possibly someone to put me in and out with thier truck
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