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Everything posted by jwl

  1. as for some colour suggestions.....in high light conditions go with bright colours,metalics, silvers,watermelons,tigers,lower light conditions, blacks,purples,dark greens...go with darker colours as well if you are fishing pretty deep water for them,like say 50 feet or more. try different blade styles too if you have the harnesses for it....double willows work well..make sure you try and get the worm as straight on the harness as you can otherwise your harness will twist
  2. looks pretty good to me for what you are calling some slow fishing...that's a banner trip for some people
  3. don't overlook using a 3-way bottom boucing rig when trolling with the harnesses
  4. good going on the fish...someof those humpies are pretty cool looking for sure, thanks for the tease guys, brings back great memories of when I lived in the Soo, and fished that area alot, tonnes of pink, some good Chinooks in the mix, we would even get the odd pike near the locks this time of year....sometimes would cross over the dam just to look down and check out the fish in the water saw some of the hugest whitefish I ever saw there once.
  5. I find that with tea stained waters, baits on the more yellow side of the spectrum work well, and if you drop a bait in the water and watch it sink, you will see that you will be able to keep viz on your bait for longer than bait that are on the white end of the spectrum. yellows/chartreusese/firetiger/green/gold,brass kind of colours for spoons and spinner blades if fishing colder waters and you want to slow down your approach, if using spinner baits for example for pike..add a twister trailer and also stick to baits around 1/4 oz this way you can retrieve your bait slower and it won't sink too much on you...aslo don't overlook suspending baits for cold water pike, they work crusher, if you find the bite is pretty slow on lures, try some jigging for sure..I like 6 inch twisters for pike fishing..hungry bass gobble them up too
  6. great family report,funny how those little devils can look all cute and stuff by putting on a big smile eh those are pretty cool shots of the seal beached by your canoe, and nice of the girls to build ya yourown place while you where gone too
  7. some jet divers if you plan on running inline boards is always good for getting the fish when they are up in the top 30 feet-ish of the water column.Also keep in mind, if you plan on running multiple lines off the boat, if you are using dipsies at different settings and sizes for example on the same side of the boat, or you plan on running a couple inline boards it saves alot of trouble to have rods that are all the same size.
  8. I have 2 heavy spinning rods that I use for musky fishing..an 8 footer, and a 9 footer heavy...both have big reels with a tonnes of line capacity, never had an issue ever, I use these rods for fishing with live bait(single hook,no trailer),chucking big lures and trolling, not an issue in any of these scenarios
  9. I just read that gas dropped today by an average of 9 cents a litre still not all that great, but also still around the same as a few years back when gas spiked about 70 cents a litre all together during that year from what my wife and I figured out that year according to all the gas reciepts I keep for work,I recall gas being at about the 70 cents a litre mark, and going up to around $1.30 ish during that time throughout the year from winter to summer. Man I am glad I can write-off a huge hunk of that
  10. this is a great story, and a great example of what some of the people on this board are all about when it comes to helping others the looks on the boy's face say it all My wife's freind has a small boy facing simular problems, and it can be a big challenge for any family,something like this for the day can really help a family get a big possitive break from thier every day challenges
  11. right on now my wife can't bug me about all the empties in my shed at camp thanks to your genious investment plan there
  12. probably not high enough water temps for an algae bloom, my guess would be some weedy areas dying off,and the result is alot of that floating around in the water that looks very simular to algae
  13. Thanks Italo and Aldo for that one on the Maid.....soon as those 2 episodes aired , one for bass, the other for salmon/steelies too much attention drawn to the spot, and so started the demize of yet another shore fishing hot spot that was definately a gem of a spot in the day...60-70 bass mornings, big steelies, loads of salmon..I used to do alot of fishing down there. as for fishing near NOTL...chances of pegging off a salmon in the Queenston area, smallie fishin is still really good all over the lower river/gorge area..just talked to a buddy the other day who was down there, he caught a big musky..on a bass he was reeling in , the lower river is one of those never know what you will catch kind of places. As for Bigugli's suggestion of giving Paul at Cast Adventures a shout, he is a great guy to call for a charter down there, he knows how to put people on the fish, I have seen him out there in action a bunch of times, and have had the pleasure as well of a fun fishing/non-charter day on the water with him..he works hard at it and has a great time doing it
  14. that's pretty cool, nothing like sitting around the camp fire jammin out a few ole classics..also a fine tradition at my trailer, or anyother outdoor event that happens and a few of us bring along somehting to beat a tune out on...thanks for sharing
  15. yahoo, 2 meals in one...that's one fat belly on that pike for the size of it, and seeing the second pic, no wonder
  16. well that's one H-E-double hockey sticks of a prize you got there, I only wish, most I can win on any fishing derby type days I have ever been in is a couple hundred bucks here and there. Bet you can't wait to put some fish in that boat
  17. nice going on the bass fishin,...hate to break it ya but when bringing the women fishin, they almost always outfish the boys..half the reason I think for this is the guys don't have time to get thier line in there because they are too busy fixing the girl's tangles and baiting hooks
  18. I do it for a variety of fish, as also a few others I fish with still do this as well, it's one of my favorite ways to cover alot of water, and also helps me find fish for example when I am in my smaller boat with no fish finder on it...I let drifting my bait be my fish finder if I find a high percentage area to work over, I just make myslef 3-4 way-points on shore for refference, and X marks the spot
  19. lots of great points here, and also lots of learning to do along the way too, I learned more this summer about running different set-ups like this then ever thanks to being able to get out with one of my fishin buddies who also happens to do some charters as well, I can tell you that running a 10-12 rod spread is alot different than going out with a buddy running 2-3 rods off your boat. You need to experiment a little bit and read up a bit on things like what depths ect the different sized dipsies run at for example,and how deep they run at different settings so you can cover alot of water but also at the same time be able to run them while trying to avoid tangles with other the other lines that are out. You can also have alot of success by running smaller dipsies off boards for example, but also do not overlook jets for this either, they work great for getting fish that are in the upper 30 feet or so of the water column off the inline boards for example. You do need good rod holders for sure, and a decent trolling rod, or you stuff isn't going to last much longer than one season....also a good tip..reels with a line counter are definately an asset for this kind of fishing, not only will it help you with running your baits according to the charts for dipsies and jets ect, but it will also help you develope some patterns to catch you more fish
  20. long story short,heard about this board for a couple years, but honestly never even lurked on here or anything,at the time heard there was lots of Bull on this board and some comments that kept me away from even bothering to check it out. Just before I signed up on the board I decided to check it out,of course I love fishing,and all the banter that goes along with it. Was getting a little bored of looking at fishing reports from like 2-3 places on a different board,or the general lack of fishing reports unless one of them was me, or a couple fishing buddies . I never came on the board to try and scoop up everyone's favourite fishing holes ect, in fact you will probably never see me even ask anyone about an area in general or for pointers on what's biting, I like to find this out on my own, or if I think I may need some extra info or pointers, I can click a mouse and read up on it myself Being a multi-species angler, I love reading all the reports that come in from all different areas, and what tactics helped people have a successful day along the way, and I like to compare then to my own findings, and also to some of the fishing journals I have kept for myself over the years,throw this all together and try and come up with some hot tactics for fishing 12 months a year. I also really like alot of other assets on this board, in general if anyone has a question about pretty much anything for example, purchasing a boat, tackle,gear,repair jobs, ands the list could go on...there always seems to be some great input on all sides of the coin, personal prefferences, good or bad experiences,either way the person that was asking the questions is sure to get the info they are looking for. There are some great fishing reports from all over the place as opposed to 1-2 spots, there are great examples of board members doing various things to help one another out or be a shoulder to lean on that makes this a great forum community here, and it's the big mix of people from all walks of life, ages, skill levels ect that make this board what it is.
  21. for 2008, steelhead,laker,brown,pike,walleye,perch,largie,smallie,bullhead,channel cat,sheephead,silver bass,perch,bluegill,pumpkinseed,rockbass,carp...no landed muskies thus far just a couple lost ones
  22. when I took my 52 incher musky to the taxidermist a few years back,it had a hard lump in it's belly,out of curiosity,while I was still at the shop he cut it open so we could see what it was, turned out to be a 15 1/2 inch catfish
  23. in late fall when it's really cold out and early spring just after ice out, I mostly fish big white twisters for them , gotta fish really slow and keep in contact with the bottom to get them most of the time. This will catch fish often when no-one else is getting them
  24. wow sounds like a trip of a lifetime,did you get any tips on colours up there for roe , and the imitations???, asking because I noticed all you choices are based on say, reds,pinks,oranges....no greens or chartruesses/yellows in the mix. Can't wait to see the report after that trip,many would love to do that for sure
  25. I hear ya, I have a trip planned with a few guys next weekend...need to fill my van both ways,will be towing a buddies boat , and when there,I have 2 boats there that will need gas,the bigger boat costs about 20 bucks a day if travelling around, fortunately already have almost a tank there, who ever uses my 14 fter is lucky cuz I already have a full tank for that and it's good for a couple days. Is the rising price of gas going to stop us??/well no, I figure if I gotta worry about an extra 20 bucks for the trip in boat gas that I got way worse problems than trying to go on a fishin mission..the good part, we are carpooling in my van..but we will be using 3 boats..think about it, it will probably cost more money for gas in total than it will for everyone's food and drink the whole time...well depends on how the beer is flowing, but you get the point. For the most part this summer has probably cost my family and average of about 25-30 bucks a trip to go to camp...probably an average of 100 bucks more a month to enjoy our summer fun.
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