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Everything posted by jwl

  1. thanks..but too bad I didn't have my freekin team sign with me ..we need a GL trout , good thing I am going out again in the morning ..oh well that's just a small one anyways..and it's not even the "good fishin" yet...yaaa.yaaa..that's it, that's my story
  2. Had the chance today to head out for an afternoon fish on the mighty Niagara in my boat with Niagara and Suick to try and see if we could rustle up any steelie action. We knew it was going to be a bit of a tough day after all with this weather it was just too darn nice out for steelie fishin, and the water was pretty much crystal clear to boot. This means some experimenting with spots and also trying out a few different baits..some different sized baits, and different length leaders on the 3 way rigs. We also knew that this is also the time of year where you just have to actually start egtting out there,try a few spots and try and find some fish..it's just a start, water is still a bit warm, but you just never know unless you get out there and try. Today we could only get out for the afternoon as the other 2 guys had to workthis morning, but it was also a chance to try a hand at the afternoon bite, tommorrow is a shot at the morning bite, but you have to experiment a bit if you want to stay on the fish all winter. I was happy to say that on my first mission for steelies out in the boat since the spring time that I infact did mange some fresh chrome in the boat. Spunky little girl she was,she gave me a couple good high flying leaps on the way in just to add to the fun. . All in all it was a lovely day to be on the river, after-all it's not often we get spring in the first week of November. Suick also managed to put one in the boat,Niagara lost a couple and I had one other fish on just long enough to peel some line, shake it's head and be gone. The boat saw 2 for 5 today. It was a slow day all around and we didn't see any other boats we where by catch anything,but for a search mission, I am happy all around that the first steelie mission on the river since like April/May still saw us put a couple in the boat. Great way to start the next 5 months of trout fishin' PS, if any of you guys where the ones in the redish boat in the background of my pic...after you watched me land my fish and then you started to head back up river when I did.....here is a little Niagara River secret that might help you catch a couple fish...........DO NOT, run your boat all the way through the whole drift on your way back up stream to start another drift......go..arrrrrrrrrounnnnnnddddddd the drift...way around it, it just might help the fishin
  3. years back there was some decent numbers of them in the Niagara, it has however been quite a while since I caught one. High flying acrobats is right,,last one I ever caught was about 6 years ago on bass opener, and that sucker jumped out of the water like 10-15 times on the way in.
  4. nice healthy looking small river bows there, gotta love that it's November and you can go fishin in shorts
  5. jwl


    Glad to see you had gotten out on a road trip Bruce, I know you wanted to get the boat out a few more times before hibernation time nice haul of fish there
  6. nice going on the fish, The river can be fussy sometimes about letting up her fish. You never know what the next big one is going to be sometimes out of there. Hopefully the bite picks up a bit, I am heading down there in my boat this afternoon
  7. hey I let him on my boat didn't I??, and I might add that was from up at my camp and I let him in my trailer too...fortunately it was cold at night...not to many people walking around with no shirt on
  8. you think that's bad.......Bigugli is standing in the front of my boat in that pic As for the Coach...I have an idea, instead of collecting money for a T-shirt, we can have sort of a raffle....all you have to do is go to the Beer Store, get yourself a case of beer, drink it, when you look inside, if you get a free shirt...send it to him
  9. seems like your year is wrapping up nicely, tonnes of great fishing for you in 2008
  10. well at leats here in Ontario, the wimmins optional is leagl..only problem with that is the ones who actually do it........you wish you never looked at in the first place, and you have to go home immediately and wash your eyes out with boiling water and bleach
  11. right on Steve, thanks for filling me in, I was curious to see, it's awesome to see the fishery there is so diverse, and I look forward to helping the MNR again in the spring. One of the "recaps" we got before was from 2000, it is great to see all the different year classes of fish that come into there
  12. great going on the day Steve, nice to see some good fish brought in. pretty cool to see that the MNR came down with the PIT tag reader..that's a great idea, I wonder if we can get any feed-back to see if it's any of the fish I helped catch and tag over the last couple years...curious where any of the fish tagged that you know of???
  13. out of minnows now, want me to bring ya some tommorrow????, I got a bunch of nice ones in the garage, and have a trap set overnight I am getting in the morning before heading out, bring a bucket I see you must have caught a fish on every minnow you scooped today
  14. yepper, pink works pretty good, as for wearing it, I dunno, I would probably get pushed in the water by the guys I fish with
  15. Well, I am just going to grab a seat on the couch and pull my touque over my eyes and pretend I didn't see that eh!
  16. to add to Sinker's comments...you can probably just get your mom to "gift" you the trailer..you can do that as a one shot deal amoungst imediate family and in-laws oh as for "ownership" I kind of took it for granted that you would figure it was the pleasurecraft craft liscence you get when you register a boat
  17. year of the motor is in the model number, and year of the boat should be on the 'VIN" plate on the transom as well..as for sale..if you want to sell it in your name, just get your mom to sign the ownership over to you I am pretty sure
  18. wow, where you get that photo, the males are pretty rare and elusive, hardly ever caught on camera
  19. been there done that too..I think if you do alot of boating, bound to happen once in a while funny thing is last time that happened to me, I was not alone..but the wussy sucks I was fishing with didn't have any boots on and didn't want to step in the water..poor babies, so I did the same thing from inside my boat after I ran it up on the trailer...had to step off the bow to put the winch strap on..and yepper...slllliiiiippppp you are not alone man
  20. My little one went on a school trip to a pumpkin patch Wednesday, they all got to go out in the field on a hay ride and hop off to select thier own pumkins. This is the one she picked, and with some help from mommy, she drew the face and mommy carved it out. She is all proud of her hard work Just got her from school so for a little fun I decided to make her a lunch to fit in with the day. No wise cracks about feeding my poor kids balogna either, gotta do that when you got 3 kids . Real lunch meat would cut into my beer money then you all would have to call children's aid on me if I couldn't buy beer I am just kidding on the last remark, they really just cut into the money I have for fishin gear Happy Halloween from the gang at the JWL house
  21. not that uncommon over the last few years..there is a guy across the road at my trailer whom I have been talking to about this over the last couple years..he has on occassion gone out with the MNR to help investigate livestock killings in the Prince Edward County area, and upon thier investigations they found fur on a fence in a couple places that there where livestock killings and they did indeed prove through DNA tests come to the conclusion it was cougars in the area. I also know that as part of a wildlife rehab program over a few years they have introduced radio collared cougars in a couple areas up through that way.
  22. wow that's brutal, glad you didn't get hurt. got a good scare when I was about 15, me and 3 buddies got dropped off at a some what fishing hole by one of the guy's Dads on his way to work, and he was picking us up on his way home. We where stuck there for the whole day as this was a good ways from home. We where fishing, things where a bit slow so we decided to go try another spot and walked over to a long point sticking out. We where having a great time fishing catching a tonne of mudcats and the odd big channel cat when all of a sudden....BOOM!!!!!..we look around, then another..BOOM!!!! and this time pellets sprayed the water pretty close in front of us. We look around to find this huge burly biker looking guy with a shot gun pointed at us and yelling "hey!!! get out of here this is private property". Well you never saw 4 kids try and scramble so fats in your life as a second big biker type runs over to his buddy just as he is about to pop off another shot and grab the gun his other freind had and point it up in the air as he yells at his buddy "relax" before they walked off. Man, we where stunned and crapping our pants by this whole ordeal, for the record, the area we where fishing was indeed NOT private property, we where on a point by a creek mouth, the other side of the creek where the gunslinger was is where the private property was. Perhaps we where getting a little to close to thier stash or something they happened to be "cultivating" out there, but all I know is right after we grabbed our stuff and hightailed it back to where we started, and the whole time shaking our heads that we couldn't believe what had just happened, not only that, this was almost 25 years ago, no such thing as a cell phone,the biker guys WHERE the closest people around, and we had to wait there until our friends Dad got off work to pick us up
  23. right on, nothin wrong with that, it's great when you can get into a bunch of hungry pike on a frenzy..you never know when the next one is going to be a 3 footer
  24. wife didn't have "much" of a prob letting me have a 52 inch musky mounted on a big driftwood log hanging in the living room , I don't see the prob
  25. hey Bruce...no prefishing man...cheater , you really don't need to bring any fish for the cook out..but if you are,let me know....I will be bringing a bunch of walleye to cook up, if you are bringing fish too, I won't take so much out
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