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Everything posted by jwl

  1. sure, alright boat is full then..it's better to fish with 3 than 4 in my boat anyways,specially when we load it up with big rods and baits.
  2. that looks like a pretty solid day fishing, doesn';t get much better than that..I can't wait until it's time to get into big number of huge steelies on the big river. Thanks for rubbing it in with all the pics
  3. I have one seat reserved as of this afternoon...so I am still willing to take on one more person if needed no problems , I even have a spare heavy rod if needed as well
  4. those are some great pics of the little one, hope you all enjoy tonnes of great family memories in the making with the new boat
  5. thanks for posting the great tips....ummm, you have to put your boat away in the winter , guess I am lucky, I fish the Niagara all winter, but I do take my precautions, I keep the deepcycle charged up after every use, the cranking battery gets charged a couple times a week when running the boat...I do however change the lower unit oil before winter just incase. If I use the boat and livewell alot and it gets wet inside, and I have to cover it up wet..I will put RV antifreeze in the livewell hoses, and put a bit in the bilge area as well then empty it out when I use it. I run the bigle pump and livewell pump for a few minutes as well ,I also make sure to tilt the motor back down all the way to let any water run out, and run my motor for a few seconds after I trailer the boat to try and spit out as much water as I can. On a side note though, I hear ya, I have to winterize my 9.9 for my 14 footer, pull the boat up on shore and take my dock out this weekend as well as winterize the water lines and hot water tank in my trailer this weekend coming. 'Tis that time of year again , fortunately I can use my trailer all winter..just no water from T-Giving weekend until May, and hydro is plug and play per use after that too, can't keep the trailer plugged in all the time in the winter.
  6. I can come up with a couple ideas for dinner no problem ,I know what you mean about the Light House Restaraunt there, haven't been since it changed hands, I will come up with a couple suggestions where they would have ample parking for anyone with boats in tow as well
  7. No worries on that for me..mine is insured 12 months a year
  8. I am pretty sure I will have room for at least 1 in my boat too..can squeeze 2 if needed if I already have a second tagging along with me the 4th guy doesn't get a comfy seat . will hook up 2 riggers as well for the day
  9. Don't worry Lew,like I said, I can easily keep tabs on conditions at all the ramps, they are minutes from my house, I always keep some sand/salt/shovel handy when I do alot of winter fishing so I can also easily show up a bit before everyone else and start working on it
  10. I know muskies would be the choice quarry for the day..but depending on weather, and where launching from, there is always a chance of ending the day at a crack at some Upper River rainbows or something too Like I said, I will keep tabs on conditions, and can even show up a bit early to help clear the ramp, as they are pretty much all within 10-15 minutes or less from my house
  11. I should be able to join in as well with my boat,I don't put the boat "away" for the winter ... I can see the Upper from my driveway as I live like 2 blocks away from the Upper Niagara and only a couple minutes drive of the boat ramps, I can keep tabs on the conditions for everyone no probs..the ramp at the marina will most likely be closed however as this is the first year opened up not "Park's Commission" operated it is private now and in the "off season" since last winter it was gated and locked....there are other options depending on where everyone wants to fish though for free ramps.
  12. the hit by a prop idea is no so far fetched..often for example at my trailer..boating down the lake in the mid lake open water, I spook muskies sitting on the top in the middle of nowhere..you could hit one...and in fall of 2007 while up at my trailer with a few fishing friends for a couple day mission, a big musky came and hit at my friend Bill's electric trolling motor, Bigugli was running the electrics, and they where working a weededge off from a sandy beach area when ...pathunk...!!!, he looks down to see the giant slowly swim away after not getting away with a meal We kidded around about our baits being way to small after that
  13. you definately want to try and avoid the injected kind of marinades..once the bird starts to cook and juices flow..the marinade starts coming out, and will just spell disaster with the outdoor cook pot, water and oil don't mix very well..lol. A good dry rub inside and out should do the trick for sure
  14. in the early...early days it was the other way around..Cooper used to tour alot with Zappa, and it was an in thing to do for a while that once Cooper or Zappa went on stage...the audience would walk out
  15. wow, thanks for sharing a trip that many only dream of..great collection of pics from that one, i am sure it will be remembered forever
  16. "HOney Do" list eh Bruce???... ya gotta get that in once in a while iffin ya want to get out fishinas much as you have been I guess
  17. right on man, that's whicked cool, Alice has some great songs..I saw a new year's eve concert once..it was great...although I generally like the older Cooper stuff, I forget the name of the tour but it was when the song "Hey Stupid" came out....great show awesome stage show, I also have some great old stuff on video...some of the stage effects are just whicked Celebrate your Bday's after with some "Big Apple Dreaming On A Wooden Floor"
  18. well at least it wasn't the other way around and the pike was catching the weiners , it almost happened to a buddy of mine once at my camp with one about 40 inches...after he god the hook out ,he was handling the fish to let it go...the fish turned around and chomp!, right on the leg of his shorts
  19. wow that's ones a pig for a 4 footer..got some chunk going down on that baby
  20. Nice going on more hog salmon Cliff...umm, don't put the boat away yet man, tonnes of good fishin left if the wind cooperates
  21. nice going on the fish man...those muskies can put of one heck of a fight in the current for sure...I have even had a couple smash onto bass I had on the line in the lower river before..my buddy got one like that a couple weeks ago while jigging for bass...he caught a little smallie...and whamo, out oif nowhere a nice musky came and grabbed the bass, his jig stuck the musky...lost the bass, got the musky in See ya down on the river soon...boat is coming home next weekend
  22. best presentation on the lower is drift a 3-way rig......use your electric motor to keep the bow of the boat pointed straight toward shore and drift the exact same speed as the current...watch the stuff floating around on top of the water and try to keep that same speed, it's alot of work on the electrics but it ensures you get a good natural presentation..you want to try to keep your line as verticle to the boat as you can and keep your sinker in constant contact with the bottom, if you line is on too much of an angle from the boat you will get tonnes of snags. Also, keep in mind if trolling, if you are trolling through the main drifts you are going to get a bunch of boats Po'ed at you..it scares the fish out of the drifts and scatters them around from running the gas motor....also when starting the drift over again, we always make sure to make a huge wide cirlce around the drift. You will see this technique is the A! boat technique for the lower Niagara..try it out...if you see guys catching the fish, pretty much guaranteed that's what they are doing..we put a couple hundred steelies in the boat last winter no probs
  23. guess that depends on how early you catch one to belly slit it by now I am sure if you catch a boot that's been in the river for a while..she will have no problem spewing eggs all over when ya pull her out of the water
  24. now that's funny...nice shots from the air
  25. to all the comments about the band being loud......you got that freekin right..whenI seen them .."For Those About To Rock Tour"..I was pretty young,like 11-12 years old and right into loud music being a guitar player just getting into the hobby and such...I tell you when they blasted off the cannons on stage during that song..the whole place shook like it was going to fall apart...cannons over the PA system...yee hawwww...rates right up there with Rob Halford's mic'ed up Harley
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