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Everything posted by jwl

  1. July and August you don't have to go too far to get into some fish, there are a couple areas that hold good numbers of fish that time of year, it's a spot where fish will start to stage for the fall run. GUys who fish the tail end of the SCG&F derby do ok pretty close to there
  2. bring it on...nothing like being out in the boat for some hot steelie action with a nice sprinkle of snow coming down...I love that time of year
  3. excellent twist on that post I too grew up where we would look for pop bottles to bring back to the store to buy goodies..or thought it was a real bonus if Mom, let us grab a couple from under the sink to go buy some candy. I bet more people read a possitive response into your post besides the millions of them that start out with the words..idiot,slobs ect...
  4. yowwwwch!, glad that wasn't any worse than it was Coach. Sounds like you where having a great day until that little incident.
  5. I agree with that one..good investment for sure, since I have had one, I always wear it when the temps and water temps drop,heck I even wear it for shore fishin on those really cold days..great to keep warm,break the wind(keeps you extra warm if you break wind while wearing ), and helps keep the rain and snow out.
  6. Bruce..I see you are at it again, and got into some decent fish to boot...we need to get out soon,perhaps a pike mission is in order..my boat is home now too
  7. nice going on the new ride..sounds like a long time coming for that one....hope you get many years of fun out of her
  8. nice report..Paul is a great guy to spend the day with out there..he will find the fish, and have a blast doing it.
  9. Peace Bridge....the Queenston-Lewiston bridge gets super backed up with delays some times, and besides it's still at least a 1/2 hour drive pretty much to Buffalo from there..as for dire4ctions...can't miss it..take the QEW Fort Erie bound all the way to the end
  10. Headed up with the wife and kids to go do the inevitable....pretty much close up at the trailer..sad time of year indeed,although I can use the trailer all winter just have no running water, and hydro is plug and play so I can't keep stuff stored up there,this time of year pretty much solidifies that summer is over The weather was just great and the fall scenery was beautiful as well. Here is a couple shots from the tinner after coming in from a bit of fishing They call it "fall" because this is the time of year when everything is falling everywhere(hence the post earlier on suggestions for getting rid of sap spots in and on the bigger boat) A nice fall sunset from the backyard It was pretty quiet around camp as everyone slowly got finished with thier weekend, and closing up chores,and saying thier good-byes for the season..some of us made plans for some winter trips to get a gang together icedrinkingfishing trips this coming hardwater season. Noone really around so I decided not even to put the bigger boat in for the trip and just use the tinner for some goofing around. Turns out didn't even really have to leave the back yard, fishing was pretty fast and furious just off the dock I got into a bunch of these hungry buggers even a bunch of thier cousins too, pretty fun on the ultralight lucky for these guys I already had a bunch in the freezer from last trip up with the boyz, but I caught enough good sized ones I could have filled a bag Of course because dad was making out so good, my little Emily had to get in on the action..take over my ultralight and my good spot and show me how it's done She was right in on the hot perch action too A few minutes later she hooks into this one and gets all excited telling me she has a big one on and I better get the net.It gave her quite the scrap on my ultralight set up, she had a blast Even the bugs must be fattening up for the season, this water beetle was pretty big Had to give the "camping guitar" one last work out by the fire before it came home for the winter too, it was more than happy to share a beer,a smoke, some campfire and a few good tunes This is the saddest part of the trip, the time you know you have to get a few things put away for the season and pack up the rest and go home.....dock is out, my 2 little boats out and all waiting in the land of misfit toys until next season. Thus concludes a great summer of 2008 season at the JWL camp, it was a great season and lots of good memories spent with the kids, and friends and family alike along the way. It's a great way to get to know your kids, and learn more about them as well, if you take the time out to get them away from the everyday hub-bub and distactions around home, have fun together, spend time in the boat and fishing, or just simple little late night camp fire chats along the way....I can't wait until the 2009 season begins....next trailer report will be a hard water mission..but that's going to be a while yet, so in the mean time, the Viper is back at home and going to be ready to hit the high flying steel on the big river over the next while
  11. pretty much the only fishin I spend alone in the boat is up at my trailer...I admit I do not wear a PFD either for the most part, but when it's real choppy or cold I do..the wife always has a pretty good idea of what 3-4 spots on the lake I am fishing. I always bring my cell phone. I have spent many weekdays on the water over the years there being the only boat I see all day pretty much. The big water, I don't fish alone in the boat..too boring..my ADHD kicks in , when the water starts to get cold, I always wear my Mustang Floater
  12. that's funny you say your "camping" Yamaha acoustic..and "I don't care what happens to it guitar" I got the same thing...had it for like 12 years now..story behind it is, I was up North camping fishin on St. Joe's Island, wanted a guitar for sitting around the camp fire so I thought I would go into town and try and find a used music shop on a whim..I lucked out....right first when I went in the door, was a guitar hanging on the wall with a little sign attached to it saying "looking for a good camp fire"..I thought it was funny because that's exactly what I was looking for it for..so for $85 bucks for the guitar and another $25 for a case..I was out the door for $110 with a decent guitar. It's was scratched to crap in the back....but great action,great sound and I been using it ever since as my "camping" guitar. This pic is from the weekend up at my camp..I keep it there in the summer, brought it back home after winterizing..had to end the season with a couple tunes by the fire..
  13. awe man, now you guys make me want to show off some of my stuff too..all my stuff is in my buddy's basement where we jam..he's the drummer, and way easier to leave all the stuff there then haul it around every weekend....specially the speaker cabinet on my Sunn, and my bass cabinet too will take a couple pics next time we jam
  14. thanks for all the replies folks
  15. nice toys there, I haven't tried out those models, but have tried other simular models out that friends have had over the years for some fun..you can get some wicked effects for sure...you have to really goof around with them and get the sound you like..then you have to remember all the settings Myself, I also like to keep my gear pretty simple...I pretty much keep my effects down to a minimum..heck my amp doesn't even have a dirty channel..it's a 1976 Sunn Stagemaster- 400 watts of @$$ kicking clean..the perfect amp for a solid classic hard rock backbone..even with just my BOSS Turbo Overdrive pedal it sounds awesome..the amp itself has a great EQ system..primitive with lots of knobs to toy with but crisp as anything...my general set-up for jamming is pretty much just the overdrive,a chorus, and a wah. Have fun figuring out the new toy there Blaque, it will take you a long time to figure some stuff out, and a bonus surprize when you areplaying and stumble upon a whole new cool sound..just remember if you are customizing your own sounds, and come up with somehting really cool.....write the numbers down man..lol
  16. do these goof offs know how to clean boats?? thanks for the tips..I was going to try under the seat where you wouldn't notice so much..I am not much into wrecking a couple hundred dollar seat same as the finish on my Merc. I am going to give it a try tommorrow,change the lower unit oil,take out all the remnants of summer fishing stuff, and load it back up so I can have the boat all ready to get dirtied up again for round 2 of the season this fall/winter
  17. I don't want to wreck the finish on my motor cover, and also what about varsol on the leather seats????
  18. since there are tonnes of boaters on this site that usualy have a tonne of input when someone asks a question, I have one of my own. I had the bigger boat up at my camp for the last while to get in some summer fun with the kids and such. My trailer lot has huge pine trees on it and of course along with that comes a huge mess sometimes from the sap and such. I have a few spots on the motor cowling and my leather seats I would like to get rid of while I clean it up and get ready for my winter river fishing season. Any of you folks have any good tips for getting rid of the mess from the sap????
  19. jwl


  20. around a $1.04 this morning when I put gas in the car before going out getting skunked for a couple hours , I am filling up the van today for sure before heading up to my camp tommorrow
  21. Oh I will have a great weekend Coach...headed up to camp tommorrow late afternoon when the wife gets home from work, get in a couple great days of fishin , then it's the crap part of the trip..winerizing the trailer, my 9.9, pulling the dock out...good part of that..bringing the bigger boat home for the start of my fall/winter season. No turkey dinner....maybe some chicken weiners to be festive I will have a good fish fry for sure, still got a nice bag of perch fillets up there, and 2 pickereyes in the freezer as well...even got cold beer in the fridge when I get there too Everyone travelling this weekend, have a safe and happy trip. Coach..Happy Columbus day to you as well....have a beer on us..a Canadian beer so it has ohol in it
  22. yee haww...bring it on , I can't wait..I actually headed out in the hopes of catching a steelie today for a bit....it was actually too nice out water is still too warm for the good fishin , I am with Lew as well...a minor slow up at the boat ramps
  23. jwl


    that's funny..but I don't think it passes fire code any more ..I grew up being able to have jiffy pop over the camp fire,parents would always by it for me and my sister when we went camping...over the last couple years I have tried to buy it for my kids to bring to camp with us, and it comes in a crappy pan now that says right on it NOT to cook over an open flame..man they gotta wreck everything fun don't they What's next, are they going to start labling wonderbread with a warning not to make your toast on a coat-hanger anymore
  24. now there's the makings of a decent dinner there
  25. there has been talk of this sort of thing for years, pretty much all the major manufacturers of marine engines and products have knows about additives in gas for years before it has been in the forfront to the general public or boat owner, and thus make products to compensate for this..for example...most good TCWIII related 2 stroke oils already have additives in them to help prevent water separation and such..different brand specific products are also designed for optimum performance with the associated brands of engines. hate to think how much iot would cost us all if we could only run marine grade feul in our engines , let alone the general availablity of it, we would all have to plan our fishing/boating adventures well ahead of time and try to find the nearest available marina with a gas dock that actually had marine grade fuel with no ethanol in it at all.
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