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Everything posted by jwl

  1. you got a seat reserved then Bruce no probs
  2. I will PM you Lew with a couple suggestions to go and eat no problem, and keep posted on weather and ramp conditions. I got a couple good places to give a go for some fish too, happy to share some advice out on the water. As a matter of fact I was at the Fishin'Niagara today picking up some steelie tackle for a friend and some guys just came in with a pic of one they got today...not a monster but a respectable little guy in the teens. Oh and by the way..I'm in..gotta double check with earlier interests when this was first posted if my boat is full or not...will respond accordingly when I find out. I will keep tabs and if weather sucks, I can go down and try and clean the ramp on the 12th
  3. it still gets me how everyone forgets how to drive in the snow, my wife and I have been playing on a rec pool league for years, we headed out last night to go play about 6:30, hardly no snow in FortErie,part way down the QEW Niagara bound, it starts up, roads partly covered and slick,..5 cars spun out in the ditch in about a 5-6km stretch and that's with less than an inch
  4. yepper, when they generalized the regs in a couple areas, that's the deal. For example, where my trailer is used to be 6 fish no slot, as of 2008 it's 4 with the same 18.1 fish in the mix
  5. right on, cold water feedbag pike, gotta love it my best days last year where January on Erie, ice was in, then melted, the pike fishing exploded for like 2 weeks, I got like 40 fish or more in 3 outings thnaks for the tease
  6. thanks Cliff, get the snow flying, it's trout fishin time in the boat..gonna get me a nice one for my team this weekend for a derby I am helping run on Saturday oh and by the way..drive safe yourself
  7. alright, so when is the big cook out guys and gals, I got some fish in the freezer ,we could have us a good ole fashioned Canadian version of surf and turf great pics folks, thanks for sharing some of the reports and adventures, glad to see so many have a sfe and successful season out there
  8. I just pick a bit of ice off the boat cover..if I have to get a friend with a 4X4 to come get me,,,and go trout fishin but then again, I can't wait to round up a few troups and hit up the trailer for some hardwater pikin and pickin
  9. I have fished both places from shore and boat over many years, might be different now than years ago when I quit fishing Port from shore, and seen many fights entail over that time, even with people going so far as hollering contests from one side of the harbour to the other from tangling thier lines together right across the whole place from one side to the other..guys yelling across the channel...hey you take off that big sinker ( meanwhile they both have big sinkers on) and some guys yelling "Oh ya I will come over the and kick your ass, hop in the car, drive over the other side and start duking it out. I have met and fished with a few guys over the years that regularly fish there, but to be honest, good guys or not I haven't put much effort into casting a line from shore for many years now, I aint into fishing with 40 guys crammed on one little stretch of wall, some of the guys I would fish with anytime..but not there . As for lead chucking at boats...well that happens there wayyy more than it well ever happen at Queenston for example, you really have to stay on the bowmount to not cross that imaginary line some of the pier chuckers have drawn across the harbour Sometimes you just can't help but get close in a boat, the current and wind naturally suck you into that wall...but speaking as both a shore angler and a boat angler, the boat guys don't need to go rushing over there close to the wall cuz they just seen 6-7 fish landed in a few minutes either, that's just stupid, and also if you have no electric motor on your boat don't go by there, that's just stupid too, you are just floating around aimlessly getting in the way of the shore guys, and your fellow boaters, there's lots of room to fish for the boat guys and lots of fish to be had if you know how to drift em. All it takes is a bit of cooperation from both sides...the boat guys don't need to scoot right into the way of the shore guys because they saw a couple landed, and the shore guys..if a boat happens to get close and you see that these people have been pretty good about trying to stay out of the way, there really is no need to get pi$$ed off at them, as fast as your line drifts and you gottastart reeling back in, that boat is out of the way....if everyone has 2 seconds of patience and takes turns casting, that boat is no more trouble then taking turns casting with the people beside you. Not real any need for fights and screaming and hollering much though....IT FISHIN, isn't that supposed to be relaxing for the day well as relaxing as fishing shoulder to shoulder gets. How did you guys in the pic get to have such a "slow day down there"???? when I was there the other day and got these... I stopped counting at 36 people in that spot . As for experiences like Queenston, I have fished down there for almost 30 years both from shore and from a boat and never seen nearly as much crap as happens at Port. On average in the winter I probably bring the boat down there twice a week, probably a bit less crap because there is a smaller concentration of people fishing there..a busy day mabe there is 10-15 guys, not 35-40-50 fishing the area, so that's one reason for a bit less trouble....but again if everyone takes turns fishing the drift..shore guys, boat guys..all generally goes well, I don't blame the shore guys for getting frustrated with the boats if the boatsare just there cutting everyone off, but you can tell the difference between someone having a bit of trouble controlling the drift every now and again, due to wind and current change as oppsed to the guy who runs the motor right through the drift and cut's off the shore guys...a simple wave, and "sorry guys", goes a long way with most people. There's no need to be chucking lead at boats potentially causing an injury or causing a hefty boat repair, cuz it's going to cost the boater a hell of alot more money to fix a lower unit for example then it is for you to replace a fishing rod when some pi$$Ed off boater comes back to shore and breaks your rod over you head cooperation and consideration for everyone around you goes a long way..I am a people person, but I am not a fish with 50 people person, I can travel in the boat to a quiter spot and have a great day, or if I choose, I can hike it 20-30 minutes to a shore spot where there is only myslef and who ever IO might have went fishing with...if you choose to fish an area where there is alot of people, no matter where you go, there is gonna be some knob some where causing some sort of crap.
  10. hey pretty cool when I was a kid I always thought the technique was to take the sunfish, put on the ground, step on it's head and yoink the hook out Then you could take a knife, cut it up into strips, use that for bait when you ran out of worms and rocks to turn over, cast your bobber back out there, and repeat the process All kiddin aside, I have used that trick in the article before with bass, works pretty good, thanks for sharing the link
  11. and holy carp ya got Rob out fishin again
  12. might be a pain in the dragging the picinic table out there with you though, so it doesn't hurt your back setting it up
  13. you guys should wait until you get home before you start eating the fish there Bruce what fishin season over?...where did you here the kind of nonsense that says there is a beginning and end to fishing season
  14. trout fishing, pike fishing, perch fishing, musky fishing , guess I am lucky living in the Niagara Region there is always something open to fish for 12 months a year...I didn't think there was actually a "fishing season" , just renew the liscence Jan 2nd season
  15. there's no fish in that river, I don't even know why I have fished it for almost 30 years
  16. I just call that a good sign that trout fishin will be getting better and better, you know it's going to be a good day when yopu have to shoevl the boat out, clean the carand the boat cover off But now if it would only go away in the driveway for a little bit, I have to change the alternator in my van
  17. if a donkey is an (do to the board gonna edit it anyways ) , and a goat is a ram,how come a ram in the is a goose
  18. if there is a good current and drift you can do pretty good, often putting 12-15 fish or so in the boat
  19. Rizzo,the launch happened to be open Saturday because there was a local BASS club tourney going on, they had permission to use the ramp, hence the boat trailers there, to the best I know of, It was getting locked back up sometime right after the tourney. Hope that gives a bit of insight
  20. Just so you guys know, the marina launch is closed..since it's not the "Park's marina" anymore, they have locked it up after the off season started. There are other launches along the way dotted all along the parkway..as for baits...right now try stuff that looks like a rainbow trout you can troll a couple areas no probs and get a bit of a dig into the bottom, you can also just try and drift/jig some plastics like Storms on the bottom, or big jigs. Try fishing the drop offs near some of the creek mouths, and that big sand/mud flat near the Marina
  21. aha, that's funny man,m Imagine that a fist fight at Port Da Looser it's reasons like that I have not really put any effort into fishing shore there for years..always some kind of ongoing soap opera with 30-40 guys fishing "the wall" I have seen scraps between guys fishing opposite sides of the harbour like that..casting huge sinkers,tangling eachothers lines up from across the channel, guys hopping in cars to run over the the oppposite side to scrap with the other guys..it gets prettystupid at times I was there a couple times in the last week in my boat, one day I counted 36 people fishing in that spot. Good going on the fish,sorry to hear you got an example of the "fine anglers" that hang out there at times Thanks for sharing the pics, fishing is picking up there, we been getting a few browns and bows in the boat
  22. PB steelhead, just under 22lbs, caught in the Lower Niagara in the 80's Chinook-42lbs-48 1/4 inches long when measured and weighed at taxidermist..in the 80's as well Lower Niagara (was going to cost over 400 bucks at the time so I said forget it) PB largie-almost 7lbs, caught this summer PB walleye-just under 12lbs from Erie PB pike-48 inches- 23 lbs got at my trailer have pics of all but can't find the old (non digital) pics right now to scan
  23. wow some greatlooking hogs for sure, gottalove getting them when the small ones are 5lbs...not just internet 5lbs either
  24. well we will find out tonight, heading out to the bar for some brews with the wife and watch the fight. will be interesting, Lesnar is humungous, but has also had a broken neck before
  25. wow I am glad mine just says, open bail and sling 'er out there
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