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Everything posted by jwl

  1. glad to get the reports of people as they made it home safely, you guysare some real troupers...8 of of travel,8 hours of fishin, and a dinner break in between
  2. gonna get off here and watch it right now..I was just waiting for it to start
  3. it was great joint effort at the ramps...good job 3-4 of us brought salt/sand for sure...we dumped 2 bags on it and started smashin it up before the whole gang got there, and it still took a bit and yepper, I figured that would be a good place to stop and fuel up after a day on the water..they feed ya good there for your buck. Next year Sonny??...I am trying to weasel my way into somehow going tommorrow , we hooked 4 ,one in the boat ..by walleyemen...on my lure none the less I cracked the code by changing game plans a little bit last part of the day..too bad I didn't start like that cuz I was gonna My stubourness to wrk one small area paid off, I am glad I helped him get into that fish...cool to be part of the first G2G where there was fish caught. Count me in next season for sure
  4. awe come on guys...heater..where's your winter fishing spirit gotta admit ,Wayne's boat is one kick piece of machine...my boat probably fit's inside it
  5. hey no big deal for me to get an early start, I live a few minutes away from the ramp...that's what it's all about right there, a bunch of people all chipping in together to make the best of a day out there, it was great turn out
  6. well if you guys got one, I know of 2 others , and I think we got a pic of the one coming in your boat. One of the two was caught by walleyemen in my boat today , and for the record...we lost 3 Walleyemen lost 2 at the side of the boat...too green to net em, soon as they both got to the side of the boat..they opened thier mouth's and out popped his bait ..and I lost a nice one too....all 4 fish hooked in the same area...hmmmmm wish my wife didn't have to work all day tommorrow....I got half a mind to go again. anyways not tyinbg up this thread, I will add more later too, just want to say it was a great day out there for a cold December fishin day, and it was a day spent with a bunch of first class people all the way...thanks for joining me in my boat today too walleyemen
  7. ever try lippin a big one???
  8. hey a bit last minute....due to some family matters, I had a cancel so I have one open seat if any takers.!!!
  9. have a safe run out in the morning folks..see ya at the ramp.
  10. I think all the hungry anglers need some frosting on thiers just incase minnow scales and worm dirt aren't sticky enough if you drop one in the boat,10 second rule still applies if there are no hooks stuck on the top
  11. only 1 rod allowed on the upper...can't eat anything under 44 inches...maybe someone can bring some buns, if we just steak one up that will make quite a few burgers
  12. that's a good one...I tell my kids that it is the law and they have to wear one until they are 16 , the teenagers bum a little bit but hey....that's my rule!!! when they where all smaller, my 5 year old included now, they where not allowed on the dock without a pfd on. and good point about sizes, my kids been in boats since moths old with an "infants" pfd, and as for different sizes, well having 3 kids growing up going to the trailer ect..no worries there, I have all assorted sized...infant..toddler, child, junior adult..adult..I think I got it covered..lol, heck it comes in handy at my trailer too when some of the neighbous are goofing off enjoying the summer and they have guests and not enough pfd's to go around...I always offer what ever is available in my shed
  13. If you are coming from the Peace Bridge..just follow the Parkway down river for a few minutes.....you will go through Fort Erie and head toward Niagara..it is just a bit down from the bridge at Frenchman's Creek, can't miss it it's the only one...the Park's doesn't have it any more it is called Miller Creek Marina...you will see a couple bigger boats stored on the property ect..it's really easy to find it's right on the Parkway like 10 minutes or so from the border
  14. I will be there about 7 or so getting the ramp good to go...shouldn't be too bad..it's decent enough here today so far, and river looks prime!!!! ..now I just realizes that I need to go out and get a couple containers to get some of my baits more organized...I didn't realize I had such an assortment Never know what's gonna be working, hate to find out I left the lucky stuff at home ..I think it takes me more time to get my stuff together than it does to get my boat ready
  15. I have read a bunch of your reporst since signing up here..you folks had a great season by anyone's standards, and a nice multispecies collection along the way...those are toad walleye in anyone's books
  16. I lived in The Soo the winter there was so much snow that the Station Mall roof partially caved in..I think from green grass the day before we got something like 72 inches over night . it was like 1996 I believe The average height of the snow banks all winter long was the top of the street signs..and of that when they cleared the sidewalks you where left with 2 giant walls of snow on wither side..you couldn't see the road until you got to the corners We had to dig our way out the front door the morning of...I looked outside saw all the snow...opened the door and it was pretty much up to the top of the door..a wek or so later I noticed the roof was leaking nito my oldest daughter's bedroom who was like 1 or so at the time..to go up on that part of the roof to check it out I just had to walk up the snowbank agaiunsty the side of my house. Somewhere I have a couple pictures of how much snow thier was and a big path I had to cut through my yard to get to my shed..it's unreal..that year the city was trying to tender out anyone they could for snow removal..they where hiring dumptrucks like crazy to haul the snow out of city limits.
  17. that's it right there my dash has speedo,tach,compass,12 volt outlet...no built in gas tank so no fuel guage...there are spots in the dash where a couple other instruments would fit into...but can't really see needing them for anything......tach is a good reference that your boat is operating under nominal rpm's range as per your owners manual
  18. hey I wonder if you can dump a pack of hooks in there...shake it all up and giver it a squeeze and everytime out pops one already on the hook for you maybe it could also double as a squirt bottle for washing of your used wunder boner
  19. Don't worry...once you hit the "restricted water" past the big white cans on the Upper the Coast Guard will make sure you don't have to paddle, and give ya about a $10,000 lesson on where not to fish I will be fishing near the launch and upriver so no worries there
  20. I think it's all experimenting and learning along the way. I have fished avidly since I was a little kid..was lucky enough to grow up spending every summer travelling to somewhere in the north and camping, fishing for a couple weeks every summer. I also grew up fishing for just about everything all over the Niagara region. Mostly the grown-ups would just leave us kids to our own accord and just goof off fish and have a good time. Then as I got a bit older, knew how to swim well ect and my mom thuoght it was ok, that was it..off on my bike all over the place 3-4-5 days a week fishing, sometimes even twice in the same day. Soon using a bobber for panfish turned into using lures, bigger bait, minnows..fishing creeks and the River instead of a pond ect and it all started coming together from there. As kids we looked around at what all the gorwn-ups where using and catching fish on and started from there by copying some of thier actions. As the years go by..more fish caught, more species conquered, and more season fished, I started keeping fishing journals and keeping track of even the most minute detail for the day..the date..the weather...the time...the water conditons...general report on the surrounding area....water temps if I could...forage available...ect..and so on..and over time I have come to develope patterns that let me catch a variety of fish as thier availability and so forth come ibto factor throughout the year....there isn't a month of the year I don't do some type of fishing for the most part I probably average a good 200 days or so fishing a year..some years a little less, some even more..to become a more successful angler you have to be willing to oput in the time, and face many tough days along the way..scrapes, cuts, bruises, and skunk days, over come, adapt, and most of all just get out there and keep trying...just because one guy catches a toone more fish than you..doesn't mean that someone else isn't catching a tonne more fish than that guy
  21. I use big shiners all the time in late winter for steelie fishin the big rover...drift a 3 way with a corkie set up...hence the use of my white twisters in my last 2 river reports
  22. Paul is a great guy to get out there with..he will work at it all day until he finds the fish, and he stays on them all winter long....he always has a smile and always shows anyone in his boat a great time for the day. One of my biggest fish of 2008 came from out in his boat on a " just for fun" day at the end of last winter into spring....it's the one in my signature pic, that day was half drizzling rain alot of the day, and fairly cold, but we had a blast doing it, and I look forward to spending some time on the water with Paul again this season when he has a free day and can get out and do some fishin on a non work day
  23. I just simply stick my bait bucket in my livewell,I lift up the hatch and check the bait and if needed I just turn on the tap and run some fresh water into the bucket every now and again
  24. heater shmeater , if it's anything like today out there, it will be a great wintery day on the water. I just took a little tour and if the conditions are anything like today we can't ask for much more out of December...pretty much no wind...flat water..and it's green!!!! What's the preference for launches???....the marina gate is open as of right now....the ramp is going to need some work though..the parking lot and launch are an ice rink, its melting underneath but slick..if this is the choice of spots to put in, tommorrow if it is still icy I will go smash it up and throw a crap load of salt down..then get there early Saturday and so the same. The small ramp by Frenchman's is pretty good....how many boats we got going out???..asking becasue there is limited parking for trailers there but we can figure it out.. these places are a good place to start from it's probably the most central to some good areas to try
  25. I don't know if you can still get them...but for years I have used a Tupperware pickle container for small amounts of minnows ice fishing....it's a small conatiner..with a lid, and has a handy little lifter inside
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