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Everything posted by jwl

  1. well that's an awesome way to break up the week, I have seen Neil in concert a couple times...excellent shows..also love playing some of his music on guitar and piano cool that he put on a good length show, lots of groups only basically give you and album's worth of songs and a couple encores at best.
  2. now you just need to toss a coin and figure out who is putting on the floater suit and going for a walk and who is holding the rope I know some nice fish where caught by your place last season
  3. I am gonna show for that one for a bit after fishin and dinner, the swill is to try to do a little something for Rick O's cause for those who might be interested As for the guy with the 14 footer, if it's a good deep solid boat it's not probs we aren't really fishing in super fast rough water..just a thought...my boat is full for the day or I would open a seat..I already opened it up to 2 people
  4. that's a great one!!!
  5. I think that puts us at...291 inches now....if I am not mistaken...but I could be..the walleye entrie should now be 33 inches if TMH, had the 31 and got the 2 bonus inches because I had a 29 and got the bonus inches making it 31 already, and I am sure that got upgraded..add 2 for mine brings us up to 295 if calculations are correct...leaving 6.5 inches from the lead...and I can top those inches with a big trout before the months up go team go!!!!!! correction...if I see things right on the team entries and the standing, I believe that TMH might be owed 2 inches for the musky??...if that's the case we are at 295 now...pending 2 OFAH bonus inches for me brings us to 297 in a couple days ...closing the gap to 4.5 inches to go I double checked, that's what i think the standings "should be" anyways
  6. Dec 1st they open back up on the river...and yes Coach I agree we needed that one...the steelie I got the other day with no logo, and the one that didn't want to pose today would have been better, but I'll take it!!!!, and we still got a couple weeks left to top it off!!!
  7. outstanding assortment of pics there , I love the ones in the snow, great back drop, gotta love winter time trout fishin all the way
  8. With the conditions being kind of crap lately, tonnes of SW winds mucking up the river, I decided to put off my plans for taking the boat out today and do a bit of shore trashin on the Mighty Niagara. There is an area I been waiting to try out, and man it was worth the effort!!! Tactic of the day was to finnesse fish with a 6 inch white twister..one of my favorite winter time tactics, if conditions are right there is a great technique for this on the river I call it "the line watching technique" I will get into that another time when someone is sharing presentations Today however was not the right day for this technique, a pretty solid wind coming right smack dab down the river, top that off with greyish brown stained water, and you have a tough day ahead of you...but my years of experience at this spot always pays off for me A few casts into the day I get a light bite, set the hook..I had something small on, I didn't get a chance to see as I lost it right by the shore....a few minutes later another one on, this was was not fighting like a hog either, and I was hugely surprized, specially consiering where I was fishin when I landed one like this!!!!! a little while later I caught another so I decided I might try keeping a couple...so I kept the one in the pic above...they must have found out because I didn't catch another one after that. About now 2 hours into my morning after a 1/2 worth of hiking now it was finally time to get what I came for...my rod buckles over, drag peels and out jumps a huge steelie !!! , this one took me a good 15 minutes to come in with high flying aerobatics, I got it to shore, grabbed it by the tail,pulled it up on the rocks, go to take my jig out of it's mouth and it decides NO WAY!!!.., and I grabbed my rod just in time for the line to snap and the fish swim away with a big splash before I could even remotely get a pic....one lost was at least 12-13lbs, and I was hoping to pull off a nice minute grab on good inches for a GL Trout for the Slammers, this time I did in fact bring the logo,tape, and camera..but this fish wasn't into the photo op . I was solo with no net (way to much to carry when you have to hike it all together an hour in and out.) I did however manage to redeem myself before I left for the day with this one!!!! and a pic of weapons of the day..my 7 foot Med custom Rainshadow rod..and good ole never let you down white twister I brought this one home and it will be going into a friend's smoker for a little visit so read em and weep as we are getting even closer to 1st place folks with this one 28 1/2 inches of greaseball Coach!!!! aka GCD, could you please add one GL Trout for our team here, caught by yours truely, bringing our totals up nicely with a couple weeks to go to get the big ones.....man I am bummed about the no pic deal on the steelie it was way longer than that laker...but oh well, someone had to take one for the team. By the way are all our fish updated so far besided the one I just got????? and if you need me to post the pic somewhere else no probs, just let me know yahoo all in all a good day, I beat the conditionsm fish landed..2 walleye,1 steelie,1 laker
  9. not too much next season after it's posted on the w.w.w. I know everyone is being a smart and not helping ya too much...sorry never been or know anyone who has either
  10. was this a crown designated conservation area, or private property that someone turned into a conservation area then sold it??? There is a list of conservation areas you can look up for Ontario amd it will tell you if there is hunting or no hunting and if so what you can and cannot hunt on the property and when. I am on the executive committee for a conservation club that is on NPCA property (Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority) it is no hunting however but there are some NPCA property where hunting is allowed,..our club house/hall is there and part of what pays for our building lease ect is taking care of a big chunk of the property,groom trails, cut the grass, trim trees, ect. I may be able to find out for you how to contact someone who may be able to answer your questions and to voice your concerns.....is there any local conservation or fish and game clubs near you, they might also have conatct number as well or be able to provide you directly with answers to some of your questions becasue I am sure if this was a "public" conservation area then someone would have or should have tried to keep it that way, so some people local to you where probably on the forefront of trying to protect the area
  11. that's musky fishin for ya....everyone who does alot of it, even the most successful guys have days where they just can't seem to boat anything at all....don't feel too bad,I never landed one this year all year except for a couple small OOSers while pike fishing the river in the spring...and closest I came all the rest of the year was losing one about a 4 footer off my dock atthe trailer For those conditons I am totally impressed you guys got one in the boat , I live 10 minutes away from where you put the boat in pretty much and keep tabs on the conditions all the time for both the Upper and Lower river, and we had some pretty crap winds and the river was right mucked up, and it just started to get mucked up...that's the hardest time to get anything . This slows the fishing right down for a couple days...if it stays that way for a week or more, after a couple days the fish adjust and put the feed on again..only they get a little closer to shore cuz that's where the bait goes,dirty or not, they still gotta eat eventually. I hope my boat sees one on the 13th, heck anyboat for that matter, I lovecathcing fish, but I get a giant kick out of other people putting a nice fish in my boat..I got no probs being the net man if I have to thanks again for the report boys, and kudos for sure for toughing it out and beating the odds
  12. man, you are sure sneaking in the hrdwater reporst on everyone..nice pike!
  13. right on, way to practice up for the 13th..I am pretty surprized as the water was pretty stirred up for a couple days..it's getting better today.....that's a good sign, nice spunky little river musky there looks like you beat the odds and got into a fish even in the crappy conditions. I have a couple spots in mind for next weekend
  14. jwl


    I will be looking for it in the morning
  15. jwl


    welcome to the board...wicked sized fish in your pic there, hope to see lots more
  16. I will see if I can scrounge up a couple of those portable carports no worries, if needed I will clean the ramp the Friday and head over early on the day of
  17. generally speaking when I ice fish I use dace and creek chubs for bait,,I find if I just hook them lightly through the upper lip they will stay alive for a long time..even hours if you don't get a bite not that you don't want that to happen, but often I will set a line and keep it in one spot trying for a nice pike or to find the active feeding time for walleye at my trailer while moving another line around a bunch of different holes in the area....some times I can have a line out for quite a while then all of a sudden the "magic" time rolls around then we get a few walleye that roamed into the area..bite will be good for an hour or so, then gone again.
  18. is there and crazing(small cracks) in the finish???? if you don't know the persons you might be buying it off, and how they ran the boat it may be a sign of stress on the hull...some guys run the crap out of thier bass boats , if it's just faded a good hull cleaner or buffing agent should do it...not sure the brand I used before on our old bow rider, I will see if I can find the bottle around here...but it used to shine the boat up like it was new again
  19. well I just took a run down the river...for right now...ramps are dry and clean, water levels are decent...water is stained though..hopefully clears up alot over the next week,will keep posted on conditions
  20. 2 winters ago while icefishing at my trailer, one of the neighbours up there came to meet me for the weekend to hang out and fish. One day we set lines out, went up on his deck to hang out,have a beer and watch the lines,we saw a big black coloured wolf crossing the ice, looking like it was making a perfect B-line for where we where,my buddy had his dog with him, a medium sized mutt, the dog saw the wolf and went to run out on the ice after it...the dog barked, my buddy yelled at it to come back, the dog came back and the wolf booked it all nervously making a zig zag pattern as it ran across the ice turning to look back the odd time, we watched it with binoculars after it started to run off, couldn't get a picture of it because it was too far away to look more than a black dot. I think the wolf was already leery about being out in the open like that. It was pretty cool to see however.
  21. you might think that..but....if that was the case why is it that the pretty much exact same floater jacket just a different colour..one being orange and one being camo..one is not approved as a floatation device and the other is????? there is no difference in floatation in either of them the only difference is the colour, they both serve the same practical function
  22. bug music!!!!!...I hates bug music!!!! but you are right...too much Belly ITCHIN goin on sometimes..
  23. as far as I know they have to have a ceratin percentage of orange,yellow or red to be approved..my floater is in the van from yesterday and my wife has it at work or I would take a pic and post what it says on the inside label....I will do it after
  24. the more I can get the boat out this winter, the better for me...being blessed with living right by the Niagara River, I have a 12 month a year open water fishery to play on
  25. my floater coat (Mustang) is camo..it says right inside on a label that it is NOT Canadian Coast Guard approved as it does not meet the colour requirements. I have to make sure I always throw a lifejacket for myself in the boat when I go out..it's basically the same as any orange Mustang but not "approved"
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