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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. To bad you didn't get any fish but it sure looked like a great place to be for a few hours fishing. Great scenery, don't worry you'll get em next time! MTBF
  2. Ah, have not been out to Stoney Lake for 2 year's now. I'll have to get out that way this summer for some bass! Great story dude!
  3. I agree with Lunker except this year it's Pittsburgh's turn to win the Cup...going to be a exciting game tomorrow night!
  4. Ah, got a bigger truck did you, looks like a great match for that beauty of a boat you have! Great set up man, can't wait to see some big lake reports from you this year! Mike
  5. Thanks for the info MJL and Victor, got a much better understanding of Carp now, MTBF
  6. Hey, not new to Carp fishing but I just have some questions about them. First off are Carp a invasive species? About when did Carp start to get into our lakes and rivers. What harm can Carp do to the fishery and what good can they do. There seemes to be thousands if not millions if these big fish every year and not many people seem to be out keeping them or killing them. There are no regulations about them that I know of. If these fish are indeed dangerous to our fishery then why can't we have a day where people all over go out fishing for them and kill them kind of like a hunt to control population. They just seem to make the water awfully dirty and these fish are just everywhere to be found. Just looking on some info about these fish, not trying to offend and avid Carp anglers out there, just trying to get some info about this species. Thanks a lot, MTBF
  7. Pretty cool report, your camera setup worked great! Never saw a snake get hooked before, a few years ago we use to use live frogs as bait in Kingston for bass and i had a water snake come up and bite onto the feet of the frog...after lot's of swinging of the rod the snake was off. Thanks for sharing, Mike
  8. Nice job! Going to get out soon for my 1st of 09. Thanks for sharing, Mike
  9. lol, BPM didn't bug me. Guess there's at least one happy OFC member. *Please Advise* This thread will be closed in the near future as people are constantly flaming each other, as the last OOS thread was closed. It's not necessary to continuously say that fish need to be put back "Immediately" over 20 times is it. Some people don't understand the consequences to fish leaving the nest and others do. All we can do is advise anglers and tell them to limit the time out of water both for unhooking the fish and for a photograph when necessary . The only problem i have is when people are taking pictures of every singe OOS fish they catch big or small. Obviously bigger fish have the bigger nests, but why bother taking pictures of smaller bass like BPM did. Not much else to say as everybody else did but come on people, settle down and be cautious when fishing. If you catch a OOS fish, move on and be smart. Mike
  10. Why would you cut the hook, I can understand if the hooking was really bad but if the hooks can be removed within a minute or 2 then take the time to get the hooks out. I don't think a OOS Musky want's to be on there bed(if they have beds like the bass do) with a big hook in it's mouth. Maybe I'm wrong I just think that it would be better to have the hooks out.
  11. LMAO, nice lure cabinet Whitespinnerbait
  12. Not to much difference in weight from the top 3 spots in the tourny, I got to get out to this area if catfish this big are coming out of this system. Thanks for the little report, didn't know there were catfish tournament's out there. Mike
  13. Not sure how much I'll use this thing but you got 1 more follower Dave!
  14. Unless your OOS catch is a giant then take a quick pic, if not throw it back as nobody likes to brag about OOS fish in the first place, let alone smaller 2 and 3lb OOS fish, let the dam thing go and get back to the fish your targeting lol. I think there is a rule on here saying that all Out Of Season fish need to be clearly marked with OOS so the viewer knows that the catch is indeed out of season. Respect the fishery and there will be fewer problems. Remember by releasing the fish quickly you are doing the fishery a favour as you are limiting the time it takes for the panfish to creep in and eat all of the eggs and fry. Just my thought's, Mike
  15. OOS fish don't count for PB's lol. Great looking pike though, must of been a great little fight! Thank's for sharing, Mike
  16. Good job fighting the weather, after all if payed off for ya! Great Cat's and Steelie! Thanks for the report, Mike
  17. Not to sure about the hooks but watch out for soft plastics, they might melt a little bit depending on how hot is get's in there during the summer. Basement or a closet would be the safest area for your fishing tackle. And as Addikted2Fishin said air drying your lures is important.
  18. Not sure on the worm your using but when using Dingers (cheaper Sinkos) Texas rigged I like to use a 4/0 hook on a 5" & 6" bait but on anything bigger a 5/0 will be sufficient and a good match for what your doing.
  19. If I didn't have my wisdom teeth taken out the other day and I was feeling well I would be out there fishing right now...from shore of course, bought my self a nice rain suit last fall and only got out to use it once
  20. Hey, welcome to OFC! as GCD said we love pictures and fishing reports. Are you a multi-species angler or is there a favored species that you like to target? Best Regards, Mike
  21. Cool pictures, I remember some of the first pictures from a few weeks ago. It's really cool how you have pictures of the ice as it melts in stages, congrads on that little fish you caught also. I'm not sure where Dryden Ont is but it must be far north if there has been ice like that still on the lake Keep on waiting, It'll all be gone soon enough! Mike
  22. Wow guys, except for that rough start it looks like you had a good time out on the water, great catches! Thanks for the report! Mike
  23. Great job man, nice pictures. Thanks for sharing, Mike
  24. I do not know from first hand but i have heard from many many people that the Shimano Curado is a amazing reel. I'm guessing somebody will recommended it as it's a great deal for $179.99
  25. wow, never caught/ate a bit catfish like that but the little 1lbrs taste real good. Enjoy all that meat! Congrads on the catch!
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