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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. That's true, caught a pike last year on one of those bass snakes i used, and another on a 5" yum dinger.
  2. Nice. might try Scugog that weekend. Good luck everybody!
  3. Looks like your camera setup is working nicely, great report and catch! Hope your buddy enjoys his canoe! MTBF
  4. Strongly agreed. People with "mental problems" should be strongly supervised. That was disgusting.
  5. This video did not say that she was murdered, it's only speculation right now, maybe just maybe the dirt bags will give up her location. I might be wrong but I hope I'm not. MTBF
  6. Not sure, last year i was catching 9-12" perch at the causeway like a few every hour witch isn't that bad, using smaller live baits like worms or minnows will work. I didn't go to the bigger part just the first little spot. Good luck on your choice!
  7. No Pike in Scugog, found out last year that big old musky were in there lol. I went there on Saturday and caught some small perch, probably your best bet until dark when you can target walleye. Good luck, Be sure to make us a report!
  8. Well done, great report. Lot's of nice fish and congrads on the Pike! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  9. Nice man, too bad it was OOS eh.
  10. All I use is the Palomar knot, also been using the double uni to connect two lines but my "go to knot" would be the Palomar!
  11. Ya for sure, got to get out for some bass once they open up!
  12. Excellent report, looks like amazing country out there. Also, great job on the fishing! MTBF
  13. Nice man, how it taste?
  14. Profisher25 and I were out this morning in search for some perch. We fished the causeway at Lake Scugog and had some decent success, no giant fish but some nice little perch to get our seasons started off. Luca and I were using a variety of baits but what seemed to work best were worms under a float and small 2" minnows on small hooks with split shot. We fished these setups mainly off to the sides of the current. Wasn't long before Luca caught the first 3 perch then i caught 3 with our biggest being a wee little 7" perch. Not to bad i guess but hey there's pleanty of more opportunities to get out fishing. fish #1 fish #2 fish#3 fish#4 (the big one ) fish#5 And last fish#6 After fishing the causeway we made our way to the main dock in town where i met another OFC'r, fish-miester. We fished and had a chat there for a little bit then a Conservation Officer showed up, asked for licenses and off he went. Was good to see a CO out patrolling the area. Before i went home I took a picture of some geese that were not impressed to see me and i did that neat shot with my rod again: All said, we had a great day out fishing and we can't wait to get out and do it again! MTBF
  15. wow, what beautiful little fish. I'll have to learn how to catch those beauty's one day! Congrats on the fine catches, MTBF
  16. Good game and i was for Detroit but that 4th goal where buddy was shoving the goalies pad into the net...come on that should of been a call, shoving the goalie into the net, should of been interference.
  17. Possibly some pike fishing today, then going to Scugog for perch on Saturday and Lake O for Pike on Sunday. Should be a good weekend!
  18. Great reading. Algonquin...I'll have to make my way out there one day, maybe even do a solo type of trip like yourself. Congrads on the two fish but it's too bad weather was not on your side. Thanks for the report, MTBF
  19. Nice job, must of been a long fight with that carp and light line. Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  20. Crosby shows good old great Canadian talent. So far in the playoffs Crosby has shown 12 goals and 9 assists in 13 games. Ovechkin has got 11 goals and 10 assists in 14 games. So yes both players have done well. However Crosby is a better all around player. In the regular season Crosby shown a great 33 goals and 70 assists in 77 games and demonstrated moderate scoring with great passing to his teammates not to mention a good 13.9 shot percentage. Ovechkin during the regular season got a impressive 56goals in ONLY 528 shots making his shot average 10.6 percent, with this he got 54 assists. The last few years Ovechkin has been amazing with putting goals in the net and to me this is the only part of the game he excels in, rather than Crosby getting both good numbers of goals and helpful assists. Not going to go on forever here but Crosby has been a great player and one that i myself feel is better than Ovechkin. Both players excel in there own ways, I mean come on, Crosby was out for along time last year and only played 53 games, and still came out and got 24 goals and 48 assists for his team not to mention led his team to the Stanley Cup Final.Remember the 2006-2007 season when Crosby played 77 games and got 120 points adding up to 36 goals and 84 assists...that is what this player can accomplish as he excels and stays healthy, if i remember correctly Ovechkin played every game that year and got a whopping 46 goals and 46 assists...Sidney Crosby is the Captain of his team for a reason, he is a team leader and he always will be. They made the final's last year and I would not be surprised if they made the finals this year. Sid the kid Crosby is the better player. MTBF
  21. Glad to see them win! I can't wait to see them again in the Stanley Cup final!
  22. Exciting indeed Let's Go Pens!
  23. Ok, froze some small 2-3" minnows back in March and I'm going to be un-thawing them this weekend for some perch fishing on Scugog. I want to keep them in a small container and since they are dead is there a liquid i can put them in where they wont stink LOTS and start to rot in...something i can make around the house, or do i have to deal with the smell? Thanks, MTBF
  24. I can't tell you about how many jobs are in that field but there are jobs if you are willing to move around and work your but off for a number of years. As Twocoda said, get yourself out and do some "networking"...do things like volunteering. I got into the F&W program for next year and I have done lot's and going to be doing more volunteer work with CLOCA (Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority) making friends with some of the Conservation Biologists and a few others that work in high places with CLOCA has been key in both seeking out valuable info and getting my name passed around. It takes work in this field and you have to be determined and willing to do it. My game plan is to take the F&W course, try to get into the summer jobs with CLOCA assisting conservationists, volunteering at different conservation areas when ever possible...then going to try out for the Natural Resources-Law Enforcement 1yr course after that. So I'm looking at 4 years of college + lot's of work inbetween, seems to be easy typing about it but i know it's going to be a lot harder. Good luck with your decision and here's that link to the thread I started awhile back: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...27275&st=30 There was a great story by lhousesoccer on the top of page 3...great to read, gave me some inspiration
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