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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Don"t know if I have any advice for you . But keep calling and I hope it works out. We use UPS at work and have had items go missing ,only to show up later ( damaged ) Canada Post has basic coverage ($100 I think) for anything above regular mail, does UPS have anything similar ? TB
  2. Nice fish doubt that after a 1/2 hour fight and been gaffed it would have survived a plunge back down the hole ! TB
  3. More of a 'Frantics' fan...long live Mr Canoehead! TB
  4. PERFECT One of the best reports of the year ! TB
  5. Won't be long TB
  6. Must have been a blast ! thanks for posting ...any pics of the action from the boat ? TB
  7. thanks for that ! Gotta go brush the snow off my boat !!! Great looking fish , thanks for posting. TB
  8. Can't wait either ... for the report when you get back that is ! LOL TB
  9. nice job glad to see someone catching fish on Saturday ! Although shouldn"t complain as my Nehews 9" perch won him a nice prize at Tylers event Saturday. TB
  10. gosh I don't log on for a couple of days and you go and buy a boat ! Nice looking rig. will keep an eye out for you this summer. TB
  11. nice post we were just east of you . The red honda van with all the kids running around had a blast , my nephew caught his first Fish thru the ice . Turned out to be on eof the top perch of the day at 9" He went home happy with the remote control sled ! TB
  12. Sorry to hear . But enjoyed the poem !? It was indeed a beauty day . TB
  13. Glad to hear you are making it out ! See you in the morning. TB
  14. You spent HOW MUCH !!!! Nice mount though! TB
  15. Don't get into arguing who spends more on what and what is 'useless' or ' waste of Money' For you will Lose ! TB Advise from someone 21 years married
  16. I know , but my boats all tucked away for the winter. Spring will be here soon. TB
  17. I refuse to participate in this meanspirited post . I mean , how many weeks till we have soft water LOL TB
  18. Big change from yesterday! Lot at ramp was full of vehicles so we can expect a big crowd tomorrow. TB
  19. I think thats Ottawa River ( Quebec side!) Its a member of a Ottawa area based Message board I am on. TB Oh Yeah . GO HABS!
  20. Sorry Maureen , didn't see this post till after I posted Ice Conditions. See you in the am. TB
  21. Email sent TB
  22. you planning to fish for perch or whitefish? TB Small jigs , drop shots or pickeral rigs ( small hooks) all tipped with small minnows work well for perch. Fish at or very near bottom and be prepared to move around to find fish.
  23. Dropped by for a look see this morning. all froze up nicely , ramp is accesible and vehicles are travelling out to the whitefish grounds , Bit slippery so cleats would help. Not good for sleds due to 0 snow coverage. Did speak with one returning fisherman , who claimed 14" of ice straight out ion 80 feet of water. No info on the bite.
  24. 2 for sure . see you tonight TB
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