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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. check the Provincialpark website for ideas and whats species of fish are avialable . If you don't have a motor for the zodiac you will be limited on how much water you can cover . Restoule , Grundy come to mind as options. many of the parks have an alchohol ban on long weekends as well . start planning now and bring the bug spray ! TB
  2. Now there is someone who has fun at work ! TB
  3. Pulled our hut off last saturday . didn;t get much use unfortunatly . Brother laws sled belw up early winter and too far for me to just 'pop' out to ( Barrie to Beaverton) In case you are worried 20" of good hard ice ! welcome Wallmart shoppers Bring on the thaw ! TB
  4. Thanks for the replies guys , will let you know how it goes this spring. My dad would get a kick our of me using his old rod Raf - surprised to hear wire for Muskies! TB
  5. Thanks Troutguy , didn't think about diver AND wire .Also good tip on the leader as I will most often be alone . TB
  6. Going the braid route as well , but the wire might make a nice 'old school' set up and a spare rod as well. thanks for the spoon pullers suggestion. TB
  7. Covenant House (National) and Turning Point Youth Services (Toronto). I have friends on the board of both of these . Sick Kids Hospital -company I work for is closely involved with them PM me if you need more info or contact info. TB
  8. Nice fish guys ! TB
  9. Was looking at options for trolling for trout and downriggers are not an option right now ($) Lead core , weights and wireline are some other options. Then I remembered my dads old trout rod , a Penn Peerless no.9 with wire! its on a 5' glass rod . May need some new wire ( does this stuff get old ?) and probably a tune up / cleaning . From what I have been reading a long Mono leader is a nessesity for some give . its a pretty soft rod with a spring tip . Anyone else use wire line and suggest what knots work best . If nothing else I am really looking forward to useing that old rod , now all I need is a leaking flatbottom wood boat and 1950 5hp Johnson TB
  10. welcome aboard Have spent many a day on a lake with the kids ,many more to come. can't beat it TB
  11. My second boat was on old 15' side console Springbok with an even older 33 hp . was given an early 90's(?) 55 mariner .Raised and reinforced the transom 2" .Built an aluminum casting deck for the front area and a plywood deck at the rear. Was a great little boat for the shallows , but a little scarey .Rarely ran at full throttle . Got a lot of comments at the dock Weight of the motor wasn't the issue(2 stroke) , but is definatly was overpowered.Would not let the kids run it for sure.Especially with cable steering . Gave it away to the guy who gave me the 55 . Motor is still running ( on another boat) I think the sell and buy the motor that suits you would be best option.Just let whoever you are getting the motor from know your plans so there are no misunderstandings. Loook forward to seeing some pics of the boat ! TB
  12. Knew he wouldn't last long , hope he has found a good home . I will be scouting the local Pounds for a new pup over the next few weeks TB
  13. Sorry to hear that Bernie We lost our dog Re-Run over a year ago , just now thinkin of getting a new ' best friend' The cat is fun , but just not the same ! dave
  14. 99 venture about 5 years ago cost 1300 and change for a refurb tranny. still goin with almost 300,000 km on it. Invest in a tranny cooler if you haven't already . Both of our minvans ( see I have two !) have them as extra insurance. TB
  15. Dealers are an option . Try and get the maintainance records , compression test a must on the motor . Look for damage to the boat underside and lower end of motor ( fresh paint ?) Pull the cowling off the motor and see if anythuing looks like its been worked on ( thats not on the maintenance records) ie lose wiring harnesess , cracked paint at bolts etc . If you search ' buying used baots' I am sure you'll come up with something as this has been discussed many time s, by those that knOW a heck of a lot more than me about boats/motors. Good luck TB
  16. I even wax our aluminum boat , neighbour thinks I'm nuts Of course he's right TB
  17. Like I said ,a fun read And John they come on all sizes TB
  18. http://www.snopes.com/history/american/gauge.asp Still a fun read even if not entirely accurate. Would agree with the Horses Ass part thou ! TB
  19. Coke worked on our dog a couple of times that she got sprayed.Cheap and easy to get .I think part fo the trick was washing her with it within a few minutes. Worked well. TB
  20. way to go guys Love those pics TB
  21. Thanks Trout guy I have a couple of Jet divers that I only tried once on Opeongo . I 'll give em a go . Thanks for the info on the spoons. TB
  22. With only a few weeks left till open water on Simcoe I was hoping someone had some basic tips for long lining lakers. Wanting to use existing gear ( no downriggers , no lead core ) is possible. Really just want an excuse to get the boat out before Pike opener and when perch fishing gets dull ! Water temps , lures and line length info would be greatly apprecited. Tinbanger
  23. keep em comin! Maybe I'll get of my a%# and scan some of our old pics as well. That your dad on tractor closeup ? TB
  24. Ho hum...boring can't you do something more exciting wayne , like trolling with that bird TB
  25. wow! Had no idea they were in Simcoe . way to go guys TB
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