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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Thanks guys. Like the smaller whip idea ( 17" side console) Let the shopping begin ! TB
  2. Nylon , navy blue got more fleece than I need already . PrOper fit ( loNg enough sleeves) is usually the probLEm I see with the cheaper jackets. would pay the higher amount to get a jacket that fits TB
  3. With my increased visits to some bigger (Gbay) been planning on adding a VHF radio this year. BPS has Cobra units for $120 -150 ( plus mount and antenna) What should I be looking for ?Brands ,specs , etc Antenna really range in price from $50 - 150 , I am guessing power ? appreciate the imput TB
  4. Good bang for the Buck ! Enjoy We have an 99 Venture van ( chev) with almost 300,000 km on it , still goin although I don't know for how long ! Plan on driving it to the wreckers! TB
  5. Tim Hortons drive thru garbage can TB
  6. AH yes the boat launch follies Nice Crappies! TB
  7. Welcome Mike Don't know much about canoing but i do know you are in great canoe country there in Kingston. Look forward to your reports TB
  8. Done. Sleepy now reading all that info Thannks Ron for all your efforts. TB
  9. Glad you had a good time DESPITE the broken stuff ! That Eye looks good in Lloyds hands . One day ,,,one day TB
  10. ' Just make sure pops knows that this is a job... he can't visit for free ! LOL Hey I plan on sneaking in one of his suitcases! TB
  11. so we should see lots of these and these TB
  12. Glad you posted , been bustin a gut holding in that news. Now get me that shopping list so I can sepnd spend some money on tackle , er "education supplies" for you. A proud dad. TB
  13. nice ! Narrows are opening up nicely in Orillia a goOd 1 km or more Couch and beyond the channel markers on Simcoe . Won't be long TB
  14. My boat does have a built in tank , so an extinguisher is required. The officer was very pleasant , we actually chatted with him and his MNR partner for quite some time , even scored 4 free whistles! I am a firm beliver that if you give a good attitude you will get one in return. I like the second extinguisher idea that Lew mentioned . Cheap insurance. TB
  15. Nice Job Great lookin fish , especially that last pic ! TB
  16. Thanks for posting that LOL I did mange to unwrap the boat , fix the 'ding' at the back corner , checked wiring ,tires etc . Plan on taking it in to replace the impeller in the next couple of weeks . Bring on the thaw! TB
  17. The extinguisher that came with my Lund didn't last two summers. A observant , and friendly ,OPP officer noticed it when he stopped us on the lake one day . I have heard that when they are mounted horizontaly ( like mine) it can shorten the life . TB
  18. found a couple behind the house several years back before all the houses went up. find the odd one at our deer camp but most of them are pretty chewed up. amazing how many you have found. tb
  19. i use my neighbours 'free' wireless all the time
  20. Conrats Simon Glad to hear all are doing well ..even you ! Seems like yesterday my first son was born , enjoy every minute . dave
  21. I don't think anyone was an expert at it up right away .Also quilty of picking it up . also difficult when somone is in front of the boat and I'm trying to steer from midships. As PT mentioned slow speed is the key for me . works best whn I can leave it on and work with the wind. My footpetal is also acting up (Stops starts in its own)and was planning to take it in next week for repair , but maybe co-pilot is the better way to go . TB
  22. Great set up . should make for some fun trips TB
  23. Planning to attend as well. I'll be travelling out of Barrie ,Anyone need a ride from the greater Barrie let me know ,Lots of room in the Mini van ! and its an Odyssey too! TB
  24. Also you should adress whats causing the rot . is it related to that roof leak ? Couple of photos will help . TB
  25. no kidding I walked out in thE last rain/wind storm to anchor the darn thing . would have been gone for sure. TB
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