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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. well done TB
  2. It just yours is much more interesting , and they dress better too!LOL As for GOOGLEboy ...can't say he's not opinionated. TB
  3. awesome photos although my dad and his brother were avid fishermen , not many photos . The first pic brings back a vivid memory of my dads old outboard catching fire under the bridge at Desert Lake north of Kingston ! Old cedar strip boat that he had salvaged and repaired. good stuff TB
  4. We came across a couple of deer heads ( last years fawns)a few years backs on a family stroll thru a wood lot . Literally thats all there was , just the heads . within a 100 yards we found a couple of legs , peices of rib cage and TONS of Coyote tracks. TB
  5. The house we bought last year is in need of a new roof .Its a good sized roof ( 53 bundles of shingles ) with 6 valleys , and 1/3 of it has a very steep pitch . I played with the thought of a do it your self project but that would just cut into the fishing time ! Any suggestions / reccomendations for roofers in the area appreciated. Would require that they have full insurance ( WSIB) no fly by nighters! PMs welcomed. Tinbanger
  6. No good ones ! TB
  7. GPS cordinates for sure . gotta find my GPS first then find the hut TB
  8. Our neighbourhood storm water collection pond was enlarged and sediment controls improved last year.( city Barrie , Lake Simcoe Conservation auth) This feeds into a creek wich leads to Lake Simcoe. Barrie new ( enlarged) pollution control plant . Improve how you handle water , waste around the house and lake can also be a big help. TB
  9. Had a buddy ship his 71 mustang from Calgary to Toronto two years ago for $750 . 10 years prior to that he had used them to ship from toronto to calgary . was a good experience both times he used Searail 1-888-456-5558 that included trucking from Calgary to Edmonton then by rail to Toronto. We will want to see pics of the bike when you get it. TB
  10. Keep the used up baits on board . We use 'plastics' alot and only lose a few a year in the lake, most end up having to replaced due to wear and tear . Having said that I would guess our use of hardbodied baits vrs plastic increased last year . The gulp product is pretty good (use the minnows) and would like to see more products like that . ' Envirnomentaly friendly ' is a phrase that is way over used and abused these days. You also could look at manufacturing processes ( raw materials used , waste ,pertro chemicals etc) shipping distance ( China vrs local manufacturer) packaging etc . keep the lake and surrounding areas clean . We almost always haul back more garbage than we take out , especially ice fishing ! TB
  11. nice fish Have yet to catch to catch a pike thru the ice .. but that would involve actually going and trying TB
  12. truly a great speaker ,caught it at the car dealer as I was picking up my car from service. Half the dealership was in the waiting room watching. And quit pickin on Starbucks Moosebunk LOL tb
  13. Soft water for sure. Late september to early december would be the best , empty lakes , no bugs and potential to catch Muskie #2! TB
  14. One tough dude ! Never have gotten into the unltimate fighting thing but hope he does well . TB
  15. 1/2 or not , can't deny the history that's being made today ! Think back 50 years and NO ONE would have thought there would be a black president . Not even 10 years ago perhaps. As far as the media hype , absolutly overboard. wait and see is all we can do. As far as watching I am working from home today so will most likely flip it on at 11:59am to watch for a few minutes . TB
  16. As stated that huts been there ( if its the one I'm thinkin of) for several years . Sitting on 2-3 feet of wAter so I guess its not considered a hazard to navigation . Sorry to hear about the accident , but speed and bad visibility is a bad combination. TB
  17. Breakfast , umm NO ! Dinner ..hope so TB
  18. cool report guys! TB
  19. Last year my Bro in law and I went halves on an old hut his neighbor was selling . just stuck it in front of the cottage last year of the east shore of simcoe near Brechin .Problem was you have to go several miles out from shore to anywhere near fish . With no reliable means to get out to it ( 45 min walk one way) and no fish it was a waste. This year he and a buddy put it about a km out from Beaverton 'near some orange huts" which obviously are rentals. Also just off the 'road' that Hales runs thier yellow taxis out on so we should be good to drive out . Looking good for perchin with the kids this year ! Will post some photos next week as we are thinkin of heading out on the weekend ( assuming I can find it) Will try and find something unique ( maybe work related) around the house to stick on the hut so any OFNRs in the area can drop by and say hi. Just a ratty Blue hut in need of a new door with an aluminum roof right now. TB
  20. great job Maureen .. This years 'Fishing for Tyler' outta be a record breaker. And Brian I don't think it was the coffee TB
  21. Don't forget to tune in ! And plan to be at the main event on the 14th , fun , fish and prizes for all !! TB
  22. I was going to give a hard time re the bass ...but I think you will have enough issues with #3 ! Great repaort and kudo to hanging in during some tough conditions. TB
  23. think its been covered pretty well I tie to the winch tower back in till it floats off , then drive ahead S L O W till the boat beaches on the ramp ( if no dock) or get out and secure to dock . as Pikehunter noted some ramps can be an issue especially when reloading . unven ramps , current , too steep , too shallow, ramp traction or lack there of. but so far so good , depending on the vehicle , boat size etc , decide BEFORE you launch if you think you can relaod and get out ore be prepared to get some help.Get to know your set up and what it can do ( tow vehicle ,trailer ,boat) I have yet to get severly hung up launching a 17' ft boat with 90 hp with my mini van . We launch in some ackwoods 'access points' and so far so good. good luck and have fun out there. One more thing when relaoding and pulling boat out .... RELEASE THE PARKING BRAKE ! ( my personel favorite) TB
  24. see you at 7 am with coffee!
  25. glad to hear you guys had a good time and made in and OUT ok . Looking forward to some future reports ( with pics!) TB ( Pikeie's dad)
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