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Everything posted by tinbanger

  1. Wayne You got any tickets left Cheryl and I will be there but not till after 8 PM Gotta get my hair done TB
  2. still 15,000 plus locations world wide . 900 closures had a lot to do with some bad location choices .Growing too fast at 1200 plus new locations a year in US alone. The US economy in particular has bashed many a company . Still on a strong growth curve here in Canada ...keeps me in Rods and reels TB
  3. Kinda like a good beer ( Stella ) vrs a $ 1 beer. tb
  4. Beans is correct I had the wrong corner ..sorry TB
  5. he just looks like he didn't want to be there .
  6. "Apologies to Farrah Fawcet" LMAO!
  7. wet! but no problems ,trucks still driving out from Beaverton codl overnight temps -12 and - 17 will dry everything up nicely TB
  8. Thanks for that Letterman is a master ! TB
  9. saved that last one as my screen saver LOL It seems every few years there is an incident at Gilford . One or two vehicles park on the ice , then before you know it it looks like Walmart on Boxing day ! Usually the ice just 'bends' and the vehicles are door handle deep . TB
  10. Simcoe Bait and tackle 250 Innisfil st 737-4819 , corner of Tiffen and Innisfil st From Hwy 400 Essa road east to innisfil street North On the left just past the rail way tracks just up from the Tiffen st Boat launch Innsifil bait and tackle ( hwy 11 and Innisfil beach rd) but have never been there TB
  11. Not sure about the Bite . but lots of ice . Come on out Saturday for Tylers event at Innsifil park. Great day for the kids. Plan on stopping by the park on friday for a look see , will let everyone know. TB
  12. Lot of water for sure wouldn't want to drop your sandwich The outflow of the river has created a lake on top of a lake just out past Hales place . That where I took pic of my feet ! TB
  13. I'll have my auger on Saturday . Will be glad to drill any holes for those who need. Just as long as it's perch they are interested in . TB
  14. With the melting snow , and high winds predicted I thought it would be worth a trip to beaverton to anchor our hut . Pulled in at the town docks to see the Beaver river flooding its banks , not surprisng with the massive snow melt and high amount of rain fall Excavator working to ease the pressure . Doesn't get much more 'Live' than this ! Walked out thru 2" plus of water in places . But still a good 16" - 24" of ice .CleatS and absolute must Hales Bombardiers ,trucks ,atvs and sleds still on the ice. Hut hadn't moved an inch , but now anchored we won't have to worry. Some livestock on the way home , I am sure they are finding it a lot easier to move about . Saturday conditions for Tylers event should be good , maybe a bit icey but cold temps should solidify everything nicely.Snowing in barrie right now (about 1"+) and if thems drop fast enough (1 degree now)might make for good walking on saturday . Tinbanger TB
  15. went out of Beaverton this am to aNchor our hut . walked out thru 2" + of water , Cleats are a must . Trucks,sleds and atvs still on the ice. Hut was still where we left it , but also got it anchored .All surrounding huts seemed secure . The snow and cooling temps should settle everyting down TB
  16. especially like the part where they impounded the umarked crusier for 7 days ! TB
  17. Love the photo Lew But that fish makes your head look small ! LOL TB
  18. IF i get there (Friday or Monday), will try and attend some seminars, maybe pick up some Muskie tackle. I am looking for another Heavy/ Med. heavy rod and a spinning reel but will most like order those thru my local tackle /bait shop. Pikeie got an awsome deal on his 9 wt St Croix fly rod. TB
  19. Driving thru Minnesota last summer couldn't pass up on snapping a picture of this. (see bullit point no. 2)
  20. some rental spots still have steel boats ( Pier 69 and Little lake) most likely cause they can take the abuse and no one would steal them.lol Unless you can borrow waynes forklift and float trailer , look for a nice tinney. TB
  21. great morning laugh anyone who has kids can relate ! TB
  22. thanks for the report , you did better then we did. Found out a 6'long wooden toboggan was much more stable than the kiddie sleds on that rocky surface. TB
  23. Weight may be a concern . But durability wouldn't be I guess. What size motor ? would wonder how it performs on the water . TB
  24. any chance you are working at 5140 Yonge st ? Been workers on site for a while removing signange and working on glazing on the 25 th floor? TB
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