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Everything posted by Paudash

  1. started up in Bancroft around 8 pm last night and has not stopped since, looks like I get to use that rain suit I bought that the wife said I would never use
  2. no real reason to worry, nobody is coming to Toronto for the games. 2nd class event with 3rd class athletes
  3. funny thing is I have seen osprey 4-5 times with fish and every time it has been a small musky
  4. In Bancroft, cloudy all day but no rain yet
  5. no surprise, we just keep voting them in
  6. no payments, start with used then figure out what you like and need A boat is a want not a need and never finance a want
  7. always wanted one but when you price them out you will see that you are $4000.00 for a decent used one then add $500.00 for storage for the winter it adds up in a hurry. Even if you just invest the $500.00 you would pay for storage each year in new camping equipment each year you would have a pretty good set up in a few years
  8. I bought an 8X10 enclosed trailer to hold my 2, also doubles for sleeping when we go up north
  9. I make the drive most days and have learned more times than not that just take the 401 and tough it out. The short cuts make you feel better because you are moving but rarely do they ever really save you time. Leave Burlington at 7 pm and you will be fine taking the 401 all the way across My 407 bill averages about $250 a month so I try and use the 401 when ever I can to save money. I stay off the 401 between 6 am and 10:30 am and then from 2:30 pm until 7:30 pm as a general rule. I just drive way to much
  10. just be careful with the softer woods as they will plug up your chimney really fast
  11. we had a similar situation with a moose at our cottage 5 or 6 years ago. A young moose about 18 months old was trapped on a small island with about 20 cottages on it. There was a little causeway to get to the island that the moose came across but would not go back across even when we tried to scare it across. The MNR kept on saying it would go away but it never did until one day it fell asleep on a person deck and they were trapped in the cottage for the day. The next day the MNR finally showed up and we thought they would tranquilize it, we were wrong they just shot it dead
  12. skip the tests and save your money. Buy the meds on line
  13. caught 3 or 4 this weekend while trolling for lakers on a rock ledge 15 feet down in 20 feet of water sometimes you can not avoid them
  14. I have this system in my house and works great, only maintenance is the water filter that has to be cleaned every 2-3 weeks in heating and cooling season. This takes about 2 minutes to do so no real issue. I moved into the house 2 years ago and it is about 1200 square feet and about 60 years old, we moved from a 2500 square foot 5 year old house. I find the hydro bills to be about a third of what my old house was in the summer while running the air conditioning and about 2x the the winter bills but no gas bill so works out way cheaper. When you do more research you will find the system works very efficiently for air conditioning and heating until the outside temp gets down below minus 5 to get the best bang for your buck have a wood stove put in to help out in December, January and February when it is really cold.
  15. for the price it never made sense to me. If your basement is wet enough to really need it spend the money to fix the moisture problem first
  16. Worked at a trailer park on Chemong lake near Peterborough 30 years ago and every day I would see people bring them in to eat. I could never figure it out because I was always told you were not suppose to eat them as per my Dad
  17. I was going to say the same as Rizzo my only thing to add if you want to be really sure, follow me when I have entered a tournament then you are guaranteed to not to get a bite
  18. I would take California's over Ontario's any time, we have 10 times more debit per person then us. They only care care more than us about it https://www.fraserinstitute.org/uploadedFiles/fraser-ca/Content/research-news/research/publications/comparing-the-debt-burdens-of-ontario-and-california.pdf
  19. Thats 2 mins from my house, I hope they get him
  20. all depends what you want to spend, so many good options available to that it hard to go wrong
  21. make sure you check out your launch location, they are very slow and you can end up wasting a day on each end just reaching good water
  22. I was in same position earlier this year and I ended up going with the HB 899 because of the side imaging and a great deal I found. Basspro had them on sale in March for $840 with the Navionics card. Now I just need a nice warm day trolling to figure out how to use it
  23. very well done, I think someone is going to get a few request for help
  24. keep them coming
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