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Everything posted by Paudash

  1. when you get your trailer insured it should be covered with that. No sense in insuring the boat but you do want to be covered for liability when your bother takes his kid out for a quick spin and takes out another boat
  2. Was on Balsam yesterday and they ranged from 42-48 and no activity
  3. Why would the government think they can invest my better than me They have such a good record of money management
  4. You are being very naive, the antibiotics only clear it up if you start them within 4 weeks of being bitten. If she has been diagnosed with Lyme you are are in for a long tough battle, please do your research and get her to a doctor that will treat it correctly.
  5. it is sort of like when the NDP were elected in the 80's They got the votes but everyone says they never voted for them
  6. Before gardening, camping, hiking, or just playing outdoors, make tick bite prevention part of your outdoor plans. Over 25,000 cases of Lyme disease among Americans will be reported this year. The risk is greatest among those living in or visiting New England, the mid-Atlantic states, and the upper Midwest. A recent national survey found that nearly 20 percent of people in areas where Lyme disease is common were unaware of the danger. Fortunately, there are several tactics you and your family can use to prevent tick bites and reduce your risk of tickborne disease. Protect Yourself from Tick Bites Know where to expect ticks. Blacklegged ticks live in moist and humid environments, particularly in or near wooded or grassy areas. You may come into contact with ticks during outdoor activities around your home or when walking through vegetation such as leaf litter or shrubs. To avoid ticks, walk in the center of trails and avoid tall vegetation. Here is some basic information http://www.cdc.gov/Features/LymeDisease/
  7. you or your pet can pick them up any time you walk across your lawn The best prevention is to take a shower any time you do any work outside
  8. the good news is they only have a majority for 3 more years we only have ourselves to blame
  9. that is just too cool
  10. The reason they sold off the 407 was because the government did not have the money continue construction east of the 404 and west of the 403. Without those extension it was going to be a white elephant
  11. Everyone please take this very seriously as my daughter has had Lyme Disease for the past 4 years and it not something to take lightly
  12. The Liberals have been in power for the past 12 years in Ontario, at what point can we start blaming the Harris government for the issues in Ontario.
  13. unfortunately most union members follow the heard and do what they are told. Much like the radio station that went and interviewed some of the Durham high school teachers this week and none of could say why they are on strike
  14. Curious to what everyone's goals are for this season Mine are fish 5 new lakes and catch my first musky
  15. The Toronto Star along with all the pubic service unions gave us this government we can not afford and now they live with it. It is going to be a great couple of years we have in front of us with all unions blaming the government they put in power not living up to any of the promises they were given. Welcome to the real world
  16. looked at buying a house on it a few years ago. I was told great Bass fishing and they do not allow anyone it that does not live on it. Even the few people that fish and live on it apparently put up with abuse from the neighbours. Some absolutely amazing homes on it as well
  17. sort of what I was thinking as well
  18. No worries for tickets because nobody is coming. All the A list athletes are going to the Olympic qualifier for track and field the week before the Toronto games and for the water events world championships the week after in Russia so no swimmers or divers are coming. Family and friends do not even go to the Pan am games 3 months before the games start and still lots tickets available for all events including the opening and closing ceremonies what a joke. Hotels are starting to discount rates because people are staying away because of the games. When all is said and done this is going to make the 76 Olympics in Montreal look like a very well run show. None of the Pan am events are considered as Olympic qualifiers so the best athletes will be at those events instead coming here. Wait another month and they will be giving tickets away to paper the house My grand kids will be paying for this joke
  19. Was on Paudash yesterday and everything was normal, was on Dalrymple today and everything was normal for this time of year as well. Apparently the great lakes are higher this spring then they have been in years. Looks like the only issue is with the Trent system because everything I have seen on that has been crazy low. With all the flooding the past few years I can understand them letting more water out in the fall by February they knew the snow level was way down so they should have restricted the out flow sooner
  20. On Paudash today the ice was 20-30 feet from shore
  21. was at Paudash near Bancroft and the levels were normal for this time of year but everything on the way looked really low
  22. that dog know how to have fun
  23. I saw the coolest thing this morning on Davis just east of the 400. It looked like a mom and a dad and 3-4 pups running across the field together.
  24. good news, he went by again this afternoon. When he got there a CO was sitting in his truck and not 5 minutes later a guy showed up and started fishing and he went and wrote him a ticket. At least it was a start On another front he said the water level was up about a foot from yesterday
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