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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. Gov. doesn't do vhf marine licenses any more, CPS does them now. With a VHF marine you become part of a safety network that your allowed to use for communication on a scale of importance. When a safety issue comes up and then all other communication shuts down until the safety issue is dealt with. To be of GOOD use during a safety issue the operator is trained to communicate only and all the important information quickly . If you get an operator that doesn't know his stuff it gum's up the works as he has to be walked through everything. Everyone of these licensed operators has taken the time to learn how to help save your life, you owe it to them to do the same. If you don't want to be part of this safety network get an unregulated CB. Always walk your passengers through how to use the boat and the radio and a mayday in case you "fall and can't get up"
  2. Mount a pair of sidecutters on a lanyard next to each rigger, A buddy saw 3 waves pull down an 18'er after it snagged bottom with riggers.
  3. You might want to use something adjustable at the eye hook so you can keep it lined up with the engine stand as you turn it, and the angle at the transom probably have to be shimmed or long bolts left loose to turn the boat close to straight.
  4. There was a Gas bar somewhere on my run to Fort Mac back in 80-81 that had a huge map next to the till with a "you are here" and if you looked at it they added a $1 to your bill and not tell you. Found it doing my taxes. Probably good for a couple hundred a day.
  5. Nuker The boat registration is for big boats that carry a name instead of license #. Generally much larger than most of us here would have. When the guys here talk about their boat registration what they are likely referring to is their license that the boat shows the #'s on the side for.
  6. Its in the books somewhere that you need ID, its in the fishn regs to prove over 65 and its part of the courtesy check. The trick is to give them anything but a drivers license, They want the drivers license to run you through the system.
  7. ID with a picture...You have a half dozen licenses and your operators card that are useless if you can't show ID.
  8. And an operators certificate from your local Power Squadron.
  9. First thing, its not a license its more of a diploma and the gov. does not provide operators cards. Your best bet for getting him a legit card is with your local power squadron, these guys are all volunteers and will take the time it will take to get him through the coarse. Advanced Power squadron courses are a tough go for a lot of people and their instructors often go one on one with students. The problem will be with the strict Trans Ca. protocols for testing and I'll have to look them up but I'm sure there are options we can use . If your friend can be taught the basics required for the card this is your best bet and do it now because its going to get harder soon, and Power Squadron is cheaper. He might already be able to know or guess his way through the test but the coarse would do him good.
  10. Went up with a bud shopping for an outboard but the four of us didn't buy much. Had a nice lunch at the sports bar across the road, stopped in at Princess Auto at Whitby. Had some great entertainment on the way home as a guy blocked the left lane on the 401 for 60 miles, when they went to pass on the right and noticed it was an unmarked cop they slam on the brakes and bunched up behind it.
  11. A friend of mine was run down and killed by his neighbor, escalating the problem won't help.
  12. Cheaptackle My bud was with a group sighting in their rifles in a pit a few miles from their camp the day before moose season when a CO showed up. He asked if they all had moose licenses and the first one to pull it out of his pocket was charged for hunting out of season because he COULD shoot a moose if it walked into the pit and put a tag on it. Why would anyone put a tag on something the day before the season starts tying illegal game directly to them ?
  13. You can use it as long as you have another approved pfd with you to keep you legal. With no tags its not a legal vest. But its a vest, you can wear whatever you want. Thing to do is test it out in shallow water and if you really really like it, use it with an approved vest to keep you legal but if its nothing special I wouldn't have it around because there is the risk that someone uses it not knowing its not approved and getting ticketed for it. I have a buddy who has a cottage with lots of people around using boats And I told him the same thing, Its not illegal to have an unapproved vest but you run the risk of someone grabbing it up thinking its good and ending up paying a fine. Tubes.....At some point Trans Ca. has to draw a line between a vessel and a toy. Last I heard if your tubing you should be under parents supervision. LOL The cops would likely lay a charge and let the judge sort it out
  14. I though everybody carries phones with cameras on them these days. Bad guys are usually camera shy.
  15. Depends on a lot of things. If the boat has foam under the floor and has had water laying in it at some time for something like 3 days the foam will soak up and maybe or maybe not dry out. If the foam is higher out of rain water height it might be alright. We pulled 80 lbs of water soaked foam out of an 18 ft tinner that was not replaced so that boat will sink. The young lads that decided to take a wiz off the stern at the same time on West Lake, that small tinner went to the bottom and the fisherman on site ignored them leaving a long swim to shore. The small tinner I found on BOQ at night had the bow up and motor on bottom. Luckily it had police yellow strip on it so I didn't have to look for bodies but it was spooky for a while there. The newer 18'er that got its riggers hung up took 3 waves to fill it but stayed up. I would think that chances are the older tin boats are going to sink. Old Glass boats that have more flotation tucked away might float but again the older the foam is the more broken down the cell structure and the faster it will soak up. The age and history of the boat would probably determine whether it would float or not. Plan for your boat to sink and if it doesn't you get a pleasant surprise.
  16. Its been over 20 years since I did cpr training. I'm first on the scene for at least one car accident a year here so I really should get it done. One of the last ones was really scary with a kid with a broken neck and the other kid quit breething.
  17. I didn't see all of the races but I think that was good coaching to advise his skier not to start when the results of most of the others was in front of them with such a spread at the top scorers and the # of crashes. Can't move on to the next event if your injured. She didn't not start because she was scared but because they were applying some strategy and didn't want too but an aggressive kid in a position to get hurt for little or no return. There was a turn about half way where if they got too low it looked like they had to turn hard up hill to catch the gate and that really took the speed off them.
  18. They can find out if you have a license, this was a selling point for the outdoors card that you wouldn't have to have it on you. It used to be the fine was double for failure to show a license but they changed it, I think its the same now. Don't forget that you have to have ID to go with the license.
  19. Danny probably wants to be back to work before Harper gets back from competing in Olympic snow boarding competition.
  20. Any modification or added equipment to any boat in Ca. is suposed to be done to the manufacturers specifications. Transport Ca. put out a guide book for the pleasure craft courtesy check and there was something in there about modifying a boat and I'm pretty sure thats how it goes. I would imagine there are a lot of guys here that could have insurance issues. Simple as pedestal seats that throw off the stability of the boat could be a problem.
  21. Depends on the boat and who is in it. If you are comparing a glass trihull to a small aluminum for a new boater the stability of the glass boat over the tinner would be a factor.
  22. I think the way it works is legally cop can't do a "routine check" of one car without cause, they have to do like a booze check stop and stop everybody. By announcing a blitz they get around your rights and make the routine check legal.
  23. Trucks are expensive at the auctions right now as most are going to the States, if they don't have many on the lot your not going to get lt for much less than they're asking.
  24. Some residents of TCOU were actually nice enough to let this guy nap for a few minutes, there might be hope for them yet.
  25. I leave a dock line running from bow cleat to the stern cleat loose enough to get a foot up, its not legal because its dual purpose, the boarding ladder folded up and stowed away covers that but its not much good if theres nobody in the boat to find it and hang it over the side. The basic boating coarse tells us to practice a man overboard , one of the guys had gone out and chucks the wife over the side and couldn't get her back in, so do your first practice in shallow water . And like the Dawg says when someone is disabled its a whole different story.
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