My trailer has bunks, so I back it down in and submerge the bunks for a couple seconds to make sure they are good and wet. Then pull forward enough so there is about a foot opr so of the bunks out of the water. Pull straight in and run it up as far as I can. Lean over and hook up. Winch her up all the way.
The one problem I do have is getting her 'exactly' centered all the time. The boat sits in between the wheels and I only have maybe 1 inch or so clearance on both sides between the boat and the wheel fenders. There is carpet to prevent metal to metal rubbing, but too often the boat ends up tight against the wheel. I really don't want it touching for fear of someday wearing through the carpet covering. Typically I have to back the boat in a little more and manually try to keep it straight while my wife pulls away. Sometimes we have to do this a couple times to get it off the wheels. This is a PITA and sometimes can cause me a delay in getting trailered and out of the way. There must be that sweet spot and maybe I need to have the bunks out of the water a little more.
I did forget to trim the motor once, but fortunately is was loose gravel when it hit. A few shouts to my wife, correct my error, and we're good to go. No damage done (Whew !!!)