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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Enough said, beauty report DouG!
  2. Come on man, don't say "go big or go home'. We end up just going home, lol. Just kidding. Never been there, can't wait to try the sound and inner bays for some fall 'ski action. If it's anything like the Moon, it's gonna be a tough fish but well worth the effort regardless. Have the 'skis started to run and gun the shad inland yet? I think we'll hit the islands around the sound looking for weed beds and shoals and move towards Gpool. Looks like a nice place, always thought about it when pasing by towards Parry Sound.
  3. Awsome when a new technique produces. WTG for preserverence, nice fish!
  4. Second place is quite the acomplishment, congrats. Some beautiful looking 'ski's you got there!
  5. Great report Leechman, one helluva crappie! Nice going out there. Hope you catch that 'ski you're after.
  6. Awsome report JWL! had my stomach growling and chipped a tooth taking a bite out of my monitor. Great job out there guys.
  7. Congrats Bly, a very impressive Salmon. Kudos to the netman as well.
  8. That's the way to spend some time off, WTG on the mixed bag! I think that's a fisher as well, I see them crawling around the rocks when I head to the banks on Lake O sometime. I like to call them rock rats, lol.
  9. Nice pair of salmon CCMT and Bly! Good report! I've had lots of tackle lost to bad leaders. Seems like you can't buy a quality leader, unless make your own.
  10. Looks like a good time GCD, the company worth the trip for sure! Too bad abut the fishing, but that's a decent "spot" anyhow. Good post.
  11. Orange ya glad for huntin' season? Monique, keep catchin those nice fish, TJ will learn one day. Thanks for the report, Good luck on the BIG hunt.
  12. Between moon rise and sunset is when I see the activity picking up. Never caught one at night but lots of people here do! Spoons off of piers are the prefered method, so I've read. I never caught one that way, 'cause I just found out I was reelin' too fast, lol. At least all my spoons are super clean.
  13. Nice trollin', great eye's and a beautiful day...can anyone ask for more? Thanks for posting!
  14. Glad the all-nighter paid off for ya. "A" for preserverence. "+" for the RR.lol. Good job on the Salmon.
  15. Good intro Lunker272, welcome aboard!
  16. A nice bag of fish and good memories with friends, despite the mechanical jinx, a great outing, no? lol. Great report LA.
  17. Very nice report and pics! Looks like an awsome time had by all! WTG on the gator with the light setup, skillz.
  18. Hey Rick, Sux about the run around. I got the same camera, bought last year around Christmas for $500. You'll love it!!!! An awsome camera, good reachargables at 2500NimH are essential. Very easy to use, the stereo sound recording and quality of video is great. Batteries go quick if you keep the AutoFocus on continuous, I use it as shoot only, you'll find the batteries last you forever. The built in flash is ok, but with the hotshoe, if you have external flashes pics look better. All around a quality electronic. Downside, the lens cap comes off easy, but I think that's a precaution as the lens elongates automatically as soon as put into picture mode. An oversized digital SLR bag makes for great storage. Enjoy and looking forward to seeing some pics!
  19. Very nice collection opf pickereyes! That Motley Crew however..........
  20. Nice report. Congrats to your son on his PB!
  21. Very nice smalljaws. They;ll be packing on the ounces yet!
  22. Maybe they heard the Cops were coming and high tailed it out of there! lol, just kidding. Bluebird sky and tough fishing go hand in hand for me. At least you got into a decent Bass. WTG!
  23. I would second trolling deep for them, especally in shield-type lakes. Stick to the areas Raf's mentioned. Big countdowns, heavy daredevils spoons maybe behind a dipsy should work.
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