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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Very nice ride. Hope you get her slimmed soon.
  2. Good write up, wish I can see the pics though. I fell out of a tinny some years back after I stepped on an open tray of lures. No one was around, but I laughed to, and at, myself all day. Thanks for sharing.
  3. Nice catches! Looks like you got a tasty meal ahead of you. Thanks for sharing, some nice healthy fish there.
  4. My sincerest condolonces go out to you and yours Lexx. That was a very nice tribute, and one sweet pike he caught.
  5. Dang. I park there as well, or now I'll say used to. I just started this salmon thing, I can see how alot of people get turned off by incidents like these.
  6. Great catch, and on 8lb mono to boot. My first musky was also caught walleye fishing. Hope you got a flak jacket for the vert hold, these musky guyz are gonna be foaming at the mouth. I figure you for a great angler, I'm sure she swam off nicely.
  7. Sorry Bly, I'm sure you guys have those days as we all do. lol. If anyone wanted to read about skunks and panfishes, I'll direct them to my reports. lol.
  8. Nice report and too bad about the one that got away. Anybody tip that net boy?
  9. Looks like you two are having a banner year. I there anytime you guys go out that you don't top a PB?
  10. Amazing report as always LA. Them rainbow shots are breath taking. Thanks
  11. Wow. I wish my year was half as good. That's a nice shovelhead on that ski. Amazng brookie as well.
  12. I concur, and use, as most do here. 7 foot medium-heavy fast tip, 20# pp and a reel with a good drag system. I would further getting a reel with decent line capacity. You'll find this combintion will allow you to cast farther, keeping the lure in the water longer, and thus your chances of hooking into a decent pike higher
  13. Geez, all these stories are just horrendous. Stealing a bumper is one of he most idiotic things I've heard. I fish at Port Credit, if you dont mind, which parking lot was it? Thanks for the heads up. After my car was broken into this year, I take everything out of my car everytime I lock it up. It's a pain in the donkey everynight, but at least I can sleep easy.
  14. Bass Killer, I just got into Salmonoids recently as well, so by no means am I an acreditted source. I don't have a specific Salmon rod, I use a 7foot med-heavy fast action with a spinning outfit that'll hold alot of line. It suits me well enough for now. Best bet is to get yourself a 9'6" rod for getting the baits out there. I like 20 # power pro for the low diameter and strength. Check out my post on skein rigging. Lots of good replies and info for ya there bud.
  15. Bump. welcome to the board Jeff. Do a search and check out verminator's appeal in this regard.
  16. If we're shoulder to shoulder HD, it might happen, lol. Hope you bring an extra spool. hahaha
  17. My guess, Marko, is that the skein keeps it all together and its immature roe. Whereas a roe bag is one of those mesh bags tied with mature roe. I am by no means an expert, just an educated guess based mostly on solo's pic above. I'm curious, back to my original post, as how to weight the skein. I would guess starting from the rod tip -- float, 2 feet line, three-way split, a foot or so of lead with the #4 hook, and another foot or so with a 1/2 ounce egg sinker?
  18. Oh man, looks like I'm headed to LeB's after work.lol
  19. Nice. I was hoping you guys would chime in. Thanks Solo and Highdrifter, your knowledge and experence is very much appreciated. On a personal note, I just was introduced to the Salmon run last year, and I lived so close all my life!!!! Well, alls I can say is, my mentors showed me the wrong ropes (floss) and I'm trying to get educated on best practices out there to pass on. Highdrifter, I went out once thus far and got laughed at by some jumpers, 'bout all. went for a little walk along the bank talking with anglers lastnite and they had much the same story. I will put your methods to practice soon. Thank you gentlemen for your input, I'll put your name in for the Lady Bing Memorial of fishing for keeping it clean. lol
  20. Dang, I was gonna take a walk down to the charters and rifle through the trash bins looking for belly meat. lol. You just saved me from a huge embarasment BillM, hahahaha. Thanks bushart. Anyone know how to rig up skein? If it's the same method as 'mallows blink twice lol.
  21. lol. Well done Bushart. So did he have the rapala weighted some how? That's what I'm looking for specifically, the rig set up. I would guess, just a guess, a heavy sinker tied to a three way and the countdown on a 2 or 3 foot lead?
  22. Congratulations. Best wishes all around.
  23. Oh man, that's one of the most beautiful places on earth Hope there is an expedious clean up.
  24. Haven't been to Stoney this year, but in the Kawarthas generally, I've been killing it with 5 inch senkos/yum dingers rigged weightless-texas style for buckets. This late in the year, I focus on deep weedlines and any mid-lake structure I can find on the sonar.
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