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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Awsome report JohnnyB, an exciting read at that. Good job on that under the dock pike that he didnt steal your confidence JignPig. Some of those bass are hogs. right there is an amazing day on the water, thanks for sharing. I find later in summer and throughout the fall concentrating on deep weedlines produces some of the best bass fishing all year! WTG!
  2. More girls in school than out in the bush!
  3. Nice pike dude! I find pike to be a very fragile fish and start bleeding if you look at them to hard, lol. If it was in the tongue, I'm pretty sure the fish was fine. Awsome catch!
  4. Bass fishing, yes I use barbed hooks. Pike fishing, I dont really care if I loose one so no. I am really a stickler when it comes to getting the fish back into the drink. I keep fish out of the water for as little time as possible and give it all the time it needs when reviving it. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a catch swim away for another day.
  5. Sounds like a great day, fish after fish, protected bay. Gonna have to try Belwood once, sounds like an awsome place.
  6. Nice Bucket, that thing is a serious hog. Congrats on winning the bet, an awsome read. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the post Roy. My condolonces go out to every family that had suffered as a result. I was just beginning at the University of Toronto when it happened and heard about it from the Prof in lecture hall. 7 years, wow.
  8. Nice job Cliff! I agree, having a good drag system on your reel is key. Nice catch.
  9. Sweet vid! Nice catch as well. Thanks for posting that, always cool to see some video.
  10. No I didnt feel the line slipping, no I didnt reel like mad to set the hook. Yes, the hook was INSIDE the jaw. Seems like your an expert on lining, stealheader, share a report with us! Get out, fish and PROVE you know what your talking about and not a bag of wind. Looking forward to a report! spinnerdoc...I'm a lure fisherman as well. I know lining is unethical, hence, why I asked OFNCers to enlight me on proper methods and took the time to learn, rig and spend the $. Keep chuckin' them spoons. I respect the opinions of OFNers that can back it up, if it was 50/50, I can accept that. I realize now why great men like Lew don't report anymore. Shame a windbag like stealheader has to rain on a parade. Sorry yall, didnt mean for the post to turn sour.
  11. I guess I'm not as smart as you bud. When you're not being donkey take along walk of a short pier. I know the difference between a foul hooked fish and one that took the bait. Thanks for your input, guess you know more than alot of us here. Your a real ass-et to the board. Cant wait until you post a report on your fishing expertise, because until now you haven't.
  12. Thanks for the kind replies all, it was such a rush haullin' her in. Again a big part of this catch can be attributed to the great members here on OFC. Thank you all. Shore lunch...the water was murky because of the rain. TO ALL OF THOSE WHO PM'd FOR THE SPOT: Nothing personal, I just dont give up spots, especially when they're local haunts. I will not reply to any PMs asking to divulge such info, sorry. I wish you all the best of luck.
  13. Sounds like an amazing time and amazing company! Thanks for the report, I betcha learned alot from the Captains.
  14. Very nice catches. Glad you ahd a succesful outing on the bog.
  15. That I did BillM. Was a spur of the moment call after the rain stopped when I got home from work. Check out my report, understandably,dont want to highjack this amazing catch by Bly. A pretty Chinook there. Im still good for a hook up when you want.
  16. I would also have a towel and a piece of stainless steel to get that slime smell of your hands. Wash your hands with the steel just as if it were soap. A nifty tip.
  17. Good day, Last night was a perfect day for Salmon fishing. The rains let up, sun broke and the run in full swing, my cousin and I headed down to the Credit River to try and intice a Chinny to bite. I was determined to get a fish proper hooked, not lined, and have asked members of the board a few days back to help me out with setting up my rig. Graciously, many OFNers replied with good info and I went out and bought three way swivels, octupus hooks, tied up some bags and headed down to the banks. There were a couple other gentlemen there, very kind and conversational. They advised that all week they've only witnessed two fish being caught in this spot. I wished them luck and I sat down to tie up the rig. And I tied, and tied, and tied.....lol. I sat downstream from the others so I had ample room to drift. First cast I feel a little pressure, reel in a respecatble stick Second cast, in the water for not more than 10 seconds...WHAMMO. A nice hit and the fight was on...it was an epic, reel screaming 5 minute battle. This fish took me everywhere, upstream down stream, long runs, runs coming straight at me, acrobatics, even had to horse it around a bend. The twenty pound Power Pro stood the test and the gentlemen sharing this tretch with me, seeing as I had my hands full, kindly netted the beast for me. First thing I checked, fish was properly hooked, in the side of the mouth, the #4 octopus hook came out easy. A couple of pics with a nice Hen and she was released to spawn for a future generation of Salmon. Didnt have a scale, but everyone there affirmed it to be roughly 25lbs. A BIG, BIG thanks to the OFNers who shared thier knowledge and experience with me and helped me greatly getting this girl
  18. WTG Bly. I had an almost identical experience last night with my first Chinny of the year. Congrats on a nice catch
  19. Very good work out there LA. Love it when you can use your knowledge and experience and apply them to a new situation. Good on ya, thanks for posting. Excellent report, pics, and vids.
  20. Welcome aboard Tony. Your experience in float fishing will surely be an asset here. I look forward to your posts. Can't help you with Bronte, but some one will chime in. reefrunner
  21. I apologize for hijacking the thread and will make a comment before retiring the subject (or it gets locked). The original comment, directed specifically at fall shore salmon fishers, does nothing to advance the purpose or interest of the sport generally. Any comments made should have this ideal in mind because, as you mentioned, there are lurkers out there. If ya aint got nothin good to say, dont say it is all...before the comments degenerate further down the dark path I mentioned earlier (villifiying a group based on bad experiences of some bad apples, accusing one of wearing panties, etc). I had enough squabble and I think my point has been made, as has yours. 'nuff said, lets put this one to bed JWL. Your opinion is valid and definately meritous.
  22. Hello there and welcome to the board. Give us a little info about yourself, just a short intro, be sure to include why you love the sport. You may have better luck in getting the advice you seek Cant say about Bronte, but I can tell you water levels in the Credit are higher.
  23. You know JWL, I dont want to highjack this thread. But there are a million things wrong with generalizing a particular seasonal angler for their misgivings. Yes, you here stories of garbage this time of year. But throughout the year you hear stories of "new canadians" being thrown off bridges for reasons event specific or no reason at all, they just fit the stereotype. Just horrible actions caused by many of the stereotypes created that is making this sport increasingly exclusionary. Comments such as this and others should have no place on this board and only promotes attitudes and stereotyopes that lead us down a dark path. I would advocate using the knowledge of responsible angling to educate and incorporate rather than exclude. Don't get me wrong, I can tell a wize crack when I see one, I have given and received such in turn and all in good fun. I dont take personal offense to your statement, but see it as detrimental to the ideals we should be promoting. A comment made public that generalizes, villifies and prejudices a group as a whole is just wrong...wizecrack or not.
  24. Hmmmmnnn, shore fishermen=pond scum. That's quite the generalization that may be offensive to those that aren't graced with a boat. It is true that there are some bad eggs on shore, but I can point you to some boaters that are bad eggs as well.
  25. Nice to be out in good company. That's a cool trophy. Thanks for sharing.
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