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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. sounds awesome! you guys are getting me pumped up about this!
  2. awesome. I have friends in both clubs and have been more so leaning towards CBAF , though now i live in Lindsay I have both to choose from. ps Lowerunit what area are you fishing out of? for example mine would be out of kawartha lakes. as for Tybo are you talking about nice fish in general or the one in my picture? cuz yours isnt to bad yourself
  3. was just lookin at the two fishing clubs and was wondering if any of you are members of either BASS or CBAF ? and if so what one is better in your opinion? as well as what do you like about them ? I am really interested in joining one as a non-boater but have yet to decide what one. any information is much appreciated! Thanks again - a fellow Angler
  4. I was gunna try my luck in and around there tomorrow for some toothy critters on my way to my dads house for dinner
  5. thats awesome! reminds me when i'd go snorkeling lookin for fish and structure up at our friends cottage
  6. its against the law to interfere with some one hunting or to try and scare away any animals from a hunter.. ontop of that theres vandalism.. there for if I was you i'd set up a few bush cams. and try and catch him in the act
  7. I'm sorry to hear off your loss. but good on you for helping others!
  8. how did you like it? and does it come in other colours
  9. all I can say is "Wow"
  10. thats what I did when i made my "make shift" casting deck . stand on the front and or middle seat and slightly rock it..
  11. lol I know who I'll be goin with next year when I go for lakers
  12. awesome report ! keep up the great work! for some great memories!
  13. save it on a sd card , or picture msg it to your personal e-mail
  14. thats for sure ! beauty birds,
  15. two hands on the wheel.. jeez ! ps keep up the good work.. your making us all jealous
  16. agreed ! I think once im done this school thing im movin out there
  17. well im jealous ! i havnt caught a whitie yet ! lol good job
  18. whats a walleye ? jk. I spent this past ice season (which was a little different then most) scratching my head wondering where, when, and what to use for walleye on lake scugog. but that was short lived.. i gave up quick and went for different fish .. but i hope you are able to lock them in and get some ! best of luck to you !
  19. i was out on the 5th from the east side and I did great me and my buddy caught more then our limit of big perch 2 at 14 inches.. most of the went back tho.. couple in my freezer
  20. same, i'll try it but theres still the ribs in the meat
  21. i preffer bibs over pants when it comes to snow pants or rain pants.. yes pants can be easier just to throw on.. but you can allways just roll them down if ur in that much of a hurry.. tho i HATE when my snow pants or rain pants slowly fall down when your walking or for any other reasons even if they are as tight as they go and are a good fit.. and thats why i preffer bibs as the straps hold them in place. as well when your fishing and or have your back to the wind bibs protect you and keep you warmer and dryer! but thats me.. others may have other oppinions
  22. agreed, i dont have kids or anything but i have ran a few summer camps as well as working at Canadian tire for a few years.. its much easier on urself if you teach the kids once to use the spinning reel and get them comfortable with it then they can use it over and over again. where as the spincast is easy to use but they tend to be short lived. even tho some times kids dont want to learn .. and they might just want "simple push button ideas.. then you might have to go with spin cast .. so this is were my CT experience comes in to play .. get the kid to hold each rod.. and ask them what they preffer.. as well as maybe one is a lefty vrs a righty .. there for spinning would be ur best bet
  23. some sledders can get pretty annoying sometimes. me and two other friends were fishing on Scugog the other day and were fishing in a line no bigger then 10 feet next to one of my friends quad.. and we look over and there are 2 sleds blasting down the lake heading straight at us.. and closing in fast.. so we waved our arms to make sure they see us.. and what do they do.. keep the throttle pinned.. and missed us by 3 feet.. and clipped my back pack.. boy was I pissed off .. and i told my two friends if they were to come back something was going to happen.. stayed out a couple hours after .. but they did not return..
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