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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. haha I was so jealous of you. until i opened and saw the picture lol now Im thinking of goin for lunch with him
  2. Key word .. "was" its been really swept.. some of the bays they have been catching them have been packed with boats.. not to say that you wont catch them.. just wont be as good as it was a week or so ago.
  3. Hey Mike the ops boundary aka Pickeral Point Rd / Ken Reid Rd is located at the bottom of sturgeon Lake. as well I have talked to Kawartha B&T and they said that the locks and towards sturgeon is closed till walleye opener. and that from the locks towards Scugog its open to fish. I have also seen quite a few people fishing the scugog side already
  4. ya i believe it.. there is two small ponds not far from lake scugog that have trout in them and between the two bodies of water theres a small creek.. and well i have seen them in the creek.. so whats not to say they could be in scugog aswell.. weird..
  5. great report! man your makin me jealous
  6. its weird.. I saw two dead deer on the road side today on my way from port perry to lindsay this morning and a few turkeys.. that were asking to get smucked
  7. wow I love this site..
  8. Great advice Buster.. couldnt of said it better I played tournament Ball for some time.. just gave it up last year.. tons of fun! so good luck to ya !
  9. and me too
  10. haha Im just currious.. cuz well i havnt caught one since ice out
  11. agreed ! it looks delicious
  12. ha very nice.. ya I gave all my lures a good wash nuthin to say for it tho
  13. haha ya really
  14. haha ya sun burn would of been nice the past two days.. to bad im stuburn.. as for the tiger musky I'll say about 30"
  15. ya I found 3 crappie through the ice this year.. and already have x that by 100
  16. haha well hope it comes soon. but hey atleast you dont have to sit out the warm days.. next weeks supose to rain a bit so.. get'r done and we'll cya on the water!
  17. hmm very true. my buddy I took out was using that too with no luck while i fished with just about everything else trying to get one. where did you find her? deep - shallow - flat - drop off.. you dont have to tell me where you were fishing just currious where they are right now.. was on Dalrymple yesterday and saw some that were in pretty shallow but wernt interested
  18. ugh... Fine.. i guess I'll take it upon myself to start catching fish.. jeez...!
  19. ya the Canal Launch was a bit of a pain to use.. but we managed it. as for mitchel what did you get the gator on ?
  20. ouch..! Sorry to hear that! thats like last year some one broke into my friends car in whitby the night before we were planning on going on a 2 day fishin trip.. stole his name brand back pack.. which he had all his fishing stuff + polarized glasses + wallet (money licences etc..) well we were not too happy :| but ended up finding alot of his stupp about 3 blocks away down a little walk way..back pack was gone.. money was gone.. glasses were gone.. plus a few little things.. but his actual wallet and licences were still there ! we got lucky there.. we figgured it was kids who saw the back pack .. and took it.. found money.. to that too.. but they wernt into fishing .. clearly.. all in all still sucked.. and we were late for our trip.. but we still made a good time out of it.. i just had to pay a little extra.. and when its for a good friend.. why not.. but Hope everything works out for you. and that they catch the Jerk who stole ur cash
  21. well got back from Dalrymple yesterday.. not to upset.. saw a few pike.. but didnt Land any :| also saw two tiger musky.. that was pretty cool.. as i have never seen one before. ontop of that I saw ALOT of walleye up shallow while i was hunting for Pike.. all in all not a bad day.. plenty of people out there enjoying the new regs.. and all in all just havining a good time
  22. whats a pike?
  23. good stuff guys ! me and my 4 buddies caught our limits.. and had a Fish FEAST! some bbq'd some deep fried.. cut up some potatoes to make some home fries = Dee-Lish ! and ya "Gonefishin" I hate that .. happend to me twice the past two days..lets just say I wasnt a happy camper..!
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