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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. Cloyne Ont is awesome , used to live just up the street from the lake when i was younger.. and i go back every year to Bon Echo prov park.. though i never fished it for Lakers.. just walleye, bass, and the other toothy critters ..such as musky or pike..though there are also many lakes surrounding the big Lake Mazinaw to fish ! i'll ask my buddies that live up there still for a few tips and let you know ! and well hey maybe i'll see ya out there !
  2. :| that guys is my idol ! lol that would be so fun !
  3. haha im liking you idea "troutologist". I am so used to fishing out of a canoe / john boat .. by paddleing wich is a key way to fish .. but with the thought of HP on the brain i all of a suddn wanna go fast , i realise a 30hp will defenetly still skoot me from here and there .. but yes , thanks every one i guess i needed a second opinion ! i appreciate every ones help , if i get the 40hp i will most likely trade / sell as i would like to keep this boat around as long as i can , thanks again ! a fellow angler
  4. Hey Guys so i was wondering .. i got a boat from my grandfather (he left if for me) the boat is a 14' springbok ..with a Evinrude 9.9 (a guess of 18-20 yrs old) it has a sturdy all aluminum transom ect, the boat / rivets are mint..! though this year i have been working on puting in a front casting deck (wood / seat covering the front half of the boat) a bowmount trolling motor + battery.. which got me thinking, how is my 9.9 going to push me + 1 other person and the add on's ?! so i asked around looking for a bigger motor and i can get a 2000'ish 40hp (4 stroke) tiller....(for cheap from family).. i did some research and it says boats such as my 14' Bok is rated for a 25-30hp motor.. do you think i would be able to use the 40hp? or should i try and get a smaller motor ? or if i use the 40 should i limit myself with the throttle? like i said the back of the boat is quite solid , and has good support and if need i will add more.. though will it be to heavy ? as well as would it be better to make it into a single sided stearing console instead of using the tiller.?. try to reduce weight at the back of the boat or would that make much difference ? Thanks for reading, i just didnt wanna get out on the lake or to be trailering my boat and have major problems, that could have been prevented. would love to hear what every one has to say .. thanks again a fellow angler
  5. Hah that was a beauty !
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