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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. wow.. TC10Z Im with ya on this one.. one day people are freaking on people for dropping a fish into the water from to high up.. the next day they could give a crap.. must just be that its a beauty day and they are stuck at work so there a little grumpy..
  2. he doesnt know.. hence why he made this topic..
  3. dont you just love this forum for that.. you post a question and you get all kind of replies.. saying basically how your dumb for asking questions.. now I didnt see this episode.. but im sure if I did I would probably post the same question... and well I dont have an answer to give you.. but I guess the fish is a part of his limit.. though I am no CO.. so ..
  4. agreeed !!!
  5. haha thats funny
  6. heyy better then nothin !
  7. looks awesome! better be seeing some reports soon out of that!
  8. I played tournament speedball for the past 7 years. and well I loved the sport .. but it can get really pricey. as for tips.. *****-Always keep your mask on! No matter what! there are too many "what ifs" that can happen..trust me -Dont be afraid to get shot.. it will only sting for a minute.. -Communicate with your team mates.. tell them where the other opponents are!(communication is key) -when looking for opponents (snap shoot) aka keep as much of your body behind the bunker as possible,and only pop your head out to see or shoot..leaving a much smaller target for the opponents to shoot at! -if an opponent is running try and aim in front of them and make them run into your shots -Dont be afraid to run and dive.. move to new bunkers..or try new things and see what works for you! -Always be a good sport..Its just a game.. if you get shot, call yourself out and work on how to avoid it the next time! -Have Fun ! Clothing: -Wear something comfortable not too bulky.. you want to be able to move.. -when I play I wear a jersey and a shirt underneath..but I suggest you wear a long sleeve and sweater untill your used to it.. as for pants thick jeans or even a pair of coveralls work great. -Shoes.. its important to wear good ankle support.. you will be running around and the ground can be really slippery! or if possible I highly recommend cleats (if your allowed or have any) which will give you great traction indoor or out. as for the paint.. it should wash out. but it may take time.. I tend to hose my gear off then scrub then toss it in the washer.. and it should be good to go and well the most important thing would be to go have fun with your friends. and remember to always think safety first.. no matter what sport or activity you may be doing! -Have fun and hope its a happy birthday!
  9. was down there yesterday with a friend. picked up some great stuff! hopeing to get out there again on saturday to see mr.Mercer
  10. looks awesome
  11. you guys up there make me jealous with every post!
  12. saaweeeett!
  13. I agree.. or at least hope so.. and well ya I have seen them around quite a bit. but little do you know even when you dont see them.. they are still watching.. and for sure around Scugog.. they tend to park across or around the corner from where your fishing and use there binoculars.. etc.. I have seen it done many times.. and then they also like to just show up.. and more or less show you that they still exist!
  14. agreed but if your like me I would use power pro. with a fluro leader
  15. I preffer Minkota. I baught a 40lb PowerDrive for my 14' and well I love it.. and lets just say the minkota "wont ever break" Composite shaft sure comes in handy!
  16. reading this just makes me wanna go worm pickin
  17. Gagnouns Sports in Oshawa has there sale this week starting the 15th too!
  18. hahah oh man.. gotta stay safe
  19. Big fan of classified but all three are great.. depends on what your feelin like
  20. i check myself every morning whether im in the bush or not lol
  21. haha Rick me and a few buddies brought out 1 fly rod and figgured we'd try it out.. man we were fighting over it..! so much fun to use
  22. awesome info!
  23. was thinking of trying one.. any one else tried it ?
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