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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. best idea yet.. blame it on the wife or gf ! and if it doesnt work.. big OFC fish fry / bbq is in order
  2. haha mike im gunna have to go with Ciceri.. those super stealthy's work awesome ! but It really all depends on where your fishin bud, if you fishing shallow.. I would just tie a heavy weight on .. and do the "drop test" probably the easiest way.. but its a little harder to do when ur in 25+ fow.. on a bigger lake .. thats when you would want a flasher and or depth finder.. out of the two I'd say get a depth finder as you will use it all year round. where as a flasher.. most likely not.. though through the Ice I like Aqua views and not a huge fan of flashers.. etc.. but I have only used them a handful of times.. and also its all personal preference...
  3. thats what I thought ?
  4. yeah like spooner jr said. if you were to drive you car out.. wich alot of people are doing you would have to drive out at either the port perry marina or the port public boat launch just north of the marina.. the launch at west shore is basicaly a 4' drop off that would just tear a car apart.. that is unless your car is sitting on 35''s and is lifted 2 1/2' .. then you would be ok.. but if you plan to just drop your stuff of then your best bet is to drive to the bottom of whitefield road (where west shore is) and unload there.. then drive your car back to the top of the hill and walk back down.. then drag your stuff out from there.. though I am sure your car would be fine out there.. I was out there last night when a buddy of mine pulled up in his old school (all metal no plastic) f-350 crew cab longbox on stilts with 6 guys in it and well he didnt go through.. which he parked right beside 2 other full sized trucks.. so there is enough ice..but even after that I still dont drive out there in my car.. but that might also be because I would get no where as it has a hard enough time gripping pavement..
  5. ya wasnt too sure about taking the car out either.. plenty of big trucks out there .. but theres also plenty of "what if's" was out there tonight .. few perch .. saw some boys out there that caught 2 eyes.. but thats it .. though i have heard that some were catchin panfish
  6. love them .. have a 7' xh baitcast rod.. use it mostly as a heavy slop frog rod.. but works great as a flippin rod.. and will be buying a 7'6 H next spring for jigs
  7. first off I'd just like to clear this up are you using "real" swimbaits.. or hollow belly / soft swimbaits
  8. jw what chairs did the hut come with ? I baught the same hut from CT and mine came with clamp on (sorta like the ms chairs) and my buddy got the same hut with soccer like foldable chairs
  9. plenty of cars and trucks on scugog aswell
  10. I own the Revo Stx and I love it. expecially with the 24lbs of drag
  11. I was out on the bog the past 2 days and will be heading out again shortly. fished goreskie area on the first caught a ton of dink perch.. second day more perch as well I was surprised to look down my hole to see a 45'' musky with 6'' shoulders staring at my shiner ! but no eyes for my self.. yet any ways.. maybe I'll see some of you guys out there tonight
  12. hmm very nice ! and tempting !
  13. honestly I'm kinda liking it. how much did it cost you ?
  14. hey tom , I know which is which but if it comes down to it, and some one I am fishing with or my self are not going to keep it to eat it I will defenetly let you know !
  15. awesome thanks guys , I have filleting walleye under my belt and have been youtube'ing best ways to fillet pike. and I'm sure it wont be to hard either.
  16. thanks guys! ya I have picked up the new updated regulations as well as the 2010 regulation book , though I normally dont fish for pike and if I do I dont keep them. but lets say I do catch a few pike what are some good recipes? or what are your favorites?
  17. thanks for the info musky. we were planning on catching and keeping pike, as well as the odd crappie. and were hoping to head out on the first (ice permitting) as for pike.. whats the limit? or is there one on the kawarthas as there an invasive species? thanks again
  18. CT has the licenses.. (now anyways) me and two friends got them renewed
  19. Hey guys was wondering if any one has checked out balsam or new how the ice was doing up there.. I have been outa town for the last little bit or else I would of checked for my self. as well as could any one point me in a direction of where I should "try my luck" Im going with a friend of mine for some perch, crappie and maybe some pike. any help would be appreciated thanks again a fellow angler
  20. honestly I have been thinking about getting one.. but wasnt sure about the range on the remote
  21. haha so true ! last year I broke my wrist playing football and my other good friend dislocated his shoulder.. but we still were able to go fishing, I would fight the fish.. and he would reel/ net the fish.. yeah it may have been awkward.. but it was a blast
  22. Haha !
  23. I have known Jordon for quite some time, and well he tries.. and I'll give him that much..

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