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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. haha thats awesome !! all I have is Heavy action and one XH action flippin sticks.(lifetime warrenties) i figgure it could be worth a shot ! just would need to research it a bit more ?! how longs it normally take u guys to get out there?
  2. Jeeze ! looks like fun.. now Im tempted to try it out !
  3. so you getting this one wrapped too ?! and what did ya do with your last boat ?
  4. ugh that last picture always gets me..!!!
  5. sawweeet ! makes me excited to go up north and fish for specks real soon
  6. lol im not sure how I am suppose to take that.. either they were flying fish.. perched in trees.. or they were amongst the cover which happen to be lay down trees. either way good stuff!
  7. good job guys! how deep were the fish ?
  8. jeeze I just use micro tubes or gulp fish fry.. thats what was working for 2 cats on scugog last night :|
  9. ugh you guys make me want a boat !
  10. haha they must body check the lure Im jk, those are some nice fish
  11. kool dude. but not a whitie
  12. early this year I was trolling and casting for Pike and thought I was having hits.. but I soon realised that they were schools of carp.. and well I'll be honest.. they had me convinced they were pike.. my buddy even snagged one in the back with a spinner bait and we were convinced it was a pike.. untill we got it closer to the boat.. though I have seen carp either smack at a lure.. or inhale the lure momentarily.. but I personally think trolling for carp isnt the worst idea in the world.. if you are using the right stuff.. for example.. i deffenetly would not be using a spinner bait or sumthing like that.. instead I would be slowly "dragging" or bottom bouncing a ball of corn, worms or mixture..
  13. well good luck either way! trolling spoons by the mouths of the inlets found me pike and smallies.. but other then that use your handy dandy Smallie lures and you will do just fine!
  14. lookin good. If I was a musky I'd go for the bloody seagul pattern you have got there
  15. and if so.. where is the auction ha happy they got what they deserved!
  16. look like some beauties! they sure do! and some bigger..! I cant wait to get out there and try my luck. have only been fishin from shore or threw the ice so far
  17. I was more interested to see the lure hanging out of the mouth of the pike.!
  18. Chandos Lake is a beauty. not sure about rentals .. but i have fished it two or three times with my little cousins just trying to get them to catch little fish .. but by the end of the day we would have 3lb smallies flying outa the water. as well as a few pike!
  19. WOW! You sir.. are my idol..
  20. for the past two yrs I have used 12-14lb Trilen XL on my crankbait rod.. havnt had any complaints
  21. used to stay there all the time.. fishing is pretty good to but i normaly bring my boat
  22. if your so tired go to bed?
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